
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Beginning of Everything - I

Timeskip ( 2 years )

Tatsuya POV

4 years have passed since I was born. I have recently turned 4 years old. I am currently looking at the scenery through the window, with my sister sitting beside me. You may be wondering where I am ? Well , I am currently on a train to Hokkaido, to spend my summer vacation there with my family. Nothing much happened during the past two years, except the fact I have joined kindergarten. Maaan, the kids are too noisy, too immature and they cry at every little thing. Even though I have to act like a baby, the best I can do is sulk, make adorable, depressed faces….but crying?...Nonononono….COUNT ME OUT. Yeah yeah poor me for not being a perfect actor.

Hoo...you are coming to me ? Hmmmm…you are asking which approach I took when interacting with my fellow classmates ? The edgy one , the over enthusiastic one , the teacher's as - *cough cough* pet , smart one or the average one ? . What do you think.. I currently want to lay low, so the average one, smile here , shout "Heroes are awesome " there , don't meddle with other's business, perfect , you are just like other kids . Well , it's the year when the quirks will awaken, then the students will be separated into hierarchical order and the bullying will start , which by the way if done by a student with an amazing quirk is said to be 'heroic' .

Yeah this hierarchical ordering just based on the body part ( quirk ) kind of reminds of the feudal system of the past, where your blood mattered , here it is quirk.

And yeah it's weird I am narrating my own story, like a certain spiderman.

(A/N – Hey, no breaking the fourth wall )


Irina – "Onii chan, what are you looking at ?"

Tatsuya – "Nothing Irina. Just enjoying the scenery"

Irina – "Booo , it's boring. Let's play card games "

Tatsuya - " …..Cards huh?...Sure, let's play card games..... Mom dad wanna play? "

Timeskip ( 1 week )

It's been a fun week. I really enjoyed spending my time in Hokkaido. Well tomorrow is the day we go back home. ..sigh... I was really hoping to get my Ultimatrix during this break. I really hope, Ultimatrix part was also not a scam, just like the System. Maybe I will get a System at a later age, because from what I can tell. If I don't get it , then I have to rely on my memory to recreate the mangas of my world. And I really hope if I don't get an ultimatrix, I must at least inherit my Mom or Dad's quirk, or I will stick out like a sore thumb and Bye-Bye to my human rights also after that, what !!!! insects ( or so they say ) , don't have rights , at least unofficially . Most of the jobs people get are also quirk based. People with quirks are preferred everywhere, or more accurately , one with a good quirk.

So, currently I am roaming in a forest adjacent to my resort . Mom and Irina have gone shopping , leaving me and my dad at the resort. My dad has been sleeping tightly. And yeah it's afternoon, not night time. Well my dad being a sleeper is a side effect of his quirk. His quirk 'Telekinesis' allows him to lift objects, but it also puts a strain on his mind which forces him to sleep. After lifting a few heavy items this morning, he's tired and sleeping. And I was supposedly "tired" and "sleeping" .

So dad went to sleep and mom and Irina went shopping, here I am strolling in the forest. This forest is close to the resort and cleared of wild animals. There are also few signs here and there to guide the tourists. In my past life , I used to have a habit of taking a long walk in some secluded place alone to get my mind off things. What do they say , Old habits die hard . I just have to make sure to not get caught and reach back to the resort before time . I am sure if I get caught , I will get an earful from mom and dad, but meh…. It's too stressful to act like a kid all the time this week , sometimes - it's fine, but all the time? A BIG PAIN. This week I didn't get any privacy , unlike at home where I have my own room. It's a vacation so it's understandable spending all the time together, even sharing rooms.

3rd POV

Tatsuya can be seen whistling and skipping steps through the forest.

*Loud Hissing sound* Tatsuya looks up . A burning object with fire trailing through its tail can be seen descending . It was around 6 km above the forest and trailing at an angle of depression of around 40 degrees.

Tatsuya - *whistles* Wow a meteor. Hmmmm…wait a minute….this seems familiar...WHAT??......it changed it's trajectory.....OH SHIT!!! IT"S COMING TOWARDS MEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........NIGERUNDAYO ( runs as fast as he can ).

When the meteor just about to crash at Tatsuya...…*Rumbling* …it's thrusters activated. Tatsuya looks back dumbfounded.

Tatsuya - It has thrusters? Wait, is it what I think it is?

Pod lands and opens up….illuminating the surrounding with bright green light.

Tatsuya - Woooww!!! It's so cool…. I have so many questions …. But it is so cool.