
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

New life

Japan, Musutafu

In a room, a woman with brown hair and blue eyes with height around 5"6' was laying on the bed in a hospital gown . In the same room a man of height around 5"10' with brown hair and green eyes was sitting beside her. The woman was holding a baby with blue eyes who was curiously looking around.


' Huh.. so I am really incarnated. I was really hoping it was some sort of bad dream, but what's done is done. It's a good thing I make the wishes seriously taking my situation into account. Wow.. my supposed mom is really beautiful, and my supposed dad is handsome and masculine . I don't think I can call them mom and dad. It's really weird to call some stranger , even if they are the biological parents of this body, mom and dad. I can only call my previous life's parents as mom and dad. Maybe after sometime, when I get attached to them like my previous parents, I will not feel weird and will not hesitate to call them mom and dad.

Now so what's the plan for now!!. I can act like a genius baby like in those fanfics and get unwanted attention from government and underworld alike. I am sure things will go south once I am on their radar. Not only that I will get unnecessary attention from public. I will not be able to lay low and will make a lot of enemies around my age group, who will be jealous of my intelligence. And when my "supposed quirk " "awaken", I am sure government will love someone as intelligent and strong like me to be their personal assasin and theri sales pitch will go like "its heroic " or " serve justice" or " help public " , just like they did with Lady nagant and Hawks . And I DEFINITELY don't want to be under AFOs radar. Gaining special attention will provide risks to both my Biological parents as well.

Uuugghhh.... I am overthinking, let's play an average child . Nothing wrong in being average. '

While MC was overthinking, to his parents were having their conversation

Hana Kobayashi ( MC' mom ) – Awwwww.....Look Akira, he got my eyes and your hair.

Akira – Yeahh,.. and look how our cutie pie is looking around. So have you decided what to call him ?

Hana ( while lifting the baby and looking into his eyes ) - Yeah, from now on his name will be Tatsuya , Tatsuya Kobayashi

Akira just smiles and looks lovingly at both his wife and son.

Timeskip ( 2 years )

Tatsuya is currently in his room playing with his 3 months old sister.

Tatsuya POV

2 years passed just like that. Ofcourse it was humiliating , being fed , the change of diapers, constant need to cry , a wound to my pride as a man , but I learned not to think too much about it , I mean well who will remember it. I just have to burn some photos, disintegrate some storage devices, that's it. In 2 years nothing much happened, I have to mostly act as a baby, and weirdly it was fun, maybe it's my body affecting my emotions. I played the role of an average child, started crawling when I was 10 months old, started talking basic words when I was 14 months old and started walking when I was 17 months old. The most interesting thing that happened was when my cute little sister was born . I was reminded of my sister in my previous life, we used to have a love and hate relationship. We will fight with each other all the time , but also had each other's back whenever the need arises. Sigh...God I miss her..... :(

Well, I am waiting when my cute little imouto grows up, then I will give her weird nicknames which will irritate her alot ( dark chuckle ). My relationship with my parents is also great. I have grown to love them a lot, maybe it's because of the guilt of not being with my parents during there final breath, or maybe it's the emotions of this little body that is effecting my thinking, well whatever it is, I love spending time with my family.

And about the system, I think I have been scammed by the so-called ROB of advanced civilization. I have tried 'System', 'Status' , but nothing happens. Let's hope the Ultimatrix part is not a scam also. * Yawwwnnnn * I am sleeeeppyyyyy....this little body has too much sleep needs.

( A/N – Pictures updated in prologue )