
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Reincarnation 2

Alex : " That's great. My first wish is to have a Ultimatrix with master control and million alien species unlocked"

ROB : " Remember I told not too overpowered. You will only get 10 aliens for selection. Excluding AlienX, Waybig, Atomix, Clockwork. Choose wisely. "

Alex: ' I already expected that I wouldn't get all the aliens. I assumed I will only get 5 aliens. Well 10 is not a bad number. Now let's choose wisely -..... let's see.... I got it '

" I have decided.... I will go with Greymatter ( intelligence ), Swampfire ( Regeneration , Pyrokinesis ) , Humangosaur ( Strength ) , Diamondhead ( Versatile powerhouse ) , Echo Echo ( Replication ) , Bigchill ( Survive in vaccum ,Tangibility , not Ghostfreak , it's scary , and even a cell of Ghostfreak contains its consciousness ) , Jetray ( Superspeed, Air ) , XLR8 ( Superspeed, Land ) , Amphibian ( Underwater , Reading mind through electric signal, Circuitry Travel ) , NRG ( Indestructible armour , Radioactive ). "

ROB : "So you nearly covered every aspect with these choices. Not bad, you didn't only chose strength. You used your brains . Very well , I assume you want Master control so that you don't have to touch the watch? "

Alex: " Yeah you are right. I don't want to rely on touching the hourglass to transform. It would be my biggest weakness . I want to transform through mental commands. Also with Master control, I can have access to Ultimatrix's AI, which will be very useful "

ROB: " I got it. You will have Master Control but there will be limit to your transformations . It will be sort of pseudo Master control. Since every time you transform, your whole DNA Changes, even though humans are very adaptable species , but they are not that much adaptable . Continous transformation will damage your Human DNA and will make you into an abomination. Your time of tranformation will be slowly increased as your body gets accustomed to the transformation. "

Alex : (nods) Understandable. I took that possibility into account before asking. I don't want to be the strongest , I just want enough tools at my disposal to save myself and my family. Now for Second wish I wish to have a Mangaka system, you know the system with Useful skills like drawing , writing at its disposal. Also with copies of Anime, Hollywood movies and games as well."

ROB : " Thats a very....unique wish. Mind telling me the reason why "

Alex: ' He say's that it's a request, but it's clearly an order(gulp)' " The way I see MHA world, it is world in where democracy is a farce, people are very heavily brainwashed, to worship and train the child soldiers , their so called heroes. It's clear as day govt uses the propoganda and child soldiers to maintain the power they had. No matter how many crimes there so called heroes commit, people still worship them like they are GOD. No one cares about the life lost with the same criminal over an over. People even don't go against the government. Correction...those who go against the govt are immediately labelled as Villians by Hero association and no one even questions it, media starts to oscratize the person because he/she is a villian. And so called 'Heroes' try to serve their so called 'Justice' by apprehending or 'accidently' killing the villian. Hero association have literal power to make or destroy anyone's life , by marking someone Hero and Villian , and the brainwashed public don't even question it . Hero association president and council are basically a dictator. Not only that, in the world of quirks, Humans lost one thing that make humans, human. Creativity. Creativity to make new ideas. Will power to never give up. Determination to work hard even against all odds. Intelligence to use all the tools at your disposal to reach new heights. These things make humans, human and different from beasts, beasts who only use there natural born gift, nothing else. Humans in MHA are no different than beasts. That's why I need Mangaka system. I will slowly and surely remove all brainwashing. I will show people what is a world of gray. What it means to be human. It doesn't matter what body part you are born with, what matters is how hard you work in your life. Let's see how the world of black and white will adjust to gray scale"

ROB : ' It was a good choice to chose him. He always view things from a different point of view than others. Maybe this time we will get a different result' . " I see, granted then, your system skills will be limited to things normal human can learn in there lifetime. No overpowered sytem. No store. No system AI. You will have all the mangas, animes and movies . You can transfer the movies , anime to your ultimatrix through your mental command, from there you figure it out.. Mr Galvan. . Now what's your last wish ?"

Alex: " My last wish to make it so that only I can control who can see my Ultimatrix. I don't want those hungry,greedy,selfish politicians to figure out my ultimatrix and try to take it to make there own army. Because if I refuse them I am sure they will make me a villian with some false charges easily and those brainwashed so called 'heroes ' of justice or child soldiers , as I like to say them , will hunt me and my family down. "

ROB: " Granted. Now off you go. And yeah you will get your ultimatrix when you are 4 yrs old "

Alex: " Thank you so much for granting my wishes ( Bowing down ) "

ROB : "Don't mind it . Bye bye "

Alex disappears

ROB: ' It will be fun to watch this experiment. This one will do something unique, unlike others * chuckles * '