
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


1 year timeskip

Tatsuya POV

It's been a year since I got the Ultimatrix. I have been constantly transforming to different alien species whenever the Ultimatrix got out of safe mode. The safe mode is still fixed at 6 hours for the past one year , but my transformation time has been increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

3rd POV

" Sir, it's time for your school . It is recommended to initiate your daily routine or you will get a scolding from Miss Kobayashi again. " An unknown voice sounded. " Thanks Trix for the reminder" replied Tatsuya as he started to get ready for school. " Anytime Sir " .

Tatsuya POV

Yeah and this is Trix, my own Artificial Intelligent Personal Assistant. It was a tag along with Ultimatrix. And her voice is similar to 'Friday' , Tony Stark's personal assistant after Jarvis . So yeah, where was I? Ahh…Yeah, my time for transformation has increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and I have observed a few points regarding Ultimatrix and my transformation.

The age of my transformation is congruent to my age. The more I age, the stronger and larger my forms become.

The strength of my transformation is congruent to my human strength. The stronger I am in my human form, the stronger my aliens are. Suppose, I am fat and weak by human standards, Humungousaur will also be fat and weak by Vaxasaurian standards. If I am in peak form, my transformation's strength will also be in the peak form.

There is a backup power core in Ultimatrix, which will only be used in case of extreme emergencies.

If I switch from one form to another, my time of transformation will decrease. Let's say if I have 6 minutes left before I turn into a human and then I change my form to another alien, my time of transformation will reduce from 6 minutes to 4 minutes.

Theoretically, according to the manual, Ultimate forms consume 4 times more power than their counterparts.

This huge amount of power I have to transform also comes at a cost. Transformation from one form to another consumes my stamina also. If I am in an alien form and my stamina hits rock bottom, I won't be forcefully turned back into human, but I will be dead tired in the alien form, like I ran a marathon.

Life form lock increases my transformation time and reduces the power consumption. Currently with life-form lock, I can maintain my transformation for 20 minutes. Still it's not recommended to use life-form lock often.

Well, that basically sums it up.

3rd POV

"Morning Mom, dad, Irina " said Tatsuya after he reached the dining table. " Good Morning Tatsu/Onii-chan" replied Akira, Hana and Irina. After having breakfast, Akira was dropping off both Tatsuya and Irina at their school.

Tatsuya POV

With the help of Trix, I had collected all types of information from both net and darknet , regarding the history of this planet. Honestly, I am shit scared after going through the collected history and linking it with the knowledge of my world. First of all there is ho history subject in school anymore. I mean there is, but it's basically all after World War 3, and that too full of propaganda for heroes. Let's start at the beginning. The age of quirks started at the end of 2050, which led to the start of huge civil unrest, as humans always like to form groups based on similar interests , whether they be age, color, race, religion, or quirks , and ostracize other groups. Around the year 2062, it was the start of civil war in nearly all the countries of the world, which later resulted in the start of World War 3 in the year 2064. I don't know how the government was successful in amplifying the crisis instead of solving it. Sigh…politicians, they only know how to create problems , not solve them. Maybe the governments of the world pulled a Lelouch, uniting the population against a common enemy , that is, other countries. World war 3, as many would expect, was not a nuclear war, or so they say. Number of countries in my old world was around 195. Now, the total number of countries is around 80. There is no more South and North Korea, only Korea, which has democratic government, or a government which can be as much democratic as possible in today's world. Nuclear countries (except N.Korea, Pakistan) in the old world have a much larger area within their state when compared to old world maps, as far as I can remember. The old world map is also not available on the internet anymore. Many countries in Africa ceased to exist and are a part of a whole new country, formed by combination of various countries. Seriously, what the hell happened for such drastic change to happen. That is not the worst thing. If we go by my old world's standard, the human population in 2020 was around 7 billion, and was estimated to be around 1.5 Trillion by the year 2280 ( current year ). Now guess what, what's the current population of the world? It's barely crossing 12 billion, after all these years. The war ended around the year 2075. From that time to the current year, the world is at peace, as much peace can be given the situation. Still the population is only this much. I can't even fathom the amount of deaths that happened during the dark age, and what is given on the internet about this? Nothing, absolutely NOTHING. Basically all the human history is erased from existence between the year 1970 and 2050, and filled with useless propaganda, like calling this period as stagnation period of human race, where we achieved nothing and giving all the achievements and miracles that were achieved by humanity during this period to people with quirks after the year 2050. I mean war destroyed everything, even all the civilian technology, leaving nothing except few digital copies and hard copies of the theories used to achieve that level of technology. During the rebuilding phase, they must have done this thing of transferring the achievements and altering the course of history. Anime has heavily whitewashed everything related to the MHA world, and I am literally scared when thinking about the history that happened and how it is hidden from everyone.