
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Quirk Awaken - II

Next Day

"So how are you feeling today? Can you transform today" Akira asked Tatsuya as they both were waiting for Hana and Irina downstairs. " I am feeling very energetic. I think I can transform if I try" replied Tatsuya enthusiastically.

Akira - It's good. So your transformation drains the energy of your body heavily. Well don't transform now, wait till we tell you to do so.

Tatsuya - Okaayy!!


Mustafu Quirk Assessment Centre:-

" Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Kobayashi " The doctor greeted them with a smile as he introduced himself, " Please be seated. I am Dr. Kenji. So, young Tatsuya has awoken his quirk. Please show me his medical reports ". Hana nodded and handed Tatsuya's documents to Dr. Kenji.

Meanwhile Dr. Kenji was going through the reports, Akira added "Dr. Kenji, Tatsuya's quirk is transformation type. He's barely able to hold his transformation as his transformation consumes a huge amount of energy. So please keep that in mind"

Doctor who was still concentrating on the documents nodded and added " Hmmm, I see. I will take it into account. Common young Tatsuya, let's do some tests". Tatsuya merely nodded.

After a few tests, the doctor sat back on his spot and gestured to Tatsuya " Common young Tatsuya, show us your quirk". TAtsuya merely nodded and went to the openspace for transformation. Meanwhile, Hana, Akira and Irina wore sunglasses completely baffling the doctor. A bright blinding green light surrounded the room.

" UUgghhh… I thought we can see what happens behind that green light" exclaimed Hana. " Yeah, the light is too bright, even rendering our sunglasses useless" Akira added. Meanwhile, Irina was trying to break free from her mother's grip and was trying to jump off her lap.

Doctor was shocked at first, but calmed himself , afterall he had seen too many weird quirks in his lifetime. " Hmmm…I see. So you have an animal transformation quirk. Transformation type quirks of this type are quite rare. People once transformed are unable to change back. " Doctor looked in deep thought for a few seconds before he asked " What was that green light? Is that a part of your quirk? Can you control it? " . Tatsuya shook his head and replied " No doctor. It just seems to emitted when I transform. I don't seem to have any control over it" . " I see" . Doctor nodded and scribbled something in his notebook.

Meanwhile, Irina jumped from her mother's lap and ran towards Tatsuya. With shining stars in her eyes, she was admiring Tatsuya's form. Suddenly she grabbed Amphibian's tentacles ( the one that are replacement for his arm) , which due to sudden movement released a small amount of electric discharge, shocking Irina.

Irina suddenly fell down on the floor and started crying, gathering everyone's attention. Hana rushed over and cradled Irina in her arms. Tatsuya was panicking. " I-I d-didn't mean to. I-it just happened" . " Calm down, we know it was an accident " Akira said while patting Amphibian's head.

A bright green light surrounded the room , turning Amphibian into human form. Tatsuya with a guilty expression on his face went towards his sister and started apologizing and consoling her.

While all this was happening, the doctor was fascinated by Electrokinesis and was jotting down notes. When Irina stopped crying , the doctor suddenly interrupted the quiet environment " So his transformation also emits electricity just like Jellyfish. Tatsuya's got his quirk from you, Mrs Kobayashi, but it just got mutated. "

Akira and Hana simply nodded, gesturing the doctor to continue.

"There are many cases of mutation. Unfortunately, we don't have sufficient knowledge on quirks so that we can explain such mutations. Anyways, I got enough information about the quirk for registration. Now do you want to name your quirk ? " Doctor said while looking at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya, who was holding Irina looked up, " I gave it a thought yesterday and came up with a name. I first came up with 'Jellyfritz' as I looked like Jellyfish, then I came up with ' Ampfibian' , because it sounds way cooler. What do you think, Irina?" Tatsuya lost his enthusiasm after making Irina cry and spoke in a neutral tone. " Hmm..*sniff*...Amfi..Onii-chan..*sniff* " Irina replied. Tatsuya looked up to the doctor with a smile and said " Ampfibian it is " .

Doctor smiled wryly as the name Ampfibian barely described the quirk.

" Why don't we use the official name as Jellyfritz and the secondary name as Ampfibian " Hana added. "Yeah that's a great idea. Now I have enough data for quirk registration. You are free to leave " Doctor immediately added and started typing on his computer.

" " Thank You doctor. " " Kobayashi family added before leaving.


In a dark room,

" Hmmm.... Dual quirk and a possibility of light emitting quirk...Interesting....Kobayashi family…huh…..Should we add him on the team ? ...….Hmmmmmmmmm.....No his transformation is too flashy...…..Let's add him on the watchlist...…" A figure shrouded in darkness muttered to himself.