
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

History - II

Tatsuya POV

Anime has heavily whitewashed everything related to the MHA world, and I am literally scared when thinking about the history that happened and how it is hidden from everyone. Well I somewhat understood why the leaders at that time did that. In their position maybe I also do the same thing. Humans are scared of the unknown. Quirks were the biggest unknown. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. This suffering of the people with quirk, led them to lash out which led to Civil war between the two groups, Quirk and Quirkless. Politicians recognize one of the biggest weapons in the human arsenal is words. Words, if spoken in the correct order, at the right moment,with sufficient emotions, in front of the right crowd can even topple the nation from within, by rallying the people against the top brass and it has been proven throughout human history. With correct words, at the right situations , they directed the hate people have towards each other to their long term enemies. They united the people under the common cause leading to the war between East and West. Democratic and Authoritarian countries had always been at each other's throats due to the difference in ideologies. I would not be surprised if this war was a secret deal made by the top brass of both sides, considering the situation was getting out of hand. Maybe that's why nuclear weapons were never used . Well , I will never get to know the details. Considering today's population, I can estimate by the end of World War 3 more than 6 Billion died, leaving each country with a population in millions, making the task of rewriting everything for the new government comparatively easy , when people must be struggling for basic necessities. I doubt that even the current top brass in the government know anything about the truth of the world. There is also a possibility that maybe the old world government figured out what brought such extreme changes in human beings. Today's people call it evolution, I call it BullShit. If you want to talk about evolution, better read Darwin's theory of evolution. Species evolve , but it takes generations to note any significant amount of change in the species. There is negligible amount of change between two consecutive generations. It's not like parents are normal human beings, then wow…Our child is emitting light, even though neither of us nor our ancestors showed any such powers, any power related to light, but it's completely OK for our child to do that and yeah it's EVOLUTION. I don't know what that is, but it sounds reasonable. Human Ignorance. What do they say, Ignorance is a Bliss.

" Here's your stop. See you at dinner" Akira suddenly interrupted Tatsuya's thoughts. "See ya"

And I have reached my school. " Hey Tatsuya, Good Morning" . " Ahh..Ohh good morning Ren, How are you doing?" I replied with a friendly smile to my only friend in elementary school. Ren, late bloomer, not awakened his quirk, currently in the same class as me. His mother died during his early days. Raised by his father. Ultimatrix on my command one day did a whole 3D scan of the whole school and its neighborhood. From there I found out the school was under surveillance, by who, I don't know, are they watching the whole school or a particular student , I don't know. This made me more at unease and wary of everything around me. I am unable to point out their purpose.

" Did you watch yesterday how All Might one punched the villain with a knife quirk yesterday?" Asked Ren enthusiastically. " Yeah, it was cool. It was swish…and swish…boom....it was so cool. I want to be a cool hero like him too" I also replied with the same enthusiastic tone. While inwardly, I was cringing at the nonsense I was spouting. But I have to maintain the facade of a normal kid, who wants to be a hero, like every other kid, and worship All might like a god, like every other Japanese citizen.

I acknowledge that All Might is a true hero that risks his life to save people on a daily basis. It was impressive how All Might portrayed himself as the hero who would smile in the face of danger. How he would smile at every instance he showed up to save the day. Man was the symbol of peace, so he had to keep up appearances. He had to show that there is nothing that can break his will , no matter how hard things get. I really admired this thing about All Might. But there was one little problem with that. It seemed like All Might was the sole pillar that kept the society from collapsing. People relied too much on the guy, so much so that if something were to happen to him, chaos would break out. Already, everywhere he went, people would act like he would appear out of thin air to rescue them from their troubles. It created a society where no one was independent anymore and that was never a good thing. You can see the incompetence of people from the backstory of Shigaraki. As a kid , he killed his family by accident, he needed help. But what did people do, they outright ignored a 5 year old child covered in blood, devastated, broken down, crying. "Some hero will help you , stay put " , those idiots said , instead of calling for the police or ambulance and meanwhile trying to comfort the child.

So where was I? Oh yeah, about All Might. Remember, there was an old saying ' Never meet your heroes '. I fear analyzing All Might's personality at a personal level. What if he is not the same as shown in the anime? It is often said and proven to be true that Power tends to corrupt. Power in this quote generally refers to the power one gains while climbing the social ladder, so I hope this doesn't apply to All Might.

Back to the present, I am in class and GODD, it's so boring. I have to pay attention to each and every thing the teacher's say or I will be pointed out by the teacher just because I wasn't paying attention. Then I will either get a scolding or the teacher will order me to solve the problem on board. If I pretend to be an idiot and not be able to solve the question, it will lead to my humiliation. If I solve the problem, 2 scenarios will play out. Either teacher will be impressed and allow me to go back to my desk, OR the teacher has a stick stuck up his ass and will take this as an insult and will give me harder problems. I am pretty sure I can easily solve all the problems the teacher will throw at me. I used to have an above average IQ in my previous life, along with a Masters degree in Computer Science. Now in this life with the help of a supercomputer, I have a sort of photographic memory too. Like I have to try learning the thing, like I used to normally , to store something in the chip. But the catch is, suppose I took 2 hours to learn a chapter, because I have to read it again and again, understand it, then write the answers to questions to commit to memory, now I only need to understand the things I am reading and it's committed to my memory.

Shit…I am dozing off.....Try to stay awake…try to stay awake…..Ugh....Can't wait to go home.


I know the story is going slow. I am currently building the world's background and introducing some characters. These characters are not dispensable and are currently in the big picture I am trying to paint . And I apologize for the late update, but I only write the story as a way to relax from my otherwise hectic schedule.