
In Konoha As Admiral Kizaru: Salary Determines My Fighting Power

False ninja: He went to ninja school at the age of six, entered Anbu at the age of eleven, devoted himself to death at the age of twenty-one, and became the nourishment of the leaves. A real ninja: idle around, catch fish at work, clock in and leave work, do tasks without working hard, proficient in fishing and health preservation. False Hokage: full marks for mouth release, ninja world in heart. The real Hokage: One mouthful from him is scary, and have nothing but salary at heart. ————— This book is also known as "Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!" "Hokage 955", "The Admiral Kizaru Who Never Works Overtime", "I Want to Be the Man of Hokage"... . This is a translation Raw: https://www.69shu.com/txt/51220/33440806

Frenzy_Mage · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 11

"Shimura Kizaru, Hyuga Toda!"

As Kiyoshi Yamakawa's words fell to the ground, under everyone's gaze, Kizaru came forward from the back of the crowd.

Hyuga Toda was standing at the front of the crowd, with Kiyoshi Yamakawa not far behind, and his eyes were also on Kizaru who stepped forward.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Hyuga Toda silently adjusted his state.

The astonishing performance of Kizaru just now made Hyuga Toda clearly know that he is definitely not someone who can fight and win against an existence like this big devil.

"Shimura Kizaru, I admit that you are a real genius! Your strength is indeed very strong, but I, Hyuga Toda, will not admit defeat, I will go all out, with the strongest physical skills in the ninja world, the softness of my Hyuga clan Gentle Fist beats you!" Hyuga Toda clenched his hands hanging on both sides of his thighs tightly, and said in his heart, feeling tragic and passionate about himself.

That is to say, Kizaru doesn't know how to read minds, otherwise he will definitely complain about Hyuga Toda, the self-proclaimed strongest ninja martial art! In front of the man who almost kicked the finale in the future, who would dare to say that his taijutsu is the strongest in the ninja world?

"Kizaru-san, I will do my best, and I hope you will do the same!" Hyuga Toda said seriously, looking directly at Kizaru who was walking in front of him.

Kizaru looked down at this guy who had "spontaneously ignited," and couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his head, complaining in his heart, "How come the children of the ninja world have already entered the second year of middle school?"

Looking at Hyuga Toda's tragic and passionate expression, Kizaru knew without thinking that this guy had already put himself into the role of a hero who was about to challenge the big villain.

So say it! Children should not read so many middle school novels and anime, it's easy to get cranky!

It's all about complaining, but Kizaru didn't hurt Hyuga Toda's passion. He nodded with a smile and replied, "The Hyuga clan is really amazing!"

"Of course!" Hyuga Toda replied seriously.

"Okay, you two, go up and stand up for me, the battle will start soon!" As he spoke, Kiyoshi Yamakawa looked at Kizaru, winking all the time, the meaning is self-evident, you pay attention to me.

Kizaru also understood the meaning revealed in the teacher's eyes and nodded with a smile.

Under the watchful eyes of all the classmates and the teacher, the two walked to the center of the field and stood opposite each other.

"Come on, classmate Hyuga!"

Perhaps because everyone has sympathy for the underdog, many students cheered for Hyuga Toda!

Hyuga Toda didn't think so much, hearing the cheers from the students around him made him more determined to defeat Kizaru!

Kiyoshi Yamakawa looked at the two students on the field, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly: "Start!"

Hearing the beginning, Hyuga Toda moved instantly, instead of retreating to make a distance, he rushed directly to Kizaru.

The ninjutsu prowess shown by Kizaru in the ninja throwing test made Hyuga Toda clearly realize that only by closing the distance between himself and Kizaru at the beginning of the battle, and using his best taijutsu to fight against Kizaru, there is only a slight chance of victory.

Hyuga Toda knew that Kizaru had shown abnormal physical fitness during the entrance examination, and he might not be able to gain the upper hand in the physical combat with Kizaru, but compared with the wind release ninjutsu displayed by Kizaru, Hyuga Toda still feels that pulling in the distance and performing physical combat is his only hope of defeating Kizaru!

Facing Hyuga Toda who was sprinting towards him, Kizaru stood still, even with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Kizaru's response caused Hyuga Toda to feel a surge of anger. During the sprint, he opened his eyes and chakra emerged from both hands. The Gentle Fist of the Hyuga Clan.

With his right hand forming a palm, Hyuga Toda took advantage of the height difference and aimed a blow at Kizaru's abdomen.

"Damn guy, this is the price you pay for underestimating the enemy!" Seeing that his right palm immediately aimed at Kizaru's abdomen, Hyuga Toda's eyes showed joy.

"It's really scary!" Kizaru lowered his head, and when he saw Hyuga Toda's attack, he immediately reacted.

In a blink of an eye, Kizaru finally moved. He twisted his body and narrowly avoided Hyuga Toda's attacking right palm.

Immediately afterward, almost instantly, Kizaru raised his right foot, kicked out an afterimage, and directly kicked Hyuga Toda flying.

Kizaru's fierce counterattack at this moment made the teachers and classmates who were watching couldn't help screaming.

Show, it's really too showy!

Whether it was the just-right movement when dodging an attack, or the sharp kick that kicked out afterimages when counterattacking, everyone present clearly recognized that Shimura Kizaru, the big devil, also has excellent physical skills. Amazing talent and strength.

Seeing Hyuga Toda being kicked into the air, Kiyoshi Yamakawa instinctively opened his mouth, wanting to take the opportunity to end the competition and announce the victory of Kizaru.

But flying in the air, Hyuga Toda noticed the teacher's movement with his eyes open, and he quickly shouted: "I can continue."


Before Hyuga Toda finished speaking, he fell heavily to the ground.

Suppressing the pain from his whole body, especially from the butt that was kicked, Hyuga Toda quickly stood up from the ground and shouted, "I can continue!"

Seeing the students who were full of fighting spirit and unwilling to admit defeat, Kiyoshi Yamakawa hesitated for a moment, then closed his mouth.

Seeing the teacher shut up, Hyuga Toda looked at Kizaru again and continued: "I said, show all your strength, you bastard, don't underestimate me!"

While shouting, Hyuga Toda rushed toward Kizaru again.

"What an amazing guy!" Kizaru exclaimed.

While speaking, Kizaru began to form seals, "Be careful! If you can't catch it, you will die!"

"Kizaru!" Hearing what Kizaru said, Kiyoshi Yamakawa shouted quickly, and his body tensed up.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere!"

After Kizaru took a deep breath, a large number of wind chakras with nature changes spewed out from his mouth, forming a huge transparent wind ball in front of him.

The huge transparent wind ball, like an air missile, hit Hyuga Toda straight.

Will die! Am I really going to die?

Facing such a terrifying ninjutsu for the first time,

 Hyuga Toda, who was sprinting forward, was frightened and stopped in place.

"Get out of the way!" Seeing that Hyuga Toda seemed to be frightened, Kiyoshi Yamakawa yelled and rushed forward.

Not only Kiyoshi Yamakawa, but Shinobi Kamizu Hyuga, who was peeking outside the school playground, didn't care to hide and rushed to the playground with a Body Flicker technique.

Faster than the Hyuga clan's Jonin moves are the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, who acted when Kizaru formed seals.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the air missile fired by Kizaru had already rushed in front of Hyuga Toda, and Kiyoshi Yamakawa, who was the closest, had already rushed in front of Hyuga Toda, but he did not have the powerful attack to face of Kizaru justu on his face. 'It's such a good way, I can only choose to use my own body to block in front of my students.'

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo, who rushed over from the playground, were still a little away, and it seemed that everything was too late.