
In Konoha As Admiral Kizaru: Salary Determines My Fighting Power

False ninja: He went to ninja school at the age of six, entered Anbu at the age of eleven, devoted himself to death at the age of twenty-one, and became the nourishment of the leaves. A real ninja: idle around, catch fish at work, clock in and leave work, do tasks without working hard, proficient in fishing and health preservation. False Hokage: full marks for mouth release, ninja world in heart. The real Hokage: One mouthful from him is scary, and have nothing but salary at heart. ————— This book is also known as "Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!" "Hokage 955", "The Admiral Kizaru Who Never Works Overtime", "I Want to Be the Man of Hokage"... . This is a translation Raw: https://www.69shu.com/txt/51220/33440806

Frenzy_Mage · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 10

Kizaru did not hold the shuriken behind his body like his previous classmates, but raised the shuriken and put it in front of his mouth.

Seeing Kizaru's action, most of the onlookers showed puzzled expressions, only a few of them probably guessed the meaning of Kizaru's action.

"This guy is too much!!!" Nara Shikaku is one of the very few. When Kizaru asked the question just now, he guessed that this guy was about to do bad things again.

Apart from Shikaku Nara, Hiruzen Sarutobi also felt that something was wrong. Combined with Kizaru's question just now, he guessed that this student who is usually very salty seems to be about to make a big deal.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not make a sound to stop him, but secretly tightened his muscles and entered a state of alert.

"This action." Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was hiding outside the school, clearly saw Kizaru's actions, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at his old friend beside him.

"This kid is really messing around!" While complaining, Danzo's face showed no trace of anger, but a little excitement.

Hiruzen Sarutobi retracted the question he wanted to ask, turned his attention to the playground again, took a deep breath, and calmed down his mind.

The wind release chakra, which contains a change in nature, protrudes from the mouth of Kizaru, and wrapped around the wooden shuriken.

Under the effect of the wind release chakra, the shuriken began to spin, and the speed continued to increase.

As the rotation speed increased, Kizaru moved the right hand controlling the shuriken to the side of his body.

Around the high-speed rotating shuriken, a circle of transparent and shaped, ultra-thin and extremely sharp wind blades with a diameter of half a meter was formed.

Everyone present was stunned, looking dumbfounded, watching Kizaru's performance.

"This... this is Danzo's!" Hiruzen Sarutobi recognized the ninjutsu performed by Kizaru, Wind Release: Vacuum Blade Shuriken.

Instinctively swallowed his saliva, Kiyoshi Yamakawa reacted, and quickly shouted: "Everyone step back five meters!"

The teacher's yell brought the students back to their senses one after another, and hurriedly backed away.

"This guy is so strong?" Uchiha Inahura, who had just returned to the crowd, was dragged back by his classmates while staring at Kizaru, muttering to himself.

Raising his right hand to control the shuriken in his hand, and putting his left hand in his pocket, Kizaru appeared very relaxed. He even looked back at the students behind him to make sure that everyone backed away before continuing his actions.

Slightly flicking his right hand forward, the Wind Release: Vacuum Blade Shuriken in his hand spun forward rapidly and flew towards the target in front of Kizaru.


As soon as the wooden target touched Wind Release: Vacuum Blade Shuriken, it was instantly cut into countless pieces.

After destroying the target, Wind Release: Vacuum Blade Shuriken did not stop, and continued to move forward, landing on the open space several meters behind the target.

There was a louder sound, and dust, gravel, and mud were thrown into the air, and a cloud of grayish-colored smoke formed in front of Kizaru.

Standing in front of the students, Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't help but break out in cold sweat when he saw this scene.

When his eyes shifted to the back of Kizaru, Kiyoshi Yamakawa gasped, and he had a clearer understanding of the degree of abnormality of Kizaru in his heart.

Maybe this guy's strength has surpassed his own?

Kiyoshi Yamakawa thought a little uncertainly, a sense of frustration and bitterness rose in his heart!

The existence of a genius is really full of blows to ordinary people!

Does this child really need to study in school?

Yamakawa Kiyoshi thought silently in his heart.

It's not just Kiyoshi Yamakawa who thinks this way, most of the ninjas outside the school who have been paying attention to the exam situation have this idea.

Such a monster really hit other students too hard.

A jonin from the branch of the Hyuga clan is also hiding outside the school, and at this moment he has rolled his eyes.

With the help of his Byakugan, he immediately saw the extent of damage caused by Kizaru's ninjutsu, as well as the terrifying chakra on Kizaru's body that was comparable to a tailed beast.

"Monster, this guy is simply a monster!" Jonin from Hyuga's family sighed instinctively.

The voice of this Jonin talking to himself was extremely low, but Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo who were standing on the branches in the distance heard it.

Frowning slightly, Danzo felt displeased with the words of this Hyuga family ninja.

We, the Shimura clan, can say that such a word with a bad connotation like a monster, you, a guy from the Hyuga family, how can you be qualified to describe it like that?

"It's just a slip of the tongue!" Sarutobi Hiruzen, who knew his old friend very well, looked at Danzo and explained for the ninja of Hyuga's family.

The frown slowly relaxed, and a smile appeared on Danzo's face.

"Hey! Let me, the Shimura family, be responsible for the repairs of the playground! After the exam is over, I will definitely teach this kid a lesson. He is too nonsense."

Smiling and shaking his head, Hiruzen Sarutobi picked up the pipe, took a puff, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Danzo, let this kid graduate early! He has nothing to learn in school."

Danzo's expression changed, and he became distressed, "This child is taken too well by the elders of the family, and his personality is too willful. He is unwilling to graduate early, and I can't push him too much."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who knew the character of his old friend, showed a surprised expression when he heard Danzo's words, and complained in his heart: "When did you ever talk so easily?"

Danzo seemed to have guessed what his friend was thinking, and continued: "I have made an agreement with him to graduate from school early in three years at most."

Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded and said nothing more.

Looking back to the playground, because of the wonderful performance of Kizaru, all the targets for throwing ninja tools were damaged, and a large hole appeared in the field behind the targets.

When the dust dissipated, Kiyoshi Yamakawa walked up to Kizaru with a complex expression, turned his head to look at the big pit in front of him, and then looked at the calm and smiling Kizaru, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

"Cough cough!" Kiyoshi coughed a few times, and after drawing the attention of the whole class to himself, Kiyoshi Yamakawa spoke.

"Because the site was seriously damaged." Having said that, Kiyoshi Yamakawa glanced at Kizaru again.

Sensing the sight from the teacher, Kizaru showed an apologetic smile on his face, looking apologetic.

"Because of the serious damage to the venue, the ninja throwing test is temporarily suspended, and we are entering the next round of testing, the actual combat test!"


Hearing the teacher's words, the students who hadn't fully recovered from Kizaru's performance just responded perfunctorily.

"Everyone goes to the front of the battlefield to combine and get ready. The test will start immediately."

After arranging for the students to leave, Kiyoshi Yamakawa stopped Kizaru and deliberately walked at the back of the line.

"Student Kizaru, please don't use too dangerous ninjutsu during the battle!"

"Don't worry! Teacher! I have a sense of propriety." Kizaru replied calmly.

Do you have a sense of proportion? You have a dick!

Yamakawa Kiyoshi said fiercely in his heart.