
In Konoha As Admiral Kizaru: Salary Determines My Fighting Power

False ninja: He went to ninja school at the age of six, entered Anbu at the age of eleven, devoted himself to death at the age of twenty-one, and became the nourishment of the leaves. A real ninja: idle around, catch fish at work, clock in and leave work, do tasks without working hard, proficient in fishing and health preservation. False Hokage: full marks for mouth release, ninja world in heart. The real Hokage: One mouthful from him is scary, and have nothing but salary at heart. ————— This book is also known as "Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!" "Hokage 955", "The Admiral Kizaru Who Never Works Overtime", "I Want to Be the Man of Hokage"... . This is a translation Raw: https://www.69shu.com/txt/51220/33440806

Frenzy_Mage · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Ch 12

"Look down!"

Just when Hyuga Toda was feeling desperate, a lazy voice reached his ears, and then a yellow figure appeared in front of his eyes.

When the ninjutsu was cast, Kizaru, who had already planned, appeared in the middle of Hyuga Toda and Kiyoshi Yamakawa like a teleport.

Holding one head down with one hand, Kizaru kept a calm smile on his face.

After holding down the two people on the left and right sides of his body, Kizaru raised his slender and powerful right leg in the face of the huge wind ball that exuded great power and wanted to cut and smash everything in front of him.

With chakra covering his right leg, Kizaru kicked powerfully, kicking the wind ball into the sky like a football.

The huge wind ball that was attacked instantly lifted into the air and then exploded, turning into a gust of wind and hitting all around.

The students watching around the field were all hit by the strong wind, so they could only close their eyes, lower their heads, and protect their bodies with their hands.

"Wow! It's really scary!"

The strong wind hit all around, but Kizaru in the center was not affected. He put his hands on his teacher and classmates, looked up at the sky, and looked very emotional!

"If you know it's scary, don't use ninjutsu indiscriminately!" Kiyoshi Yamakawa, whose head was pinned down, lifted his head while removing Kizaru's hand with his hand, and said angrily.

After being terrified, Kiyoshi Yamakawa, who had not yet fully recovered his composure, looked at Kizaru angrily, wanting to swear!

But as a teacher, coupled with the fact that he was surrounded by his own students, and out of consideration for the strength gap between the two sides, Kiyoshi Yamakawa held back abruptly.

Compared to the angry Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Hyuga Toda, who had been pinned down by Kizaru, was still in a shutdown at this time and had not recovered.

"Don't worry, teacher! As I said, I am very measured. You see, everyone is fine!" Kizaru replied with a smile.

'Take a deep breath and keep telling yourself in your heart, don't get angry, you are a teacher, this is a school, surrounded by students, you can't lose your composure.'

Keeping talking in his heart, Kiyoshi Yamakawa tried his best to calm down his mood.

"You..." Kiyoshi Yamakawa didn't know what to say for a moment. After a moment of stupefaction, he looked at Kizaru and said earnestly, "Student Kizaru, please apply for early graduation! Staying in school will only waste your talent!"

"Teacher, I miss you and everyone!" Kizaru replied with a "sincere" face.

His cheeks twitched a few times, and Kiyoshi Yamakawa had nothing to say for a while.

"Ahem!" Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, a cough sound came from not far away.

"Master Hokage!"

"Wow! It's Hokage-sama!"

"Grandpa Hokage is here!"

Hearing someone calling Hokage Grandpa, the middle-aged Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to take a puff of cigarette melancholy.

'Which family's children can't talk, it's really annoying!'

Silently complaining in his heart, Hiruzen Sarutobi kept a kind smile on his face and greeted the children around him kindly.

Touching this head, patting that shoulder, Sarutobi Hiruzen walked through the pile of children and walked to the battlefield.

"Hokage-sama, I made you worry. This is my negligence. I am very sorry!" Seeing Hiruzen Sarutobi approaching, Kiyoshi Yamakawa quickly turned around, faced Hokage, bowed, and apologized.

Keeping the smile on his face, Hiruzen Sarutobi walked up to Kiyoshi Yamakawa, stretched out his hand and patted Kiyoshi who was bent over and said kindly: "Kiyoshi, get up quickly! This is not your fault. It's been hard work for you too."

Hearing Hokage-sama's comfort, Kiyoshi Yamakawa was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

Watching the "political show" of the Third Hokages showing goodwill, Kizaru looked at Danzo, who had been standing not far away with a cold face, not moving or talking, and not close to the people at all, and couldn't help but feel sorry for his uncle's Political IQ.

You deserve it, you haven't been an official Hokage in your life, why are you so disrespectful all day long?

"Kizaru-san, are you not injured?" After comforting Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Sarutobi Hiruzen focused his attention on Kizaru.

Facing Hokage's concern, Kizaru stopped complaining about Danzo and replied with a smile: "I'm fine, Hokage-sama."

Hearing Kizaru's answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked relieved, and then he looked at Hyuga Toda whose head was still pinned down by Kizaru.

"Hyuga-san, are you alright?"

Facing Hokage-sama's concern, Hyuga Toda, who had been stunned for a long time, came back to his senses, thinking that his frightened performance just now was seen by Hokage-sama, and Hyuga Toda felt ashamed and angry.

He quickly raised his head to answer, but found that his head was still held down by a yellow ape.

"Kizaru, let me go!" Hyuga Toda shouted immediately.

Hearing Hyuga Toda's cry, Kizaru looked like he had just reacted, and quickly moved his hand away, with an apologetic expression on his face, and said to Hyuga Toda: "Hyuga-san, I'm really sorry, I was so scared, I lost my mind."

Hearing Kizaru say that he was frightened, Hyuga Toda's fair and tender face flushed instantly, feeling ashamed and angry in his heart, but he had nothing to say, he could only ignore Kizaru and look at Hokage-sama standing in front of him.

"Master Hokage, I'm fine!"

"It's a good thing to have fighting spirit, but you can't be so impulsive in the future. Correctly assessing the strength of yourself and your opponent is an essential quality for a good ninja!" Hiruzen Sarutobi took the opportunity to teach.

"I remember it, Hokage-sama!" Hyuga Toda lowered his head a little ashamedly.

Stretching out his hand to touch the back of Hinata Toda's head, Hiruzen Sarutobi encouraged him again: "However, you performed very well today. Facing a strong opponent, you were not discouraged, but worked hard to try your best to defeat your opponent. Good boy! I believe you will become an excellent ninja in the future!"

"Okay! I'll let you finish all the good and ironing." Looking at the scene in front of him, Kizaru complained silently in his heart.

No matter how Kizaru complained in his heart, Hyuga Toda, who was encouraged by Hokage, lifted his head down again, rolled his eyes and looked at Hokage, and there seemed to be a light in his eyes.

From this moment on, Hyuga Toda has officially become Hokage-sama's loyal little fan!

After appeasing the children of Hyuga's family, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Kizaru next to him. In his eyes, this amazingly talented child may be called a monster child! is his main goal.

"Student Kizaru, with your current strength, staying in school is really a waste of your talent, please apply for early graduation! I will personally put on a ninja forehead protector for you." Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Kizaru, said encouragingly.

"Hokage-sama, my strength is only a little bit stronger than my classmates, and as a ninja, I still have a lot of shortcomings. I want to continue to study in school." Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, he wanted to let his six-year-old self, leaving school and working part-time to earn money with "sinister intentions", Kizaru chose to explicitly reject it.

Let a six-year-old child become a ninja, perform various tasks, and even go to the battlefield. This world really makes the Kizaru feel messed up!

Kizaru really wanted to say something more, but seeing the students around him looking at him enviously, he felt that there was nothing to say.