
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 15

Dungeon City, a large city with a population over eighty thousand and climbing each day. It appeals to both normal civilians and adventurers alike. For it attracted hot blooded adventures to dive deeper inside and merchants to gain rare materials.

Not to mention that the red light district was famous across the continent for the numerous and beautiful women. So it wasn't rare to see young girls wanting to work there as they made up most of the wealthy members in the city.

Standing proudly in the center of the town was a large marble tower that overlooked everything. It glittered in the setting sun as if inviting those who were brave enough to challenge it.

At the entrance of the city, a wagon came to a halt off to the side. Slowly the occupants in the back climbed down with most of them rubbing their butt from such a long ride. Among them were two cute girls and a boy who scratched his head with a yawn.

"Someone really needs to upgrade these carriages. They are so bumpy." Leo said.

"Yeah," Konou agreed.

"I didn't think it was too bad. Then again I am more used to them compared to you two." Sicily said sweetly.

"I think she is just rubbing it in." Konou whispered to Leo.

"Maybe she was using healing magic on herself."

"Knock it off you two. We best find an inn to rest at tonight or we will be on the streets."

"We could always just find a brothel if worse comes to worse." Leo joked.

"I rather not have you catching a strange disease from some random woman." Sicily rejected the idea.


Passing through the gate, the three traveled the streets and luckily were able to find an inn near the dungeon. The building was a bit run down and the service was lacking as the walls were thin as they could easily be a couple next door. Not only that the bed creaked just by looking at it.

"The ones next door are very active." Konou said with a small blush.

"Yeah." Sicily agreed.

"I don't hear a woman though." Leo sounded confused.

Thanks to the gods giving out blessings for jobs. It was viewed as taboo for homosexual couples to exist between men. On the other hand, it was viewed as a virtue for women when they share a strong man as there is a higher chance to pass on strong genes.

So it was rare for two men to be together much less in a place where it was easy to be discovered. Since, it is said one would be cursed to never be able to increase their skill level nor evolve their jobs. Hence it made him confused about what he was hearing.

"BL?" Konou said, turning slightly green.

Not looking much better Leo had to nod in agreement. He truthfully didn't care about such couples, but he didn't want to hear them like now.

"Is it too late to find another inn?"


In the end, they didn't find another inn and just lodge a complaint but doubted it would do any good. On the other hand, it was decided to find a better inn with hopefully better walls.

"So this is a dungeon? It's more like a shopping mall."

This was Konou's first reaction when she stepped into the dungeon followed by Leo and Sicily. The dungeon after all did appear as one as stores lined the entrance and the layers went up. Everything from armor, potions and weapons were on display. There were even a few shouting trying to find another member for their teams while others were waiting to enter the dungeon.

"A mall where they carry the dead out in the open." Leo pointed over to the corner.

There the corpses of those that died in the dungeon were being carried out back. While they tried to cover most of the deceased, it was easily seen they didn't have a nice death. Not all the bodies that entered came out intact.

"It is the result of one moment of carelessness."

Not far from the entrance, a man in his late forties said as he looked at the bodies being pulled out. His body was still in great shape, but he looked lost as he stood off to the side watching.

"Mr. Ven is here again." A couple adventurers commented as they walked past them.

"He has come every day since his son died in the dungeon a month ago."

"It's a shame his teammates abandoned him. He was a promising adventurer with a bright future. I also heard his wife just gave birth to his son the day before."

"That is so sad to hear." Sicily began tearing up.

"Yeah, yeah." Konou nodded.

"It is a shame but that is life. Shall we look around the stores before diving in?" Leo suggested. "Konou doesn't have a weapon yet."

"My breast storage is only big enough for my id card." Konou gripped her chest while depressed.

Entering the weapon shop, Leo looked around noticing that swords made up the bulk of their inventory. From large greatswords to small short swords everything in between was on display. Tucked away were the bows, axes and hammers with miscellaneous weapons in the corner.

"What type of weapon do you want?" Leo asked as he glanced around.

"I would like something that can boost my fox fire if possible." Konou answered. "But, a small sword would work for now."

"Hmm, I don't think we will find anything here that can boost your fox fire. Even if we did, it would probably be an outrageous price." Sicily answered with a bit of sadness.

"You're probably right. I guess we just need to hope we get lucky in finding one in a treasure chest inside the dungeon."

"For that we would need to dive pretty deep inside. While I would be fine, neither of you would be. So let's just focus on increasing our or more so your strength." Leo added.

"You're sounding pretty arrogant there." Konou retorted but knew it was true.

Leo's own strength was near the top of the world with very few that could rival it after all. So the chances of him running into one inside the dungeon was pretty low unless he dove very deep inside. It probably be around floor seven or eight hundred before it would make him put a bit of effort into it.

"Well, besides collecting a large harem of beautiful women, I don't really have a goal. Such is the fate of the strong, we gain dumb or simple goals to achieve." Leo shrugged. "So, if you really want a weapon that could boost your fox fire I could dive in while you guys sleep."

"Don't do that since if you're caught they would remove your adventurer license. I also want to discover one myself." Konou instantly rejected.

Off to the side, Sicily was nodding in agreement.

"Well, try these couple weapons and we shall enter the dungeon." Leo switched topics with a small shrug.

He pulled a couple short swords off the shelf and handed them to Konou. She gave them a small wave before deciding on a small iron knife that had a small decoration around the handle. Looking at the weapon name, Leo learned it was apparently called a Tanto.

"Great, now off we go." Leo smiled as he paid and left the store with the two.

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