
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 14

"Do you think I should pray to lady luck?"

Inside the hotel room, Leo asked Sicily as he sat on the edge of the bed. He had been rubbing his head for a while thinking of this. It wouldn't draw a woman who couldn't fight since the sign in was completely random.

"Will it do anything for you?" Sicily asked unconcern. "Even if they can't fight, with you there we shouldn't have too many issues on the early and middle floors."

"Maybe if Lady Luck is a beautiful woman it might work." Leo nodded to himself. "Well, let's get this over with. Please be someone who can help."

Pulling up his sign in system, Leo pressed the button slightly scared at what he would gain.

[Congratulations host for signing in. You have drawn Kunou from Highschool DxD.]

In a cluster of lights, a figure soon appeared inside it taking the form of a girl. She wasn't tall but she was about the same size as Leo. Her body had only begun to develop as her bust wasn't large like the rest of her body.

However, she appeared to be about the same age as him and as he kept staring at her uncovered breasts and smooth legs. It wasn't until Sicily coughed lightly behind him did he realize that she finished materialing. She appeared without clothes much to his surprise but he wasn't going to complain.

The only thing he had to complain about was her strength. He knew she is nine tails, but due to her age her strength isn't very high. If he had to guess she could handle low rank monsters like goblins and kobolds.

"Where are your clothes?" Sicily asked as she pulled out one of Leo's sleeping shirts.

"I was entering the bath." Kunou answered as she pulled the shirt over her.

Thanks to being about the same size, the shirt only covered her top leaving her bottom exposed. Which led to Sicily scrambling to find clothes that would fit her, but Leo and Kunou seemed unconcerned. Kunou even walked over and sat on Leo's lap watching her scramble about.

"I know I am not strong, but I will do my best not to drag you down." Kunou spoke softly to Leo.

"Drag me down? I don't know how since I don't do much." Leo laughed lightly.

"I know my body doesn't suit your taste now, but I will work hard for the future." Konou said, making him speechless.

After recovering from his small shock. "Don't worry about that, each girl is sexy in their own ways…most of the time."

"Mmm," Konou agreed as she leaned back. "Are you this happy to have such a cute girl having her naked bottom on your lap?"

Feeling her slowly rub herself on his lap, Leo blushed lightly. Thanks to hormones and the soft feeling she gave him as she sat on his lap. He could feel his blood rushing where he didn't as he felt his pants tighten.

Leo's eyes turned red as two fangs grew inside his mouth. Lightly biting down on her shoulder as he tasted a sweet blood as it rolled over his taste buds. Almost like he was drinking his favorite drink after a long time.

Konou let out a soft moan as her muscles tense before relaxing on his lap. She felt a warm feeling spread throughout her body as she looked up at him with a small blush.

"What are you doing?" Sicily shouted as she looked at the scene.

"Preparing to lose my virginity." Konou spoke straight forward.


In the end, Sicily fainted from shock and sent both Leo and Konou scrambling to get her in bed.


On the road as the wagon slowly made its way to Dungeon City. Leo was napping lightly as he was spread out among Sicily and Konou laps. Which besides earning a few envious gazes from the younger adventurers, it earned a chuckle from the older ones.

"Isn't this the part where bandits usually appear?" Konou asked quietly.

"Don't say that, miss." A man who was in his late twenties answered. "Due to most being bandits out of desperation, they usually don't target areas with high adventurers' traffic."

"Is that so?" Konou blinked in surprise.

"Since most adventurers are decent fighters that could easily take on two or three due to our line of work. It's sort of an unwritten rule that only those confident in their strength or complete idiots tend to target where adventurers frequently appear." A woman in a robe answered as she leaned a staff on her shoulder.

"Besides, who wants to meet bandits? A cute girl like you would meet a brutal end after they're done with you." A fairly young man joined in.

The man didn't look much older than nineteen as he was dressed in knight armor and carried a large shield and sword. His face was rough as he basically held his head high looking down on the others. Only once in a while he would send a leerful glances towards all the women chests.

"Yeah, bandits could be worse than goblins or orcs at times." The mage woman nodded in agreement but still shot the young man a glare.

His repeated glances hadn't gone unnoticed by most, but most didn't want to cause trouble. If they were unlucky they would be in a long walk. Thanks to being between each city and no nearby villages it would be an eight to ten hour walk to either city.

Only one person really didn't care, "If you keep staring at the woman's chest, I will throw you off this wagon so fast. I will be sure to break your legs."

This voice of course belongs to Leo.

"What did you say!" The armored teen shouted in anger.

"I guess you have a hearing problem. I'm sure a light toss will fix it." Leo sat up.

"Behave." Sicily said softly.

Laying back down, Leo ignores the young man taunts for a whole three seconds. In the end, he broke the man's leg and tossed him out of the carriage much to the driver's annoyance. So he was let off with a small warning but that was it.

Left on the ground as the wagon disappeared in the horizon, the man slammed his fist into the ground. "I will have my revenge."

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