
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 16

When stepping into the dungeon the first thing Leo felt was a weird substance at the entrance. It wasn't hard nor was it soft, but like when one enters a pool. As the wall sent out ripples, he watched a Sicily and Konou appeared after him.

"That was weird. It is like teleportation magic but at the same time not." Konou commented.

Seeing them arrive perfectly fine, Leo looked around the area. Beside being in an underground cave of somesorts. He noticed that small torch-like lights illuminated the area as gems were embedded into the walls.

"I wonder if they used this place as a gem mine?" Leo curiously looked around.

Studying some of the gems, while he didn't know a whole lot about them. To him most looked to be very cloudy and others looked ready to crumble at the slightest touch. He even found some to be very light and dark, but not very colorful.

"I doubt it. The coloring is awful for most of these gems and most look terrible for jewelry crafting." Sicily answered him as she touched a gem and it cracked.

"Then we shouldn't waste our time with these." Leo turned away and began heading down the tunnel.

Heading down the tunnel, Leo looked around and frowned as he yet to find a trace of any monster. If this continues onwards, how were Sicily and Konou supposed to grow?

"Why are there so many magic stones on the ground?" Konou asked as she kept picking up small gems.

The gems weren't big but about the size of an infant hand at the largest. They had already picked up about seventy of them in the last five minutes and still had more ahead. Which confused them as according to the receptionist, magic stones are usually dropped by monsters.

"Did someone just come through and wipe out all the monsters but left the stones?" Sicily brow frowned.

It made no sense to do this as they would need to be a high rank and experienced adventurers party to move this fast. The magic stones dropped on the early floor shouldn't attract such warriors as they could easily earn more on the lower floors. Not to mention they could easily jump to lower floors after they defeat the boss that spawn every five levels.

"Maybe it was a reincarnator or transmigration?" Leo laughed.

"Hmm, when I was grabbing breakfast for myself and Konou. I think a few were talking about how a small kingdom down south announced they managed to summon heroes from another world. Not sure if it is believable or not, but it only takes a week or so from the border to come here."

"Awe man. Now some depressed or angry bipolar boy is going to get a harem of cute girls. The only thing he has going for him is some terrible or broken power used in a way it is not supposed to." Leo let out manly tears.

"I don't think you should be calling the kettle black." Konou looked at him with an unsympathetic gaze.

"Well it's only a rumor. I doubt they would be able to summon anyone." Sicily replied, flipping her hair.

Moving along as they continue collecting the magic stones from the ground. They soon made it to the second floor without meeting a single monster. In fact all the way to the fifth floor they didn't meet one, only magic stones left on the ground.

"We gained about two gold worth of magic stones without meeting a monster. There wasn't even a trace of who killed these monsters either." Sicily calculated as they stood before the first boss door.

"Not to mention that we didn't find a single treasure chest either." Konou chimed in.

"I'm more surprised that we didn't run into another adventurer group. It was fairly busy upon entering." A loud and almost obnoxious voice was heard from behind.

"Don't you remember being told that besides novices we wouldn't really run into each other until the tenth or so floor." a sweet sounding voice replied, but it sent shivers down the trio's spine. The voice actually belonged to a male.

"No, I was having too much fun with the maid to pay attention." The first voice answered with a laugh. "I unlike you are aiming for a harem of beautiful women."

"You're both terrible." a woman's voice sighed.

When Leo and his two girls turned around, they were greeted by three asian looking teenagers. They looked to be about seventeen at the latest, but unlike in most manga where they were good looking and fit. These three were almost the complete opposite, as the first male was more horizontal than vertical and his stumpy fingers seemed to be troubled holding his sword. The second was a tall teen who looked like the wind could knock him down and face full of acne.

Finally the girl, she wasn't anything amazing, but more like the larger girls that appear in manga from time to time. Usually she was the type that appeared as the female lead best friend but over half the time also betrays her friend. Even if she appeared to be attempting to take care of herself, she still had some rough spots.

"Oh ho, look at those beauties." The obnoxious sound teen said as his eyes landed on Sicily and Konou.

Both girls shivered as they glared heatly at the teen.

"The boy isn't bad either." The lengthy boy said as lust covered his eyes.

This time it was Leo who shivered at the words. He has begun to wonder about his luck at having another run in with those that indulge himself in the taboo of this world. That was before he wondered if the lengthy teen was the one next door to them at the inn. If so, it would make sense in a way.

"Don't these two girls seem a little familiar to you guys? I feel like I saw them before, but I can't remember where." The girl in the group said.

"You're right, they look like a couple anime characters I saw before." The obnoxious male spoke before licking his lips. "I want them now."

"I want the boy, he looks good." The lengthy teen said making similar movements.

"You can have him after me." The girl spoke, sending a small glare to her teammate.

"Why don't we just take him at the same time then?" The lengthy boy spoke.

His hand began to rub over the staff he seemed to hide in his sleeve. The boy seemed to be a mage and by the looks of it not a very good one. The staff in his hand was usually used by children as Leo saw it in a store window a few times before. Its main function was to help children either discover if they have talent as a mage or help them learn to control their mana to some degree.

Overall, the staff had next to zero offensive power as the most he could cast with it was probably a lighting spell. Well, that is not true as it could cast higher level magic but one cast would probably turn it to ashes immediately.

"Are we being viewed as toys?" Konou whispered.

Leo cracked his fingers as he glared heavily. He was going to have fun breaking their bones.

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