
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 13

"I call upon the void, the connector of worlds to bring us heroes from another world."

In a dark room, two figures read slowly as they stood in front of a large stone wall. The wall was worn down as time eroded, and they slowly read a large plaque that still hung upon it. However, after reading the chant-like plaque, nothing happened.

The female of the two had waist long blue hair pulled back into a ponytail. She has a face that easily drew other attention and a nice figure that her clothes couldn't hide away. Her skin was light with a soft look to it, easily making her a nine out of nine.

Next to her, a male who seemed a couple years younger with long smooth black hair stood a few steps in front. His skin was slightly pale and he could be considered very handsome as he too could easily attract other attention. Only if he didn't have a lazy expression all the time, he could easily warm even the coldest hearts with a smile.

"I'm guessing that this kingdom was led to ruins after summoning a bunch of 'heroes'." the male spoke first. "That or they fell like most kingdoms do after a period of time."

The two were naturally Leo and Sicily who were currently exploring ancient ruins not far from Novice City. Thanks to it being found long ago, it was deemed completely looted and researched so it was mostly set up as a tourist attraction. Not that many visited it as the location was really off the beaten path and monsters tend to gather around here.

"Maybe, but why would a hero want to destroy their country?" Sicily commented.

"Too many reasons as they could have been deemed worthless, abandoned, betrayed or high levels of corruption." Leo spoke as he listed off many popular in another world genre plots. "There is also the option of just a psychopath that wants to kill everyone."

"I'm sure it's not the last one." Sicily answered as they moved on.

For why they were at the ruins in the first place. The two decided to check them out for fun and also to fulfill the quest of checking for any monster activity nearby. It was killing two birds with one stone and the pay wasn't bad as it was fifty silver not including possible monster materials.

"It's weird that they hung up a plaque for the way to summon others." Sicily commented.

"If I had to guess it is only a small portion of the needed chant not to mention a magic circle of some kind is needed. Plus, it's not like everyone could read ancient languages." Leo shrugged as they walked around.

Besides that single plaque, there were only a few recently made posts with small descriptions around. Otherwise, beside some walls that were falling down and ruins of a large palace and church. There wasn't much left as it either wore or rotted away long ago.

Walking into the church that was opened up to the sky. Leo couldn't help but remember the one he remembers waking up in. It was of a similar build if he had to guess, but more intact compared to this one. Only after thinking that, how did someone build such a building in the Forsaken Forest? Not many would survive there for long, much less travel deep inside.

"I wonder what kind of god they worshiped here? Maybe the God of Sex, or someone else?" Leo asked jokily.

"Why did you list that one but not other ones?" Sicily lightly blushed with anger.

"He is my idol that I hope one day will surpass." Leo nodded happily. "It is said he has a large harem so large he had to create a second layer to the spirit realm to hold them all. Not only that, it is said to be increasing to this day."

Sicily just numbly rubbed her head at his answer. "You're not even at the starting line, yet you want to surpass him? You will need to be signing in everyday then."

"Ah, that's true and then I can have an orgy every day." Leo clapped his hands as his eyes turned to Sicily. "Before that though, I want to try it outside first."

Rolling her eyes, Sicily turned her head away still rubbing her forehead. "I'm not having sex outside."

"No one is around and it's not like I am asking you to fully undress."

"No means no. Also, it is a pain to clean up after you cum inside me. Do you know how weird it feels as it begins leaking down your leg as you walk." Sicily answered with a blush. "I also can't trust you to pull out either."

"Ouch." Leo answered, clenching his heart. "If you can't trust me with that, what can you trust me with?"

Sicily stayed silent for a long time which Leo found freighting. It shouldn't be that hard to find something to trust him with right? He could easily defeat monsters with a finger, he could easily rake in gold coins or actually now that he thought of it. Leo realizes he is not very trustworthy.

"I can trust you to be an idiot most of the time." Sicily answered.

Leo felt like a stake was stabbed through his heart as it hurt to actually hear it.

"Well, it is not a bad thing I guess. You're also very honest with your desire and actions."

"I suppose so. Anyways, we should head back. The quest is done and besides a few rabbits. There hasn't been much movement around here lately."

"It's strange. I thought we would run into more monsters yet either our luck was pretty good or something strange was going on."

"Maybe they can sense me and run away?" Leo shrugged. "I think we should head to Dungeon City a day away from here. What is your opinion of this idea?"

"We need at least a party of three to enter the dungeon. I checked into this since I figure you asked about it. Thanks to the high death rate of solo and duo adventurers in the past for getting in over their heads. The guild requires three or more before entering the dungeons." Sicily answered.

"Then I guess I should sign in once more." Leo grinned.

"Finally." Sicily mumbled to herself.

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