
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 12

"I've been thinking these last few days."

It was early in the morning and Yuki had her head in her hands as she sat across her two students in the guild. She seemed to have dark circles below her eyes as she glared heavily at Leo mainly. So much, he almost blush at being stared at so hard.

"Is it how handsome I am or want to become my second harem member?" Leo asked seriously.

"No," Yuki rejects hashly. "It is actually about the adventure course. Normally your skill alone Leo is already worthy of B rank adventures. Not to mention Sicily here who is a rare high level healer."

"Does this mean you're leaving us? How am I supposed to seduce you and bring you to bed?" Leo said bitterly and dramatically.

"Ignoring this idiot, what do you think about this, Sicily?"

"Truthfully, I have to agree since very few things could stand up to Leo. Not to mention his skills which you said are at least B rank." Sicily said softly. "There is really no point in taking this course, beside learning from your experience."

"Right, right. It's outrageous for him to take this course, truth to be told." Yuki nodded rapidly.

"Not to mention his dream is to surround himself with a large number of beautiful women." Sicily spoke loud enough a few other females looked at Leo with questionable gazes.

Yuki just stared at Leo trying to imagine this, but couldn't. She just didn't see it with his carefree and idiotic attitude. In fact she felt a bit bad for all the unknown women she imagined living a rough financial life due to his inability to keep money.

Tapping his finger on the table Leo suddenly felt like she was thinking something rude about him. His thoughts drifted to the last few days since he arrived and he mentally sighed. He wants to have fun but why is it so hard to gain some women that aren't summoned. What was the point of being serious or carrying around a load of gold coins may never be used.

'I guess the reliable appeal isn't present.' Leo thought to himself. 'But I just want to have fun and drown in beautiful women.'

"Ok, then I shall congratulate you guys on becoming full-fledged adventurers." Yuki spoke as she got up. "I guess I will be seeing you guys around."

While they watched her walk away, Leo looked bored as he continued tapping the table. He didn't really feel all that happy. Turning to Sicily, he looked at him like he was an idiot.

"It's your fault for being dumb." Sicily said. "I mean look at that swag and her nice body."

"Right, right. Well, we can always skip to the last plan." Leo nodded to himself.

"Last plan?" Sicily tilted her head confused.

"Kidnap her until she agrees."

"Yeah, reject." Sicily retorted without hesitation.


"Goblins and wolves in the north, orcs and bears in the south. How did they ever manage to build a city here? They literally built between two well known lustful monster habitats." Leo said as he walked through a forest.

Behind him as she carried a scepter, Sicily kept her eyes pleading on the surroundings. Unlike Leo who seemed carefree as he charged forward. She was more worried about being grabbed from behind by an orc.

"There is an orc to your left, Sicily."

Slamming the scepter down in a hurry, she quickly formed a wind blade and shot it out. A loud oink followed as blood splashed out of the bush. As a large pig-like creature with a cloth covering its lower body appeared it held a large wooden club. Across its stomach a deep cut that was gushing out blood was present but didn't look fatal.

"Wind blade x2" Sicily shouted as two more wind blades appeared.

The orc soon fell to the ground in two parts. As it's dark and lustful eyes looked on in disbelief, it soon passed on.

"Good, now our target should be ahead."

"Yes, it should be a flower patch just ahead." She replied. "You don't need to be so down. It's not like she died."

"But, it is not as fun without a sexy fox woman."

"Am I not enough?" Sicily clenched her fist.

"You're a different brand of sexy." Leo replied. "Each woman has their own brand of sexy…for the most part."

A shiver ran down Leo's spine as he thought of the obsese rabbit girl he met before. He couldn't imagine any sexiness from her nor beauty truth be told. If by some nightmare he took her to bed, he was sure it would be like a waterbed and not in a good way.

"You're the worst."

"Of course, who else dreams of being surrounded by women selfishly like me?"

"Most of the male gender at one point or another." Sicily answered swiftly.

"I'm sure you women aren't that far off in thinking something similar."

While she blushed at the accusation, Sicily changed the topic as their target appeared ahead of them. Ahead, a small patch of flowers that was heavily mixed with the colors of a rainbow. Picking a few flowers, Leo looked over at the bag Sicily prepared as she neatly picked a few too.

"Are these flowers really worth five silver coins?" Leo asked with a small head shake.

He could see his fingers gaining a mess as he picked multiple colors due to the petals. As he rubbed them together he noticed it had a chalky feel to it.

"They are used to dye clothes and different paints. Due to a small shortage in town, the prices are up a bit since it is normally one or two silver." Sicily explained.

"How do you know this?" Leo asked curiously.

"I asked the reception desk when I picked up the quest."

After collecting what they needed for the quest, the two returned to town without running into an issue. No more orcs appeared nor did they run into bears much to Leo's disappointment. He was interested in fighting a bear with his bare hands.

Thanks for Reading.


Around chapter fifty the story will become more one-shot like in chapters. More so to get through the list of women and avoid repeated plot.

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