

Two brothers of different blood grew up in an isolated mountain, they are sent out to discover the world of mystical arts. But what may await them is a horrible world and a gruesome fate, they strive to survive in a divided world and great forces of good and evil may spell they're demise. They try to adapt to they're surroundings but even that may not be enough to save them.

eEzO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


She was dumbfounded, the words that came from her son's mouths put her in a state of disbelief. But then she realized, she had never taught them anything about the outside world. Ethics, the social norms and even the most basic manners were never taught to them because up till this point those thoughts never crossed her mind.

She then realized that she could not send them out into the world without teaching them what is needed. She knew that if she didn't not only would they not even make it to the city intact but they wouldn't even make it into the academy doorsteps.

She sighed in her own disappointed because she knew that she might have failed her children. She raised them fine but now they're illiterate forest bumpkins who probably won't fit in.

"A school is where you'll be learning everything from basic biology to mana control, the academy I'm sending you two to is especially specialized in making children into proper fighters."

The boys never heard of some the words that came from they're mother was speaking. Most of the evening was spent explaining the what was going to happen to them. As she explained further the fear in Yuri's heart quickly turned into excitement, this meant they would finally go out of the forest and see world.

"I can't let you to go as you are, if I did you'd probably fail your entrance exam."

She said with a demeaning tone.

Yuri's face sudden changed from a cheerful to worried. He thought that his mother was going to go take back what she said and they'll have to spend they're lives in the forest.

"So that's why for the next 6 months I will be teaching you the basics so that you can't come back here."

She said.

Kain was just sitting there in silence, he didn't want to leave his home but he saw that his brother was excited about the news. So he agreed to what his mother said and they all quickly went to bed. Yuri could barely sleep through night.


The morning sun rose from the horizon, the sound of birds chirping awoke Yuri. He quickly got up from bed and tried to wake his brother but to his surprise he was already gone. He rushed down outside and saw that him and mother were already training.

"I guess I woke up too late"

he thought.

They were in an intense mock battle, a barrage of fists were sent towards Kain, he could not counter attack because his mother's movements were to fast for him to even think about that. As the fight continued Kain glanced at his brother's direction and that momentarily distraction was all it took for his mother to drop to the ground and perform a ground sweep. Kain's eyes were suddenly facing the sky, he had no idea what happened and then a fist went charging into his face knocking him out.

Yuri was astonished, not by the fact that his brother was just laying there on the ground but because his mother took him out with ease. She didn't show any sign of fatigue, every move she made was not wasted and she didn't show any mercy.

She looked towards Yuri and smiled said 

"Get over here, it's your turn."