

Two brothers of different blood grew up in an isolated mountain, they are sent out to discover the world of mystical arts. But what may await them is a horrible world and a gruesome fate, they strive to survive in a divided world and great forces of good and evil may spell they're demise. They try to adapt to they're surroundings but even that may not be enough to save them.

eEzO · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Yuri and Kain were surprised by the words they're mother just spoke. A flurry of thoughts went in they're mind, Kain's hands were shaking and Yuri was sweating bullets. Anxiety filled both of they're minds, a deafening silence filled the room.

"Y-You don't love us any more?"

Yuri asked with a quivering voice.

"Yah, what do you mean by that, mom?"

Kain asked with a quivering voice.

The room remained silent. The boys were eagerly awaiting an answer from they're mother.But all she did was stare at them. And then she said

"Of course I love you guys."

A sense of relief went through both of the boys, they're anxiety quickly disappeared just with those words. They smile and let out a big sigh.

"Jeez, you really don't know how to tell a joke."

Yuri said.

"Oh it's not a joke, I'm getting you two out of this house next year."

She said with a very serious tone.

They both laugh loudly thinking that she's still trying to tell a joke. But they look at her and see that she meant what she said, they both stop laughing and coughed. 

"Is this because we we're late a few times?"

Kain said.

"Wait really!? But we already apologized for that!"

Yuri Yelled.

She shook her head in disagreement, the boys were puzzled as to why she wanted to kick them, was it because they've been coming home late sometimes or was it because they've been breaking her rule of never going past the river or it could have been that she saw them climbing the mountains without her permission. The boys didn't know why they were being thrown out.

She finally spoke up and said,

"It's because I don't want you two to grow up as idiots."

The boys looked at each and both said

"But we're not idiots."

They're mother suddenly burst into laughter and said

"Yes you are, you just don't know you're idiots yet."

They both frowned and thought that they're mother was just being hurtful. She continued to laugh at them which annoyed them even more until Yuri stood up from his chair and Yelled,

"W-Well no idiot knows how to hunt, and cook and clean and...and."

Yuri continued to explain things idiots couldn't do, he wanted to prove that they didn't need to be thrown into the gutter, but in the midst of his rambling his mother interrupted him and said

"Those are just basic things to know. You two don't know how to do basic mathematics, you have no experience in basic biology so you wouldn't even know what to do if you got sick and if I were to ever croak you two would probably die from being sick."

Yuri couldn't retort because he knew she was right, he sat down on his chair and sulked in his defeat.

"Well kicking us out won't solve any of that, you'll basically be sending us out to die."

Kain said.


Yuri agreed.

They're mother chuckled and said 

"You're right, and that's partially my fault for not teaching you some of those things up till now but that's gonna change."

She then stretched out her hand under the grabbed her bag. The boys wondered how that would change anything, she the removed two documents out of the bag and threw them in the boys direction.

"These are your enrollment slips, you two will be going to a school a friend of mine runs."

Yuri and Kain looked at they're mother with confusion and both said.

"Uhh mom, what is a school?."

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