
I am kurama

A normal person reincarnates in the kyubi kurama in the world of naruto.

gykusi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Capitulo 7

I was finally excited for some air.

But also after a long, long time the life of the protagonist begins and I was going to have fun hahaha.

They pulled me out of kushina and suddenly.

They took me out of kushina and suddenly

They tried to control me.

-jajjaja boy do you think you can control me-

At that I see how a trembling begins as I was about to escape.

-But as thanks I will destroy this village and take revenge-

At that he stopped shaking and went for the kamui.

I smiled and started to roar I went to Konoha and once there they were waiting for me I was going to cause the greatest destruction so that they hate Naruto and I could control him.

Once there he started attacking to make them hate me to death.

I began to attack the blade destroying it all and killing all the ninja that were in front

I began to attack the blade destroying it all and killing all the ninja that were in front.

And so I kept destroying the entire village.

I kept destroying the village they kept attacking me but it didn't do anything I killed and destroying the village I went to open the gates of Babylon to destroy the village but I held back until I saw someone

I kept destroying the village they kept attacking me but it didn't do anything I killed and destroying the village I went to open the gates of Babylon to destroy the village but I held back until I saw someone.

I kept destroying the village they kept attacking me but it didn't do anything I killed and destroying the village I went to open the gates of Babylon to destroy the village but I held back until I saw someone

I saw it and carried a bijuu-lady wanted it to hate me.

I kept destroying the village ignoring him and he teleported on top of me and Gamabunta fell on my back I got too angry and with my tails I choked him.

At that very moment I was going to bite him until they teleported me out of the village I knew what would happen so I kept destroying and killing ninjas from this distance.

Then I felt something that was trying to choke me even though it didn't work.

The kushina chains and something occurred to me I smiled and channeled my chakra making Kushina feel too much pain down her back by forcing my chakra through the chains while continuing to attack the village which was already practically in ruins like this ...

The kushina chains and I came up with something I smiled and channeled my chakra making Kushina feel too much pain down her back by forcing my chakra through the chains while continuing to attack the village which was already practically in ruins so I left her like that.

Then minato appeared with three babies in their hands and they began to speak and channel more chakra through the chains of kushina who was practically dying.

Minato started making hand stamps and summoned the grim reaper.

Minato started making hand stamps and summoned the grim reaper.

-to be invoked by ningen- (shinigami)

-shinigami-sama I want you to seal the kyubi chakra in my sons myth and menma and the consciousness and soul in my son Naruto- (minato)

-I can't- (shinigami)

-What does shinigami-sama refer to- (minato)

-Not with all my power I could do I can only seal it in one of your children so hurry up to choose ningen- (shinigami)

Minato didn't know what to do he was desperate until he pitted Kushina screaming in pain and then made a decision.

-shinigami-sama seal the kyubi in my son naruto- (minato)

-It's fine ningen but since I'm in a good mood today, I won't take your soul- (shinigami)

What they did not know is that I manipulated the shinigami with my sharingan, making him not want to take Minato's soul, I was not going to trust the plot and luck so I controlled it.

-Thank you so much shinigami-sama- (minato)

And so they sealed me in Naruto, I did not complain and let me seal what the mind of a baby was like, it was not difficult to change his mental image in addition to reinforcing the entire area of ​​his brain so that he could not be manipulated by some genjutsu.

And so they sealed me in Naruto, I did not complain and let me seal what the mind of a baby was like, it was not difficult to change their mental image in addition to reinforcing the entire area of ​​their brain so that they cannot manipulate it by some genjutsu

And so I settled into Naruto's mind to protect him while I saw him from the inside everything that happened outside and protected him.


Everything ended with the kyubi sealed in Naruto, the inhabitants of konoha were happy because it finished everything and others were with a deep resentment for the kyubi.

While we see how minato and kushina take their children home like this and naruto too, but very reluctantly.

And so Hiruzen didn't say anything else, while I laughed out loud in Naruto's mind.


It's been a week since it was where I attacked the blade so I quickly investigated the fact that Naruto was a jinchuriki, it spread and everyone hated them to the bone for everything it caused.

While I was already thinking that it was going to be to protect and raise Naruto and mainly have fun.

And I realized that nobody fed Naruto I only sighed for the idiocy and cruelty towards a being that had nothing to do with it and I fed him with my chakra so that he would grow and nothing would happen to him and they would not take advantage of him.

I was also going to train him and I was going to teach him all the jutsus that I collected throughout my life and also different techniques and I will make him the best ninja and he could laugh at how funny it would be.

I could already see the face of frustration when they saw that the son they abandoned was more powerful and would be a legend ufff he would definitely enjoy that.

In my previous life I saw many theories of abandoned naruto and hahaha I think that from everything I saw a great resentment arose asia minato and kushina although I knew it was just a fanfic that did not take away the cruel hahaha how I would enjoy it.

In the end I just had to wait I just had to wait for Caruto to grow up and teach him everything he can.

In the end I just had to wait I just had to wait for Caruto to grow up and teach him everything he can