
I am kurama

A normal person reincarnates in the kyubi kurama in the world of naruto.

gykusi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Capitulo 8


A week has passed since I attacked the blade and everything has been calm as far as possible, I have been taking care of Naruto and controlling the anbus who watched him so that if they take care of him, it should be noted that several assassination attempts are made on Naruto.

But I summoned a weapon out of Naruto's body and I have killed them without leaving a trace.


Now I am getting out of Naruto's body since I had plans for Konoha.

Once I got out of the village he began to walk through the entrance since it was going to be plans once entering they stopped me.

-your name and subject here in konoha-?

I look to the side and see a ninja.

-oh if I see my name is gilgamesh otsutsuki and I come here in konoha to do business here and also buy and finance part of konoha-

-I understand please fill out these papers and a ninja will escort you to the hokage tower- (ninja)

I just nodded and he gave me a form and I started to fill it out once an anbu appeared.

-please sir follow me I will take you to the hokage tower- (anbu)

I and the anbu continued through the village but when we passed through the village we attracted many glances, either because an anbu was seen escorting a civilian and also because of my appearance since he was very handsome.

Many women saw me with a blush, only the youngest, since I looked like older men and women, their hatred was noticeable thanks to my ability to perceive feelings.

I just turned a blind eye to this and we continued on our way until we reached a large building under repair.

The anbu told me to wait outside and he entered the hokage's office.

I was just waiting to see how many people, especially women, were watching me, I just smiled arrogantly until he returned in anbu.

-gilgamesh-sama can pass the hokage is waiting for you- (anbu)

I just nodded and kept walking towards the entrance of the building and met the secretary.

-Can come in sir, the hokage is waiting for you- (secretary)

-Thank you-

I leaned closer to his ear and whispered something to him.

-thanks so much gorgeous-

She just blushed and kept on my way with her to the hokage's office while flirting with her the whole way to the hokage's office.

-gilgamesh-kun here we are- (secretary)

-thanks precious-

She just looked at me flirtatious and gave me her address and left but before she left I groped her butt a bit she left while giving me a flirtatious look I just smiled arrogantly over time I became a great seducer and an expert in flirting.

After I was separated from my sisters and before they sealed me I had a lot of sex and thanks to that I became an expert in seducing and pleasing a woman.

After that I knocked on the door and someone yelled from inside.

-He passed !! -?

-Good afternoon my name is minato namikaze could you tell me all your matters- (minato)

-good afternoon hokage-sama my name is gilgamesh otsutsuki and I come to konoha to do business and buy land in konoha-

-I understand, take a seat, I think we could discuss everything a little more comfortably- (minato)

And so we began to talk about what I would buy and what I would invest in in Konoha It can be said that I look like an ordinary civilian thanks to my clothes since I did not have any shinobi weapons and all my clothes are of high quality and I had shoes so no He didn't look like a ninja at all.

We agreed that I would buy a large amount of land in Konoha that would help with a lot of money for the reconstruction since practically Konoha was in ruins and I accepted and we began with the negotiation even I won a position in the civil council.

At that, I smiled like a psychopath should have a great influence on konoha and thus concluded the entire meeting.


- {minato thoughts} -Everything is improving we have funds to rebuild konoha but the bad thing is that gilgamesh gained a great influence in konoha I will keep an eye on him so that he is not a threat-

As it was getting dark he left but I did not notice that after he left his office a shadow came out behind his back.


I was exploring the village as I wanted to buy a house as it would be suspicious if it just suddenly appears and disappears.

I found a nice house in south konoha and bought it.

I bought the furniture on the way, it helped the economy of Konoha and thanks to that my new house was a bit cozy and so I slept since it was already night after all.

POV ???

In one base you could see how an anbu was kneeling in front of an old man with many bandages.

So I see that someone has been financing everything in the reconstruction of Konoha-¿??

- {?? Thoughts} -I must keep an eye on him, I can't allow someone, least of all a civilian, to gain too much influence in konoha-

-Keep him guarded and inform me of anything suspicious that he does-¿??

-hai- {replied an emotionless voice} -

And then it looks like a shadow goes away.

- {?? thought} -I must follow my plans regarding the jinchuriki I must put it on my side and be able to control it, I just have to wait for it to grow-



After everything that happened one night, I was now waking up after sleeping in my new home.

I tried to lift but I notice a weight on me under my gaze and I see the secretary who found me completely naked just like me.

I just smiled arrogantly and thought.

- {kurama thoughts} -and here it all begins-