
I am kurama

A normal person reincarnates in the kyubi kurama in the world of naruto.

gykusi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Capitulo 6

(First of all, thank the first sponsor and you already know if you want to support me and read more chapters and with images https: //www.p@treon.com/Ariel_Iles)


A week has passed since they transferred me in kushina and nothing relevant has happened, what has been is that things between konoha and uzu are very tense thanks to the attack although I don't really care.

Now I was thinking about whether I was right to save uzu and what consequences in the life of naruto will bring in the future with the uzumaki clan still alive.

I kept thinking until while I watch what happens outside with indifference.

And I see how he is seriously beating up some children in my previous life I thought that the member of the uzumaki clan were the same or more sick than the members of the uchiha clan thanks to their character and they are very irritable and lively for my liking thank god that naruto will come out more namikaze than uzumaki.

Each clan in the world of naruto are rare the uzumakis are very wild, the uchiha are all emos, the nara clan are lazy, the senju some clan are foolish and get carried away except for tobirma, the sarutobi clan smokes as if there is no one Tomorrow that family has a good pair of lungs, the inuzuka are impulsive idiots and none of them stand out for me they are cannon fodder, the akimichi clan are all fat and eat too much, they are quiet and very weird, the hyuga are very strict and stupid seriously invent that seal seriously if it were not for naruto that clan possibly in the future does not even exist, the only normal means are the yamanaka, namikaze, hatake.

But going back to the subject, my plans with Kushina is simply to wait because if we become friends that could change the future more, the better I make her despise me until they take me out of her and seal me in Naruto I just have to wait and I can do that.


Many years passed and everything happened the same as the series except that here Kushina is not so devoted to Konoha thanks to the teachings of the Uzumaki clan who has grown a lot and could be considered a ninja village.

I have been traveling to the uzumaki clan leaving kushina because thanks to the teachings of the uzumaki clan I can make very complex seals and go outside in my human form but I have to leave a bit of bijuu chakra inside kushina.

Kushina was still delayed from minato and now she is in the middle of the third ninja world war where uzu does not participate and if she did I would support them since my relationship with them progressed a lot and I would help them in whatever and they would help me.


All that happened and now Kushina is an adult at least physically and they are in the middle of a ninja war, I see her life and a smile escapes me.

They are about to go to the Kanbi Bridge mission hahahahaha.

Seriously he had the third hokague in mind by sending only children if it weren't for kakashi the mission would have failed and konoha would have lost the war.

Everything remained the same as the canon.


Right now I was seeing something interesting.

- {kurama pensamientos} -jajjajajaj estoy en el típico cliché de naruto abandonado jajjajajjaja pero esta vez estaré yo para arreglar y manipular todo para divertirme.

Y así seguí durmiendo con una sonrisa ya que sabia que me saque el premio gordo ya que las cosas se pondrán mas interesante que lo planeado mente original.


Y sigui pasando el tiempo.

Ahora estaba observando como kushina estaba a donde a luz mientras un enmascarado viendo todo con un sharingan prendido.

Kushina siguió dando a luz hasta que salieron tres bebes una niña pelirroja, y dos niños rubios uno con los ojos morados y otro con los ojos azules.

Naruto era el pequeño de los ojos azules.

Todo estaba yendo relativamente bien hasta que el enmascarado aparece y amenaza a minato y minato tiene que salvar a sus hijos dejando sola a kushina.

Y así se llevo a kushina y estaba rompiendo el sello.

I was waiting until the seal was totally broken.

And I got out of it and started to roar.