
I am kurama

A normal person reincarnates in the kyubi kurama in the world of naruto.

gykusi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5


A week passed and thanks to my treasures and clones the village was rebuilt both economically and physically but the sentimental losses were still there but I could not do anything.

Also thanks to that, security was amplified with fuinjutsu and more surveillance throughout the village.

I earned the respect of the uzumaki clan and its members since thanks to me they recovered and protected them during the invasion and I began my training with shadow clones to learn fuinjutsu and I already learned most things.

I also learned hirashin no jutsu and I am more veiled than minato namikaze since my chakra is much more powerful.


-then jiraiya what happened- (hiruzen)

-apparently in an alliance iwa, kumo, and kiri attacked uzushiogakure- (jiraiya)

-and what happened- (dance)

-apparently they failed- (jiraiya)

At that, everyone was surprised. Surviving an attack from three of the five shinobi villages was not an easy thing.

-how- (dance)

-seems myth-sama with the power of kyubi humiliated and helped the armies and bijuu of the three villages- (jiraiya)

-But she's not supposed to be very old now- (homura)

-Because apparently he managed not only to use the power of the kyubi but his power completely without restrictions- (jiraiya)

In that it shows him an image of what happened.

At that, everyone was in shock, practically despite her age, she was the most powerful and destroyed three armies.

-so that's what he left for- (hiruzen)

-What do you mean hiruzen- (dance)

-one day before the myth attack happened-sama made a trip to uzushiogakure and did not tell me the reasons- (hiruzen)

-You should have stopped her! now thanks to that uzu is still standing- (dance)

-I thought and trusted that I would die in the attack- (hiruzen)

-Well, you thought wrong now they will distrust us- (koaru)

-and apparently they almost lock themselves up with everything and the bijuu-

-Inceptable! We can't lose the bijuu now everything is complicated- (dance)

-What do you mean which plan- (jiraiya)

-Honestly jiraiya where were you while they explained everything- (orochimaru)

-fuuuu ..... don't bother I've been doing research- (jiraiya)

- * cough * cough * well our plan was to let them destroy uzu between iwa, kumo and kiri and control the jinchuriki and the rest of uzumakis that remain after the attack- (hiruzen)

-I still don't understand- (jiraiya)

-We had to indoctrinate the new kyubi jinchuriki and the others who come later and for that we need a destroyed uzu but now that cannot be done- (dance)

-I don't see the problem, let's continue with that plan- (jiraiya)

-It's not that simple jiraiya with the uzumaki clan supporting kushina and teaching her I'm sure they will make sure we don't corrupt her- (koharu)

-well enough, first we will see we will transfer the kyubi in kushina and from there how to proceed- (hiruzen)


Now me and myth are returning to konoha after battling and fixing all uzushiogakure.

After arriving they immediately headed towards the senju complex to rest.


In this month nothing relevant happened, the Uzumaki clan recovered and is at its best and even improved more as they learned from their mistakes.

And right now they are passing the kyubi to kushina.

Myth was giving him comforting words so he wouldn't get discouraged and once I was done he started my extraction.

-thanks for everything kurama-kun- (myth)

-no that myth-chan-

-I hope you meet someone and make her happy like me- (myth)

-bye myth I'll miss you-

With that the extraction is completed and they sealed me in kushina I did not do anything I did not have the courage to see the person with whom you had sex for a long time I appreciated myth, I did not love her but I did appreciate him.

When I passed to the mind of Kushina I saw that everything was pure happiness she smiled before activating my mangekyo sharingan and changing it.

In my bijuu form I lie down and think.

- {kurama thoughts} -I shouldn't be friends with kushina that would change the story-

And with that I fell asleep.

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