
Ch.53 Recoding pt.2

So before you guys read the chapter I have something to ask. You guys have now read like 3 chapters of the Dc fic I'm trying to write. So I wanted to ask should I go ahead and post it? Or is there something that I need to change and all? 

Anyways enjoy the chapter, if you liked the chapter let me know. 



Ed looked at me and put through the sound in the headphones. I cleared my throat and Tori asked, "What's this dumb song?" Daphne just shook her head and Ed chuckled and said, "Oh, just wait a while you'll know… it's a good one." Astoria exclaimed and said, "All the songs are good, no the best, just like my brother."

Florian chuckled and patted her head. "Just listen now okay?" Florian said to Astoria to make her quiet. Ed gave the thumbs up and I looked at the sheet and the sound of drums and guitar kicked in my ears and bobbed my head to the music and waited for the que.

🎵🎶Oh, in my head🎵🎶

I looked at Daphne and Tori and sang with a smile on my faces.

🎵🎶You said with certainty 

I may be the dumbest person that you've ever seen 

You think you're hurtin' me 

Bet you won't believe it, but you kinda set me free🎵🎶

Daphne and Tori softly gasped and Astoria giggled while Florian and Ed just chuckled looking at the girls. I closed my eyes and moved my hands to the music.

🎵🎶You've mentioned Adderall 

Slip this guy a sedative, he's bouncin' off the wall 🎵🎶

Daphne quietly asked Tori, "What's adderal?" Tori looked at her "I'll explain later." Daphne nodded and they looked at me with curiosity as to what would I say next to them.

🎵🎶Honey, it's no big deal 

We'll get you back to college, you could study somethin' real🎵🎶

I looked at the two and winked and smiled and the two felt a little shy but annoyed at the same time. I closed my eyes and continued while kicking my feet to the rhythm.

🎵🎶So if that's how you feel

When we go down 

When kingdom come 

Don't look at me, don't look at me 

I'm just too dumb 🎵🎶

Both of them pouted at the same time while the rest of them laughed and enjoyed the music. I shrugged my shoulders while singing.

🎵🎶I'd love to stay (love to stay) 

But like you said (like you said) 

Don't look at me 

'Cause I got nothin' in my head (nothin' in my head) 

Oh, in my head🎵🎶

Slowly they too started to enjoy the music and took a little less offence to the lyrics.

🎵🎶Too dumb for breakin' up 

I'd do it in person, but I'd probably mess it up 

I'll write you, "That's enough" 

That's how empty-headed people get through shitty stuff🎵🎶

Ed looked at me and raised his eyebrows and hummed, "That's smart." While the girls asked each other "Why is he talking about Break ups?" "He's not…" They didn't even finish and looked ahead.

🎵🎶Your world is endin' soon 

Mine's a little better 'cause I never watch the news🎵🎶

Florian looked at me curiously and scratched his beard while looking at me while the rest of them just enjoyed swaying to the music. The upbeat music took the worries away from them.

🎵🎶You make my lunch today 

I would do it, but I couldn't work my microwave

So if that's what you're sayin'

When we go down 

When kingdom come 

Don't look at me, don't look at me 

I'm just too dumb 

I'd love to stay (love to stay) 

But like you said (like you said) 

Don't look at me 

'Cause I got nothin' in my head (nothin' in my head) 

Oh, in my head🎵🎶

I looked at Ed and asked, "Can you get Astoria here?" Florian looked at me while I looked at her jumping from her dad's lap and running into the boot. I held her in my arms and said, "Just say this part, okay?"

She nodded and Daphne asked Florian, "what is he doing?" He shook his head not knowing what I was doing and I said to Ed, "Play from the last que." He nodded and I looked at Astoria and on que.

🎵🎶You should not have done that 🎵🎶

Together with her I sang while the rest looked at me with amusement.

🎵🎶Da-da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da 


Da-da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da 


When we go down (we go down) 

When kingdom come (kingdom come) 

Don't look at me, don't look at me 

I'm much too dumb 

I'd love to stay (love to stay) 

But like you said (like you said) 

Don't look at me 

'Cause I got nothin' in my head (nothin' in my head) 

Oh, in my head 

Oh, in my head🎵🎶

The music slowed and I moved a bit closer to the mic and softly sang like I was addressing the two in front of me. I smiled through out the last part

🎵🎶When we go down 

When kingdom come 

Don't look at me, don't look at me 

I'm just too dumb🎵🎶

I shrugged my shoulders mockingly and looked at them and at first they looked annoyed but then they too burst into laughs. I put Astoria down and said, "You did great champ." I held my hand up for a high five and she giggled and obliged in the high five. "Now go outside. I have another song to record."

She nodded and went out and I took the water in front of me and sat down and drank that a little and Florian asked, "What's the next one?" 

I put the glass down and said, "Silence." 

Ed looked at me and said, "Ah, that one…" Tori picked up on his tone and asked, "Why? Something wrong with that one?"

Ed shook his head and said, "No, no, nothing wrong with it, it's just a bit of a sad song… so." 

Tori and Daphne looked at me while Daphne asked, "What are you so sad about?"

I chuckled and said, "Oh you'll find out and this one is not even that sad, to be honest." I drank a bit more and did a little throat exercise before going up to the mic.

Ed started the music while I took a deep breath before starting. Tori and Daphne wore different expressions, Tori looked a little concern while Daphne had a blank face but I could see she was bothered a little.

The sweet melody of the piano flowed into the air and I closed my eyes and vocalised the melody. 

🎵🎶Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter 

'Cause all my life, I've been fighting 

Never felt a feeling of comfort 

All this time, I've been hiding🎵🎶

Daphne's and Tor's eyes widened and they looked at me with something that I can't quite explain. I shook my head and waved my hands to convey the emotions.

🎵🎶And I never had someone to call my own, oh nah 

I'm so used to sharing 

Love only left me alone 

But I'm at one with the silence🎵🎶

Florian softly cleared his throat and looked at me with a gentle smile causing me to look at the sheet. Astoria meekly said, "It's too sad." Florian chuckled softly and kissed his daughter's head.

🎵🎶I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long

I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long🎵🎶

I bobbed my head along the music while I sang the rest of the song.

🎵🎶I've been quiet for too long 

I've been quiet for too long 

I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long🎵🎶

I looked ahead and looked at the two while singing the next verse.

🎵🎶I'm in need of a savior, but I'm not asking for favors 

My whole life, I've felt like a burden 

I think too much, and I hate it 🎵🎶

I could see Tori's eyes pool with tears which I thought was a bit too strong reaction and surprisingly Daphne's did too.

🎵🎶I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring 

Loving never gave me a home, so I'll sit here in the silence🎵🎶

I closed my eyes and used my all to sing, I like this song and I want it to perfect.

🎵🎶I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long 

I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long 🎵🎶


🎵🎶I've been quiet for too long 

I've been quiet for too long 

I found peace in your violence 

Can't show me there's no point in trying 

I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long🎵🎶

The song stopped and I opened my eyes and they all looked conflicted with so many emotions at the same time, proud, concern, love. But something else also caught my eyes.

I saw two new people standing behind them all and they looked like shell shocked.

One was a guy wearing a sport's jacket over a pink shirt and a khakhi pants other was a young woman, she was light skinned and short brown hair and blue eyes which was an odd combination if I had ever seen one. I asked, "Ah who are you guys?"

The others turned around and the girls shrieked looking at the woman. "It's Lizz!"