
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs

Pride And Dignity

Chapter Two

Russell has liked to be called Russ.

Russ had just been to a ceremony in his honor.

A lot of people gathered.

The mayor was giving a speech about Russell.

The mayor has pointed out several times that no one in history has contributed to their city like Russ.

Mayor: "Precisely because of Russell's immense contributions and much more, we dedicated this magnificent statue to Russell."

Russ stared at the statue, which was about twenty feet high.

The statue was covered with canvas.

The mayor just finished his speech and said that the city will have better entertainment tonight than in Las Vegas.

Everyone present laughed with pleasure and the mayor was preparing to issue a solemn order to unveil the statue.

Suddenly over the heads of the aircraft flew.

People marveled at the aircraft, which looked like a spaceship.

The spacecraft landed 500 yards lower, on a meadow.

There was silence among the assembled people.

A few moments passed and a robot rolled from the direction of the spacecraft.

The robot spoke loudly.

Robot: "We traveled from a great distance.

We came to meet you.

I need a representative of you, to go with me on the ship. "

Everyone looked at Russ.

Russ immediately thought about how he would go with the robot to the spaceship.

When Russ got to the ship.

A large ramp descended off the ship.

Russ followed the robot inside the ship.

When he entered the interior of the ship, Russ was delighted with the spaciousness of the ship.

The ship looked much bigger from the inside than from the outside.

The robot rolled into a corner and turned off there.

Suddenly someone turned to Russ.

"Welcome to our ship.

Feel free to come to me. "

Russ took a few steps and saw the most beautiful brunette he had ever seen.

Russ introduced himself and said he was Russ.

The brunette introduced herself as Helena.

Helena told him to come closer.

To meet other crew members.

Russ came closer and saw the most beautiful black-haired and the most beautiful blonde he had ever seen.

Those two introduced themselves.

One was called Aphrodite and the other was called Hera.

Russ says he is Russ and asked them how he could help them.

Hera said.

Hera; "We have traveled from a great distance. We come from the planet, Venus. We have been observing humanity for a long time. We see that you have made a lot of progress for someone who not so long ago lived in caves. "

Russ was silent for a few moments and said that he thanked them for their kind words and that they should first go back to the ceremony and talk to people about all this.

Hera has a sweaty smile on her face.

Hera: "There is no need for that. We are already in space and on our way to our planet Venus."

Russ was taken aback by that statement.

So he asked them.

Russ: "And how far is your planet?"

Hera: "Our planet is 10,000 light-years away from planet Earth"

Russ: "And how far have we come?"

Hera: "5000 light-years."

Russ began to feel dizzy. The distances were inconceivable.

He sat in an armchair nearby. "

Aphrodite came up to him and brought him a glass of water and told him.

Aphrodite: "Don't worry, Russ. We'll get you back in time for your ceremony back to earth. Our species doesn't look the same at the time as humans.

You will visit our planet and get to know our civilization. We will then bring you back to planet Earth. "

Russ was silent for a few moments and he realized that it was best to obey women.

The journey to the planet Venus was extremely pleasant.

Russ learned some more things about the civilization women come from.

It was an extremely advanced civilization according to the story of women.

Hera stood up and said.

Hera: "We're just landing on the planet Venus.

Let the barriers be raised so that our guests can see what our planet looks like. "

The barriers were raised and Russ could see all the beauties of the planet Venus. Women did not exaggerate when they said how advanced their civilization was. The buildings stood high in the sky. They flew towards the largest building. It was a magnificent palace.

They landed at the palace and got out of the ship.

They were greeted by more women.

They were all hospitable and happy to see the guest.

They prepared a magnificent feast for Russ.

While enjoying the feast, Russ noticed a few things.

The food was not like the food from the planet Earth.

The women explained to him that they do not eat living beings, but have machines that make nutritious meals for them.

The food was very tasty.

Russ also learned that their civilization spans hundreds of planets in our Milky Way galaxy.

Russ suddenly remembered planet Earth and his friends.

No matter how nice it was here, he would still like to go back home so that his loved ones know he is well.

Russ got up from the table and said.

Russ: "My darling women, you have hosted me wonderfully on your planet."

Russ started walking and kept talking.

Russ: "How you entertained me on your planet, Venus. So I would like that you to come to me on planet Earth as a guest so that I can entertain you."

Russ saw a stone at the top of the room, not far from the table.

There was a spoon on the stone.

Russ walked over to the stone and raised the spoon.

The spoon was a little stuck, but Russ managed to lift the spoon and lifted it into the air and said.

Russ: 'Let this spoon be a symbol of our friendship. May this spoon be a symbol of our departure to planet Earth, so that I too can host you and show you the wonders of my planet."

There was silence in the hall.

The women were silent.

Russ began to think he had said something wrong.

Suddenly Hera rose from the table.

She was silent for a few moments, then she began to clap and shout.

Joy and excitement filled the room.

Russ stared in astonishment and nothing was clear to him.

Hera came up to him and said.

Hera: "This is amazing. You raised a spoon from the stone. None of us have been able to raise a spoon from the stone in 10,000 years. Ever since men disappeared from our planet 10,000 years ago, we haven't been able to raise a spoon from the stone!"

Russ was silent for a few moments and then asked cautiously.

Russ: "And where are your men? Where did they go? What happened to them?"

Hera: "One night, 10,000 years ago, our men just disappeared from the planet Venus. We were looking for our men, but they were nowhere to be found and they did not return. Our civilization then decided to go into space and we then flourished as a civilization Unfortunately, our men didn't show up. All that's left is a spoon in the stone, which we women haven't been able to lift out of the stone. But now, after 10,000 years, you've succeeded. You've raised a spoon from the stone. You're our director of the universe from now on."

Hera turned to the other women's and said.

Hera: 'My dear ones, the prophecy has been fulfilled. The spoon was lifted out of stone. Our director of the universe is here. A golden age is coming for our civilization! "

Women began to shout excitedly with happiness.

Russ watched it all knowing he couldn't turn them down.

How could he turn them down at all?

In the weeks that followed, Russ toured the planet, Venus.

Wherever he went, women waited excitedly for him and shouted his name.

Transport on the planet Venus was extremely advanced and Russ toured the planet Venus in a short time.

It was time to visit the other planets.

Wherever Russ came, the women on the planets would be happy to see him.

10 years have passed.

One evening while they were chilling in the chilling room.

Russ remembered planet Earth and his home and friends.

He was overwhelmed with sadness.

He looked at Aphrodite, who was chilling next to him, and asked her.

Russ: "Aphrodite, how can I contact my friends on planet Earth?"

Aphrodite: "You can't. You are now our director of the universe and there are many more planets we need to visit.

Below every level is that our director of the universe communicates with such a backward race as humanity. "

Russ had no choice but to accept his situation.

In the next 10 years, he toured many more planets.

One evening while chilling in the chilling room with Helen, Hera, and Aphrodite.

Russ stood up and said.

Russ: "I'm giving up the position of director of the universe. I'm going back to planet Earth."

The women were silent for a few moments and then Hera spoke

Hera: "You are truly the one and true director of the universe.

Only the director of the universe can give up the position of director of the universe! "

The women showed their enthusiasm for the move from the former director of the universe.

Russ was overwhelmed with sadness.

Despair began to take over him.

He has not been on planet Earth for 20 years.

It crossed his mind that no one would even recognize him when he returned.

Helena recognized the sadness in Russ and said.

Helena: 'Our former director of universe, don't despair. We have a machine that will rejuvenate you.

You will be the same as the day you boarded our spaceship."

Russ: "That's great. But it's been 20 years.

Surely everyone thinks I'm dead.

I will return to a different world. "

The women laughed and Helena started talking.

Helena: "It's the smallest problem. As you know, the universe is huge, and our ships are fast. We won't have a problem getting you back exactly to the day we picked you up.

Russ was silent for a few moments, then said.

Russ: "But won't that create two of me?"

The women laughed again and Hera said.

Hera: "No, it won't. You will go back in time and space exactly where you need to be."

So she continued with a sigh.

Hera: "Look, our former director of the universe. Don't break your head with the details. The most important thing is that you will be on planet Earth by the end of the day and you will be able to participate in raising the statue in your honor."

Russ thought for a moment and saw the wisdom in Hera's words.

The women signaled that Russ needs to follow them.

They came to a room where there was a big white machine.

Helena motioned for Russ to get into the machine.

Russ entered the machine.

Everything started to sparkle.

Russ lost consciousness for a moment.

He regained consciousness after several moments.

He felt great.

He felt like 20 years ago.

The glitter stopped and he heard a voice from Helena.

Helena: "Russell, get out."

Russell came out and disbelief went through him.

He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

There was another Russell in front of him.

Identical to Russell.

The two Russells began to speak aloud.

Two Russells: "What is this !?

I'm the real Russell!

What's going on here ?! "

Helena said.

Helena: "Now there are two Russells and one of you can stay here with us, and the other can go back to planet Earth."

The two Russells started arguing over who would go back home.

They both resolutely claimed that only one of them was the real Russell.

Hera interrupted them abruptly.

Hera: "You're both real Russells. Your atoms split into, creating you two. I have this coin and we can toss the coin, so we'll decide which of you goes back to planet Earth and which will stay here with us."

The two Russells didn't have too many choices.

The coin was tossed and one of Russell's two had a smile of happiness on his face as he walked back home and the other was sad.

Russell boarded the spaceship and the spaceship sailed for planet Earth.

The journey passed quickly.

In an hour, they landed on a meadow in his city, where women from the planet Venus picked him up 20 years ago.

Russell said goodbye to the women and got out of the spaceship.

The sun had just set and the night was falling.

He saw his friend in the evening run.

All happy he stopped his friend and hugged him.

He hadn't seen him in 20 years.

A friend was surprised and said.

Friend: "I see you're very happy and excited about tomorrow. And you should be. You deserve that statue."

Russell came home and during the evening he made sure that he had indeed returned twenty years into the past.

He returned the day before he left for the spaceship and the planet Venus.

That was all, enough to process.

He decided to go out for a walk to clear his head.

As he walked he heard a voice in his head.

It was Russell who remained on the planet, Venus.

Russell asked in disbelief to Russell how this was possible.

Russell explained to him that the rejuvenation machine works on the principle of quantum intertwining and the two of them are connected.

It took a few days for Russell to get used to Russell in his head.

He could hear everything the other Russell was doing.

Whatever the situation.

Russell began to notice the change.

He felt the best in life and in time he was able to separate his thoughts from Russell on the planet Venus.

They soon agreed that Russell on planet Earth would be called Russell, and Russell on planet Venus would be called Russ.

In the days that followed, Russell noticed that Russ was having more fun than ever.

All the women on the planet Venus adored him and he enjoyed the parties and charms that the planet Venus has to offer.

Russell and Russ had further managed to control the connection in their heads.

They got to the point of calling each other like you picked up a phone and called someone.

So, the days knew to pass without hearing from each other.

Russell went on with his life and it was a great time in his life.

He had one obligation that Russ insisted on.

Russell agreed to sit down with Russ and have a beer once a month.