
Hidden Passages

Secret Road has led you here. You will unlock countless doors and Hidden Passage with your pure heart.

DaliborSapina · Urban
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17 Chs

Apollo Dionysus

Chapter Three

Apollo Dionysus


Apollo was jogging.

It was early morning.

Today was a very important day.

Last week he worked hard for this day.

Apollo has finished running and went to take a shower

Showering has been refreshing.

He went to eat breakfast and sit in the car and start driving to work.

When he arrived at the office, he saw the excitement on the faces of his colleagues.

All were ready for today's business.

The property that they will sell was among the most valuable in the world.

The secretary of Apollo quickly caught him up.

She told him that the customer wants to meet with him 80 miles from the office, outside the city.

There is a restaurant to which the customer likes to go and he wants to meet him there to conclude a deal.

Apollo had done a couple of little things in the office and was on his way to meet with customers.

It took Apollo a two-hour drive to reach the restaurant.

There he was greeted by a customer.

The customer was a legend of a man and loved life.

They sat down at the table and the waiter brought an appetizer

The two of them were joking and having small talk.

After the appetizer, the waiter has bring the main course.

They continue chatting while they eat.

The buyer has repeatedly said that he is pleased to buy the property through Apollo.

Of course, Apollo let the buyer know that he was happy and proud that the property will end up in the buyer's hands.

He added that he knows that the buyer will take care of the property perfectly well and that he can see how that property was created just for him.

The buyer added to all this that they were created to work together.

After the main course came dessert.

They eat dessert and continue with the talk and business.

Apollo took out a contract for the sale of real estate, which the two of them were pleased to sign.

They stayed in the restaurant for a few more hours.

Apollo suddenly looked at his watch.

It was 6 pm.

Apollo went through a cold sweat.

He quickly apologized to the customer that he has urgent obligations and that he must leave urgently.

The buyer showed understanding and along the way, they agreed that Apollo would come to him when he moved into the property.

They greeted each other warmly and Apollo got into the car.

He drive as fast as he could.

He arrived at his house.

The sun had already set.

Dionysus was frustrated.

He decided to heal his frustration with two glasses of whiskey.

He drinks the third glass of whiskey.

His frustration slowly disappeared.

The night was young and Dionysus has decided to call a girlfriend.

He knew her very well and that she is the perfect friend for fun and entertainment.

Entertainment that is now necessary.

A girlfriend came very quickly.

Those two were drinking a bottle of whiskey in the next hour.

Dionysus took out another bottle of whiskey.

They drink the second bottle of whiskey.

The girlfriend began jumping on Dionysus.

Dionysus was pleased, and he has good sex with her.

After sex, they drink some more glasses of whiskey and Dionysus again went to have sex with her.

Dionysus had sex with big enthusiasm.

It was seven days since the last time he had sex and drinking

He had intended to use this evening maximally.

Apollo woke up in the morning hungover and exhausted

He had no force to go jogging.

He decided to throw himself under the shower.

The shower helped him a bit.

After showering he went to eat breakfast.

Breakfast was not the best.

He went to work.

When he arrived in the office.

Colleagues excitedly approached to congratulate him on the deal that he concluded yesterday, in the restaurant.

He was not up to people and he just watched it go in his office and be alone.

He was still tired and wanted to be alone.

Secretary appears in his office.

With excitement, she started to talk about today's schedule and that he have a lot of work.

Apollo was unable to listen to her and he told her that she came to him in two hours.

When he was alone in the office, he closed his eyes and start to rest.

Two hours passed quickly and the secretary appeared at the office door with a mountain of files in hand.

Apollo told her to come and sit at the table.

The secretary did not exaggerate.

He had a lot of work.

Apollo has thrown himself on the job.

He was in a lot of meeting that day.

The last meeting ended at 7 pm and he was on the other side of town.

He sit in the car and drive toward his house as fast as he could.

When he arrived at the house, the sun had set.

Dionysus immediately poured himself a glass of whiskey.

He took the glass of whiskey with great pleasure.

He poured himself another glass.

As he drink another glass of whiskey he was thinking as he deserves another glass of whiskey.

He poured himself another glass of whiskey and through his head have passed that was time to call one of his girlfriends.

Yet he deserves it.

He deserved to invite another girlfriend.

So that he has two.

Girlfriends quickly arrived and the first bottle of whiskey quickly disappeared.

The second bottle of whiskey did not last long.

Dionysus jumped on two girlfriends and fucked them in sandwich style.

One lay on a second, and he would fucked one and then another.

He enjoyed watching how the two kissed while having an orgasm.

Then he picks up the tempo.

Since girls already have orgasms.

They were especially sensitive and they cheered each other for another orgasm.

It was not long and they have another orgasm.

Dionysus enjoyed it.

That was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

They deserve it.

He deserved it.

Apollo in the morning woke groggy and in pain.

The muscles in his body hurt him and he did not feel well.

He take shower longer than usual.

The shower was not overly helpful.

Breakfast was not good.

He goes out in the car to drive to work.

As he was driving to work, he thought of the obligations waiting for him.

He felt sick and stuck out in a traffic jam.

He did not want to be with people.

When he came into office, he made it clear to the secretary that he will call her when he need her.

Apollo took all morning to get feel better.

It was not until around 11 am, that he was ready for the secretary and business

He has lots of work.

Apollo was aware that he will not finish his work on time.

In the next seven days, the situation for Apollo was getting worse and worse.

In the morning it was increasingly difficult to get up out of bed and he needed several hours to come to himself and began to do the job.

Apollo was aware that something needs to change.

He called on the secretary's office and told her that he will take a vacation.

Apollo was traveling to the house on the coast, which he bought last year.

The house was beautiful and had a sandy beach.

Apollo came into a house and immediately prepared for a swim in the sea.

He jumped in the deep blue sea and began to swim.

He was swimming as never in his life.

He did not want to stop swimming.

He swims farther and farther.

He swims until his arms and legs have begun to ache.

Twitch in his leg suddenly caught him.

He caught the leg and firmly squeezed with his body.

He was careful that his lungs are half-filled with air.

That his head was above the surface of the sea.

The twitch in his leg started to lose.

Apollo has turned towards the coast.

The coast is a few kilometers away from him.

Apollo began to swim toward shore.

It took a lot more time to swim back to shore.

When he came into the house, the sun had gone down.

Dionysus is all in pain.

Every muscle in his body hurts him.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey, but the whiskey did not taste good.

Dionysus could barely move.

He managed to get to the phone and call a girlfriend.

A girlfriend came and she was glad to start drinking whiskey.

Dionysus had neither the will nor the power to drink.

After the girlfriend drinks half a bottle of whiskey.

She threw herself on Dionysus and wanted to have sex.

Dionysus was for nothing, let alone sex.

A girlfriend orally satisfied Dionysus and Dionysus fell asleep.

Apollo in the morning woke up perfectly rested.

He immediately ran to the morning jogging.

After jogging, he, with pleasure threw himself under the shower.

The breakfast was excellent.

He took the mask and fins and went diving.

He caught two nice fish and prepared them for lunch.

After lunch, he went swimming.

He swims away from the shore.

He was very much away from the coast.

Apollo did not mind.

He swims at the same pace towards the coast.

When he came into the house, he immediately threw himself under the shower.

The sun had set.

Dionysus was all in pain and sadness.

Every muscle in the body was in pain.

He did not want to drink or fuck.

Only he'd want to rest.

He called a girlfriend to come to him.

A girlfriend came and said that she has the perfect thing for him.

She brings the plant, which is called marijuana.

Dionysus recognized marijuana.

Dionysus has made joint and a few pokes.

He immediately felt pain and fatigue disappear.

After they finished the first joint, Dionysus made a second joint, the third joint, and the fourth joint ...

Good thing his girlfriend had enough grass.

That evening Dionysus smoked 10 joints and even buy more grass from his girlfriend.

Apollo has woken up all dazed.

He could not concentrate.

He go for the morning jogging, but his legs were heavy.

He was gone for a short swim in the sea.

Dionysus was smashing marijuana like there is no tomorrow.

That evening his girlfriend did not come to visit him.

He decided to smash the record from last night and smoke at least eleven joints.

Apollo had a difficult morning.

He decided that he need to jump into the sea and swim.

After swimming, he felt better.

Suddenly he saw a beautiful woman who was walking toward him and she expressed a desire to get acquainted.

Apollo has spent the whole afternoon with her.

The woman was an extremely nice person with a superior heart and soul.

She was a very discerning mind, and Apollo was impressed with her.

They agreed to have lunch tomorrow.

Dionysus has decided to remove the record of yesterday and smoke 12 joints.

The girlfriend did not come.

He needed concentration if he want to break yesterday's record.

Apollo was having lunch with women.

He enjoyed every second of her company.

After lunch, they walked and talked about anything and everything.

They agreed that she would come tomorrow night after the sun sets to visit him in his house.

Dionysus was unstoppable.

Tonight he will remove the record and smoke 13 joints.

Apollo goes early in the morning to town to go shopping.

Tonight was a very important night for him and he wanted to go well.

Dionysus, could not find his marijuana.

He was annoyed.

On the table were only two glasses of wine.

He was planning that will drink both glasses of wine.

Suddenly, he heard how safe that was arrived today unlocked automatically.

Dionysus opens the safe and he finds two joints.

At that moment, the doorbell rings.

It was a beautiful woman at the door and Dionis greeted her with satisfaction.

Together, they drink a glass of wine and lit a joint.

Dionysus that evening sexed woman as never in his life.

He had great sex.

Apollo has felt fantastic.

He immediately went to jump into the sea and swim with extraordinary gusto.

After a morning swim, he went to the vault and then put two joints inside.

He has programmed the safe to open at 8i30pm.

Today he will meet with a beautiful woman at lunch.

Beautiful women were enjoyed in his company.

She was thrilled by his choice of food.

She spent it with him all afternoon in a beautiful conversation.

He was perfect for her.

A night would come as a strawberry on the cake.

She has so incredible sex with him.

Sex filled her with happiness and satisfaction.

He will be her man.

Next weekend, she brought a girlfriend to have the evening entertainment in three.