
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

unnoticed_user · Movies
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12 Chs

4- Sirius Black

~Adriana POV~

"Adriana Black" my mum said and I mentally facepalmed.

They all looked like they have seen a ghost.

"what?" I asked confused

"yo-you don't know?" Ron said and I shook my head.

"Your dad is Sirius Black" he said and I perked my head.

"you know my 'dad'?" I asked with an air quote sign

"yes! Don't you?" he asked and I shook my head again.

He was going to say something when a girl having brown curly and brown eyes nudged him and gave him a warning look.

I looked at them in confusion but didn't said anything.

"Hi! I am Hermione Granger, nice to meet you!" the bushy haired girl said while holding out a hand for me.

I looked at her hand smiling and shook it.

"you know you will be my sister's second friend!" Millie said and I glared at her making her shut then looked at her with a look of apology and embarrassment.

"sorry she is a little.... You know?...irritating." I said and she brushed it off.

Then a boy with raven hair and green eyes came to me.

"Hi, I am Harry Potter, nice to meet you!" he said doing the same as Hermione holding his hand out.

I shook it great greatfully.

"well.... You know my name so, nice to meet you too Harry" I said while smiling.

"now if you all are introduced let's go you will be late Percy, Ginny, George and Fred are already gone." Mr. Weasley said.

I looked at my family with a small smile and moved towards them.

"now I guess it's a goodbye till Christmas." I said with a sad expression.

And at that time Millie burst into tears.

"Hey! I am not dead, okay. Don't cry like a baby." I said in a stern voice.

"but I will miss you!" she said with more tears of crying.

"I will write to you every week, okay?" I asked.

"ye-yes" *sniff*

Then I turned to my parents.

"Bye mum, dad" I said while hugging them.

"we are comming in there, sweetie." my mum said pointing towards the pillar.

I furrowed my eyebrows and said "No, you are not. You three are not going to put a foot in wizarding world. Promise me!"

"but magic is so cooooool!" Millie whined

"nope you all are not going to be in the middle of wizarding world. I don't know how it is like, so I cannot allow you lot to come there." I said in a stern voice.

~Harry POV~

I was a little shocked that Adriana didn't want her family with her.

I looked around to see everyones reaction and all of them were as confused as I was, excluding Hermione who had a sad expression, so I made a mental not to ask her.

"Promise me!" Adriana said in an authority type voice and the 3 of them nodded swiftly.

They are scared from her. I thought

"okay, then it's a bye, I'll see you on Christmas holidays. Byee!" Adriana said waving her hand and getting ready to go through the wall.

And In a second she disappeared and I turned my head towards Ron who was still watching the wall.

"Ron?" I called.

"Hm" he hummed

"How do you know that girl?" I asked confused.

"I didn't told you?" he said looking at me with a shocked expression.

"No" I answered

"Oh I must have forgot to tell you because I told Hermione." he said nodding his head towards Hermione who was running to go through the wall.

"oh, then..... Enlighten me also?" I asked him in a mocking voice.

He huffed and started.

"She was living in the muggle world with those people because Dumbledore was not able to find her. So, when he finally found her he told her all about wizarding world and asked us to help her buy her school supplies." he said and I looked at him with a confused expression.

I was going to say something when Mrs. Weasley said.

"You turn children!" she said with a smile.

I went infront of the wall and started jogging towards the wall and came to platform 9⅓.

~Adriana POV~

I went through a wall?!?! I thought. But then again I am in a wizarding world.

I brushed off my astonishment and looked at the train standing on the tracks in front of the platform.

It was a red and black steam train with many compartments.

I went inside the train and started moving in the corridor to search for an empty compartment because...I am just not in a mood, I don't need a reason.

Every compartment was filled with students so I went far.

Then I saw a compartment empty, only a man sleeping who was fast asleep, so I decided to sit in that compartment.

I pulled my trunk in the compartment as softly as I can because I didn't want the man to wake up.

I closed the compartment door and sat next to the window and pulled my earphones and my PSP to listen my downloaded music.

~Remus POV~

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard the compartment door slid open, so I opened my eyes a little to meet a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

And I don't know why but she resembled the looks of.....Rose and Sirius, but was not able to give a thought for that because of the portion I took.

And in seconds I drifted into sleep....Again...

~Harry POV~

When climbed the train and started searching a compartment.

We moved till the end of the train but didn't found an empty compartment. But at last we saw a compartment in which there was a man fast asleep and the girl from the station. Adriana.

I looked at Hermione and Ron and they nodded so I slipped the compartment door open. But Adriana didn't seem to notice as she was wearing earphones so I tri- wait how is she using earphones!?!?!

I looked towards Hermione and she also had a confused expression.

"Hi Adriana, can we sit here everywhere else is full?" Hermione asked gaining her attention.

Adriana looked at us while pulling one of her earphones out of her ears.

"yeah ofcourse come in and have a seat!" she said with a friendly smile which made my stomach do a backflip.

We went inside and settled ourselves.

I sat next to her while Ron and Hermione sat across us next to the man sleeping.

Adriana had already put her earphone in her ear again and was not able to hear us so I started.

"Do you think he is asleep?"I asked motioning my hand towards the sleeping man.

"yes, why?" asked Ron

"I wanted to tell you something." I said and he looked towards Adriana who was still listening to music.

"she cannot hear us." I stated.

"and how do you know that?" Ron asked.

"because she is wearing ear phones.

"Ear- what?" he asked and I huffed in frustration

"Adriana?" hermione called to check is she was able to hear us or not.

She called her but didn't got any response so I continued.

"Ron your father told me something about sirius black." I said and they both looked at me with curiosity.

Hermione nodded me, signalling me to continue.

"he told me that Black has escaped prison to murder me and to complete the task of Voldemort." I told them about him and there eyes widened.

The rest of 30 minutes went in silence. Everyone trying to absorb the information I have told.

I turned my head to look at Adriana and found her asleep.

I smiled to myself but it fell immediately when I saw her sweating.

Is she having a nightmare? I thought to myself and began shaking her lightly.

"Adriana?" I said but she didn't woke up so this time I shook her a little hard.

"Adriana!" I said and her eyes shot open.

~Adriana POV~

"I hate spilling royal blood.... Tut.. Tut.... Shame, Avada Kedavra."

I was having the same nightmare and was not able to wake up.

I felt someone shaking me but again I was not able to respond.

Then I felt someone shaking me a little hard and someone calling my name but it sounded like the voice was comming from water.

"Adriana" it was a drowned voice.

"Adriana!" now the voice was more clear but I was not able to figure out whose voice was that.

"Adriana!!" now I was able to figure out it was a boy's voice.

"ADRIANA!!!!" It was Harry's voice.

I shot open my eyes and saw everyone staring at me.

~Harry POV~

I called her a thousand times but she didn't respond. Her eyes were twitching and she was sweating.

And then with a final jerk her eyes shot open and she straighten up and looked around in confusion.

I took her hand and gave it a light squeeze which she accepted gratefully.

When I saw her like this I remembered the feeling when I woke up after having a nightmare.

I looked towards Hermione and Ron, they both looked terrified. Then I turned my head towards Adriana and was not able to read her face. She sat there without any emotions on her face but her eyes were filled with various emotions.

She broke the silence.

"Aahh.... Ron... Umm.. Do.. You know so-something about.... Hem...Hem.....my dad?" she asked awkwardly.

"yes, everyone knows about him." he said and I mentally facepalmed.

"Great! I am the only one who doesn't know my father." she said sarcastically.

"can you tell me who he is?" she asked.

"Ammmmm...yeah... Ofcourse!" Ron said in an unsure voice.

"He is a mass murderer and he broke out from Askaban." he told her.

"wow! That was a little straight forward." she said without any expression on her face.

"yeah.... I also think so." he said with his one hand on his hair.

"anyways, what is.... As-askaban?" she asked.

"it is a prison for dark wizards." he said.

"dark wizard?" she said and I could hear the worry in her voice.

"dark wizard as if t-" Ron started but was interrupted by Hermione.

"dark wizards are the one who use magic to do bad deeds like the death eaters." she said.

"Death eaters?" Adriana asked in curiosity.

"people who sides you-know-who." Ron said.

"what?" Adriana asked confused and I knew that they will not say there name so I started.

"Death eaters are the followers of Voldemort." when I said his name I heard Ron and Hermione gasp.

"so long story short, my father is in the army of Voldemort aka you-know-who." she asked.

"yes." I answered

"who is voldemort?" she asked curiously and I heard my friends gasped.

I glared at them and replied.

"he was the darkest wizard but meet his downfall and now they say that he is half dead without his powers."

"oh, then he is not a problem anymore?"she asked

"well he has already tried to resurrect himself.... Twice." I said

"oh!"she said a little suprised but her face remained emotionless.

Then she turned her head towards the window and started listening music from her earphone.

I looked towards Ron and Hermione and shared the same looks but didn't push the matter and went back to our chatting.

After half an hour I felt soft breathing, so I turned my head and saw Adriana asleep.

I couldn't help but a small smile crept on my face.

She must be really tired. I thought.

But she looks so cute while sleeping.

My eyes widened when I realised what I was thinking, so I shook my head and cleared all the thoughts from my mind.

After 5 minutes the train jolted and stoped. And without any warning the lights went off.


Hey guys! Only this much for this chapter.... I really started liking to write this story.... Thankyou for choosing this by the way and I will not let you regret your choice.....


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

unnoticed_usercreators' thoughts