
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

unnoticed_user · Movies
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12 Chs

3- The Truth

~Adriana's POV~

"Leave her alone!" a lady shouted

"Hahaha! I don't take orders you pathetic blood traitor. It's my tolerance level that you are still shouting..... Or even speaking." A cold voice said without any hint of humanity.


"I will kill you then your daughter, MOVE ASIDE!!" the cold voice yelled.

"NO! Leave us alone!!" the lady said without any hint of fear.

"I really don't like spilling Royal blood..... Tut.. Tut... what a shame! AVADA KEDAVRA!!" the cold voice shouted.

And there was a jet of green light and the lady fell on the floor. Her lifeless body lying on the floor with her eyes open starting at the cradle.

"Ahh!"I gasped as I jolted up from my bed.

"What the actual fuck was that!?!" I said

I picked my clock from my bed stand and saw the time.


"Oh today I woke up ear–"I looked away from the clock and after I realised what time it was I looked back at the clock to make sure.

7:01 a.m.

"7:01 WHAT THE HELL! ARGHH! THIS NIGHTMARE–wait a daymare actually. Ahhh! My logics" I whispered to myself.

I jumped off of my bed and went to the washroom attached with my room.

I brushed my teeth and took a bath. Usually I am not an early bird but I don't eat anything till I brush my teeth and take a bath.

Traits got from my mother, can't help.

After taking a bath I went in my room in a bath robe and picked my clothes from my wardrobe and put them on.

It was a lavender oversized sweater and blue skin tight jeans.

I went down the stairs in the kitchen and found my parents discussing

Anxiously about something and saw a letter folded on the table with the Hogwarts initials on it.

I quickly went in the kitchen gaining my parents attention.

"Good morning dear!"they chorused.

"Good morning mum, dad!"

I greeted

"is that a letter from Hogwarts?"I asked while pointing my index finger at the folded letter on the table.

"Ummmm.... Yeah i-it is." my mum said stammering a bit.

I frowned at her reaction and said

"is everything alright?"I asked a little nervous.

"Adriana, we want to tell you something." my dad said.

Shit! Adriana, he used my full name, I am in trouble.

"Dad I didn't do anything, trust me! " I assured him.

"you are not in trouble, we need to tell you about your past." he said

"about my past?"I asked with a weird expression

"yes, sit down and don't in interrupt, OK?" my mum said

I nodded my head settled myself on the chair across my parents.

"So you are not our daughter." my dad blurted out.

Wow! How straightforward. I thought.

"thankyou you didn't said anything now, he continued.

"we found you in a park. You was in a basket with a note which said to take you and take care of you and also told to name you Adriana." he said and I looked at him with my eyebrows raised and my eyes wide.

"then Sara you adoptive mother requested... Well... Practically cried to take you in"he continued and I flashed my famous charming smile towards my mother which she gladly returned.

"and then after 5 minutes of convincing we took you in and named you Adriana." my dad said. "please don't hate us Anna we love you a lot, trust us." my mother practically pleaded.

I looked at them with a confused expression and said.

"Are you mental?!?! I love you all with all my heart nd you are my real family. And I will protect you all at all costs." I said and the smiled at me.

"and.... Thankyou."I said while smiling.

"Why?" they both asked in confusion

"thankyou because you let me in your house, if you would have not picked me up from that park either I would have died from hunger or someone bad would have picked me up."I said with a grateful face.

"you and Millie are my sweet little daughters, I will do anything for you both." my mom said while crying.

"why are you crying? Am I that hard to handle?" I asked dramatically while my right hand was on my chest.

They chuckled lightly.

"don't be so dramatic now!" my father ordered and I saluted again dramatically.

"I have a question." I said and they both nodded, signalling to continue.

"why are you telling me this now? Like if you haven't told me I would have never known." I asked

"Yes, that man Dumebledore–"

"Dumbledore."I corrected my father.

"yes, Dumbledore, he told us that you have to use your real last name in the school an–" he continued but I cut him a yelled.


"sweetie, don't shout maybe it's necessary." my mum suggested.

"Hmmmm, maybe you are right but you all will be my real family always because those people were either to coward to raise me or didn't thought what would happen to me if they leave me." I said,Anger boiling in me.

"Anyways, what my last name?" I asked

"Black" my mum answered.

"Ugh! I don't like it my first name also means darkness. Am I that dark?" I asked

"Oh! It's nice, trust me"my mum said trying to convince me.

"Hmmm" I hummed

"now eat food or else you will be late." my father said.

"yeah-but first FAMILY HUG!!" I said and they both laughed but hugged me back.

And at that time I knew I hate people who abandon me, and my family is my greatest weakness.

"okay now, stop! " my mum said and I broke the hug.

"let eat!" I said.

We arrived at the King's cross station. Me and my sister Millie were infront of our parents. I had the ticket of the train while my mum and dad had the trolley with my trunk.

"want to have a race till platform 9?" Millie asked and I nodded.

Mut she started running before I said start.

"HEY ITS CALLED CHEATING! I NEVER SAID GO! COME BACK!" I yelled while running and my parents were laughing standing at the back.

I started running and eventually caught up with her.

"HOW DID YOU CAUGHT UP WITH ME!" Millie yelled in frustration.

"oh little sissy I run 2 km everyday! What did you thought?" I said while smirking.

We reached at the middle o platform 9 and stoped.

Then I noticed the red-head family aka The Weasleys.

I was going to go to them when my parents called me.


They come to me and I took my trunk from them giving them an innocent look.

I pointed my finger at the Weasleys and asked them if I could ask them how to reach platform 9⅓ and they nodded so I made my way towards them.

"Ron!" I called and he looked behind and grinned at me.

~Harry POV~

I heard someone call my friend Ron's name so we all turned to look at the person and found a girl of our age grinning at him.

I looked at Ron and found him grinning at her.

I leaned to the side and whispered in his ear.

"do you know her?"

"yes!" he whispered back

And I straighten myself.

The girl came and greeted the Weasleys like she knew them.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Heya Ron! How are you?"

"we all are great how are you?" he asked

"excited and great." she replied.

"Do you know how to enter the platform?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"uhhh..... No.." she asked in a shy manner which made me remember my first meeting with them

"No problem dear! You just have to walk across the wall." Mrs. Weasley said and I saw her eyes widened.

I let out a soft chuckle and stared at her.

"Ahh....mmmm, are you... Joking?"she asked making me laugh.

She must have heard me because she looked at me and gave a boring look and looked away with a smile.

Am I boring? I asked to myself.

"No sweetie! This is the only way." she said to her and she nodded her head.

She opened her mouth to speak but someone hugged her from the back and she turned sharply only to meet a small girl.

I saw her expression soften.

"What happened Millie?" she asked with a small smile

"You are go-going t-to" *sniff* "leave-e me?" *sniff* the girl whose name I learn as Millie asked while crying.

The girl bent a little to reach Millie's height and wiped her tears.

"I am not going to leave you Mills, I will come in Christmas holidays, ok?" she asked

"who will I trouble when you will go?" *sniff**sniff*.

And at that time none of us were able to hold our laughs.




"very funny, right?" she said in a bored voice.

"now you, am I only a toy to you whom you can trouble?"she said acting to wipe tears from her eyes.

Millie looked at her with a concerned expression and said.

"No, no you got it wrong I love you, trust me I will protect you always!"

I raised an eyebrow at the little girl.

"now, now how are you going to do it?"the girl said while standing up as if challenging her.

This isn't going to be good.

"like this." Millie said and started punching her sister.... I think but after two punches she started blocking it like an expert.

Wow! She know how to fight! I thought.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by two couple comming towards us.

"can you both stop fighting?" the woman asked.

"mum we were not fighting she was showing me how she will 'protect' me from evils." the girl said with an air quote sign.

"but leave it, meet them they are the ones who helped me to buy my school supplies from the Diagon alley." she said while motioning towards the Weasleys.

"It's so nice to meet you all, I am Sara Rockwood and he is Robert Rockwood"the woman whose name I learned as Sara said while motioning her hand toward the man whose name is Robert.

"it's a pleasure to meet you too." Mrs. Weasley said.

"I am Molly Weasley and he is my husband Arthur Weasley and these are my children Ron, Ginny, Fred and George" she said while motioning towards her kids and Mr. Weasley.

Mrs. Rockwood smiled and said "she is my younger daughter Millie Rockwood and you know her." she said while motioning her hand toward the girl.

"Adriana Roc–Black"


That's it for this chapter and in next chapter Adriana will meet Harry and Hermione.....


Take a bucket of popcorn and get ready!!

unnoticed_usercreators' thoughts