
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 17

The fourth day Barrett came to Buxton was the last day of the action.

This day is much quieter than yesterday.

There was no major "terrorism" until noon.

However, small sabotage activities have never stopped, and most of them are retaliatory acts by residents in order to vent.

One p.m.


An arsenal in Buxton Center, this is the largest arsenal in Buxton, which houses a variety of weapons at this time.

"Hahahaha, I finally found it, actually here!" Barrett smiled ecstatically.

Barrett's hand was a devil fruit.

The fruit is round, with a blue-purple skin on the surface, with round and square spiral patterns on it.

Others may not know, but Barrett clearly knows that this is the superhuman line. The fruit of the fit, the fruit Barrett dreams of and wants.

Don't know why this fruit is sealed in the warehouse?Perhaps the rebel army did not know the information about this devil fruit, or perhaps they had not found the owner of this devil fruit.

Anyway, anyway, this fruit is now cheaper than Barrett.

Without a word, Barrett swallowed the devil fruit without chewing.

Don't ask, ask is stinky, and Luffy is not stinky, other people, Barrett has not heard of anyone whose devil fruit tastes normal.

"Oh..." A foul smell poured into Barrett's mouth from his stomach.

Barrett resisted and did not spit out the devil fruit.

"It's really stinky." Although the mouth was stinking, Barrett felt happy in his heart.

"Haha, let you see the power of the fruit."

Just then the rebel army at the door also rushed in.

Purple fluid crystals flowed out of Barrett's body.

Barrett feels like his newly grown hands and feet can be controlled freely, but it seems that they have not fully grown.

The purple flow crystal quickly spread to the nearby weapon rack.

Seeing this, the rebels raised their guns and fired at Barrett no matter what they were.

Barrett cursed secretly when he saw this, and hid away.

At present, this is one of the disadvantages of the combined fruit.

It was also Barrett who had just obtained the fusion fruit, and his proficiency was not enough to quickly let the purple flow crystal wrap the weapon.

In the later stage, the time for Barrett to fit together should be about the same as the time for Luffy to blow the Great Ape King's spear.

So I still lack practice.

Dodging the bullet coming over, the purple flow crystal finally covered the weapon shelf next to it.

The first step is similar to assimilation. Barrett feels that the purple flow crystal is assimilating weapons and shelves. It feels like wearing a glove on his hand.

Of course, the assimilation time is still very short.

The second step, along with the flow crystals flowing out of Barrett's body, and the assimilated flow crystals flow to Barrett.

At this time, Barrett felt that he could fuse with the flow crystal and freely change the shape of the flow crystal.

The rebels saw that Barrett was fusing the flow crystals, and another wave of fire and shooting.

This time Barrett did not hide, he suddenly had an idea.

In part, the flow crystals flowing out of Barrett's body formed a wall in front of Barrett.

The bullet shot into the fluid crystal inside the body and is assimilated into the fluid crystal outside the body.

At this moment, Barrett finally completed the integration, and the flow crystals inside and outside completely wrapped Barrett.

The next step is deformation.

The rebels were still shooting frantically, but apparently they found that the guns had no effect on Barrett.

An officer summoned his courage, pulled out another knife on his waist, and rushed towards Barrett.

The knife slashed the liquid crystals that wrapped Barrett, and it quickly turned into liquid crystals. At this time, the liquid crystals inside and outside merged with each other.

However, the fusion fruit can only fuse inorganic matter, and for organic matter, assimilation has no effect.

So there is nothing wrong with this officer.

Finally, Barrett also completed the flow crystal change.

An "Iron Man" appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, Barrett may not have such a good style of painting, or his control accuracy is not so high, so the "Iron Man" in front of him is just a look similar to Mark 1.

It can also be understood that Barrett is wearing a heavy protective suit made of iron.

"Hey, what a shame." Barrett was obviously disappointed with the look at the moment.

But he had forgotten that the style of the world had collapsed, and robots like Frankie could make Luffy and others admire it.

Similarly, these rebels in front of them were also shocked and worshipped.

In terms of this world, this is a man's dream.

"I'll go." Barrett was even more speechless when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Hey, don't be ashamed, let's send you on the road."

Barrett raised his right hand, and the palm of his right hand rolled.

A barrel stretched out of Barrett's palm.

Only then did the rebels react. The man in front of him was his enemy, and even if the mecha was more handsome, he would deal with them.

"Boom boom..." A series of gunfire sounded.

The rebels at the door were all shot and fell to the ground.

Barrett in his previous life is also considered a hardcore fan, so the gun structure of the previous life can still be constructed easily.

When Barrett's control becomes more precise, he can build even more powerful guns.

After solving the soldiers at the door, Barrett unarmed his entire body.

The fluid crystals in the body returned to Barrett's body, and the fluid crystals outside the body turned into a pile of debris and scattered on the ground.

The debris in one place was not produced after being eroded by the liquid crystals, but Barrett deliberately created it, accompanied by several powerful bombs.


With the roar, Barrett broke out of the arsenal all the way, with debris on the ground behind him.

"Haha, it's time to play." Barrett blocked the killing, and Buddha blocked the killing. Unless he understands the master of iron-cutting, no one can even break Barrett's defense.

At this time, Amy heard a roar from a distance, and Amy knew that Barrett's action to cover his evacuation had begun.

Amy sneaked close to the city gate, and when the city gate guard found him, Amy dashed suddenly, killing the city gate guard with lightning speed.After paying the price of minor injuries, beheading the gate guard and a lieutenant general, Amy managed to escape from Buxton.

At this time, from the phone worm guarding the city gate, there was a voice "All soldiers searching for the enemy, immediately support the headquarters, and immediately support the headquarters."

The voice in the phone worm is similar to a certain range, and it is broadcast in the form of broadcasting.

Unfortunately, Amy had already left Buxton at this time.

Turning to the headquarters of the rebel army, the front door is full of rebels, and they are standing by.

Barrett walked from the arsenal all the way to the rebel headquarters.

"We can't hold on, we can't hold his pace at all, it's too scary, haha..." After a voice came from the phone worm in Jubian Navarro's hand, he lowered his head.

Navarro was the leader of the rebel army, and his face was ugly and twisted.

The enemy was about to attack his headquarters, but he didn't know anything, and it was uncomfortable for anyone to change.

And Barrett continued to get closer, and a big battle was waiting for him at this time.

A bloody storm will set off again...

The functions and characteristics of the combined fruit are adapted from the original work.

Everyone should be able to understand.

For this reason, I watched Barrett's fighting video several times.

Not to mention, Barrett is really strong.