
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 16

Barrett came to Buxton that night.

Buxton at night, off the beaten track, Barrett carefully shuttled through the alley.

Soon, Barrett arrived at his destination, a brightly lit building.

This is the headquarters of the rebel army, Barrett has no way to get close, and can only look at it from a distance.

"If you do something here, hehe..." Barrett smirked in a low voice.

After finally coming to Buxton, I can't even take a look at the enemy headquarters, although it is not very useful.

Not to mention the masters inside, even the surrounding guards are enough to drag Barrett down.

"Are you paying attention to it too?"

Amy appeared silently, almost not scaring Barrett to death.

"Damn!" Your way of appearing on the stage is trying to conspiracy, right?

"Cut, let me see, when you create chaos, I will try to kill a few generals."

Amy said indifferently.

"Before you set off, I'm afraid that when you're here, you are directly eyeing the rebel headquarters?" Barrett said silently.

How could this guy be like Huang Yuan, saying the most insulting words and fighting the most brutal fight.

"When I came, I saw many villages destroyed by them." Amy's words were full of murderousness.

"Ah, I saw it too. It's a bunch of bastards." Barrett said painfully.

"By the way, I found you a little brother, you should like it."

Barrett changed the subject and told Amy about Hahn by the way.

"Hey, hey, who let you make a decision without authorization, do you know what we are going to do on this trip?"

Amy feels pitted.

"He has the same experience as you, so I will leave him to you."

There is no lack of beauty in the world, but the eyes that discover beauty are lacking.Maxima and Bole finally met, no matter how difficult it is, Barrett cannot be stopped.

"Let's do it, it's up to him where he can go." After speaking, Amy disappeared into the night.

"I'm really looking forward to it." Barrett disappeared shortly afterwards.

Barrett came to Buxton early on the third day.

Barrett took the lead.

"Quickly, catch him."

"Don't let him run."


Barrett first attacked an arsenal in the corner of Buxton, where Barrett got a lot of gunpowder, and by the way gave the arsenal.

At this time Barrett was being chased by a group of rebels. While running, Barrett relied on the cover of the building to kill some soldiers.

After running a few blocks, the chasing soldiers behind Barrett were slaughtered.

Before the enemy could catch up, Barrett threw away his weapon and hurriedly hid himself.

The first operation was completed. Although an arsenal was bombed, it did not cause much sensation.

Barrett looked at the explosive in his hand and laughed strangely.


With a loud noise, a granary in Buxton was blown up by the rebels.

The fire was blazing, and a large amount of grain was burned to ashes in the fire.

This time, Barrett hid in the crowd like a okay person.

The rebels were scorched by the fire, and it was too late to put out the fire. There was no one to track down the culprit. Moreover, the scene was extremely chaotic and it was not known who set the fire.

At first, the rebel army headquarters didn't care about these two incidents. They thought it was only a small-scale terrorist attack, but emphasized that the perpetrators must be brought to justice.

It was not until the afternoon that they discovered that none of the officers sent out came back, and the explosion was still happening.

At this time, they realized that the situation was not right and the explosion was still going on. Even if the sent generals did not catch the culprit, some information should be sent back.

Now, no news has been received from the rebel headquarters.

Obviously, after Barrett did it, Amy did it too.

Amy intercepted and killed the generals sent from the rebel headquarters, resulting in the rebel headquarters without any information about the attackers.

Soon, the rebel headquarters entered a state of alert to prevent sneak attacks.

And sent a large number of troops at once to prevent them from being destroyed one by one.

Amy saw nothing to do next, so she evacuated from the rebel headquarters.

Going to find new targets again.

On Barrett's side, he seemed addicted to playing bombs.

Until the afternoon, the generals of the rebel army were restrained by Amy and defeated one by one.

So Barrett faced only some shrimp soldiers.

How can these people stop Barrett?

A group of people followed Barrett, unable to do anything with him, watching Barrett helplessly, bombing their equipment depots, granaries and even military camps and outposts.

The sky gradually darkened, and Barrett finally saw the generals of the rebels rushing.

Stopped his work, Barrett put down his weapon and fled.

Now, it is not the time to confront the government forces with hard steel. There will be actions tomorrow, and tomorrow's actions are the focus.

Buxton was blazing at night. According to statistics, 5 arsenals were bombed, 6 granaries were burnt to ashes, 2 barracks were attacked, and countless outposts were moved to the ground with fists.

In addition, 6 major generals and 2 lieutenant generals were assassinated and killed, including those who died at home.

Countless soldiers carried torches and searched for the murderer everywhere.

Residents walked out of the house and watched the flames skyrocketing in the distance.

The fire reflected in their eyes seemed to ignite the hope in their hearts.

People walked out of the house one after another, looking at the fire in the distance, looking at the hope in their hearts, and at the same time covering and praying for the attackers.

Barrett ran into an alley in a hurry. He was almost spotted by the rebels searching for him just now.

As soon as he looked up, Barrett happened to ran into the residents walking out of the house.

The air seemed to stand still for an instant, and Barrett was still stained with blood.

Immediately afterwards, the residents seemed to be unable to see Barrett, and continued to walk forward until they passed Barrett. None of them looked at Barrett.

At this moment, Amy suddenly appeared.

"Why are you here?" Barrett looked at Amy, and Amy was really good at hiding.

"I followed you all the way." Amy blankly led Barrett into the alley.

"Tomorrow's action will be difficult. The rebels have closed the city." Amy said worriedly.

"Tomorrow you will find a chance to break through, and I will cover you in the city." Barrett said.

"Then what do you do? After I go out, it will be more difficult for you to go out. The rebels will definitely strengthen their defense." Amy worried.

"I collected a lot of explosives today, but it was not good. I blasted a section of the city wall and escaped. My head-to-head confrontation was stronger, so I came to the back." Barrett explained.

"All right, pay attention to safety, I will go to the rebel army's house tonight again." Amy said.

In the daytime, before Amy had been killed, the rebels got together.

"Well, be careful." Barrett also wanted to continue to "turn around" in the city.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...

In the next chapter, there may be something you want.

Haha, I am afraid that many people can't wait.

In addition, a book friend said that the Jarzburg tragedy was mentioned in the fanatical action.

I didn't notice this when I watched anime.

Sorry, I have less knowledge.

From now on, let's keep using the endless country of war,

Change the name later.