
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 18 Escape from Buxton

Finally, after crushing all the way, Barrett came to Buxton, the headquarters of the rebel army.

At this time, in front of Buxton's headquarters building, it can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Residents who came to watch, more of them were rebel forces who heard the news and came to support.

"Boom boom boom..."

With a roar, the leader finally appeared.

In front of everyone was a 4-meter-high, human-shaped heavy armor.

The most conspicuous is that this mech is holding a huge barrel in his hand.

"Sure enough, I came here, tell the soldiers, leave him with me!" Navarro gave the order angrily.

If it wasn't for Navarro to take the headquarters to prevent the enemy's beheading, he would want to kill this guy himself.

"Relax, Marshal, 4 lieutenants and 11 major generals have been assembled in front of the building." said a major general next to Navarro.

"If the generals hadn't been sent to the front, how could he be so presumptuous." Navarro said angrily.

The tall mecha in front of him was rubbing the face of the rebel army against the ground.

Barrett looked at the army in front of him, secretly planning.

Now Barrett feels that the inorganic matter that the flow crystals can fuse in his body has reached the limit, which means that Barrett's current state is already the limit he can reach.

But it is clear that this level can't compete with the rebels in front of him, so Barrett is thinking about his retreat.

'Navarro, the supreme leader of the rebel army, has not yet appeared. He must be hiding in the mansion at this time. This guy is not a fancy, um, nothing, nothing.'

Barrett quickly analyzed the situation in front of him and couldn't be rigid.

Barrett raised the cannon in his hand and directed a tentative attack on the rebel headquarters.

At this time, a lieutenant admiral jumped up, the sword in his hand flashed, and the shell was cut in half.

"Split the iron." Barrett saw at a glance that this lieutenant general had reached the realm of cutting iron.

Because of Amy, Barrett knows how terrible it is to cut iron. This is a guy with similar combat power to Amy.

"No way." Barrett couldn't hit the building anymore.

In the eyes of everyone, Barrett turned and ran.


Two lieutenants and five major generals pursued Barrett with half of their troops.

And Barrett also released the state of integration at this time and ran at the fastest speed. At the same time, he used the liquid crystal to create a large number of bombs and threw them behind him.

The bombs in the sky made the two lieutenant generals tired of parrying, and the bullets that the soldiers fired at Barrett were blocked by the meteors before they hit Barrett.

The strongest swordsman lieutenant general did not chase, but rushed towards the gate. The mansion has a lieutenant general, 6 major generals guarding, and a marshal, so there is no need to worry about the defense.

And Barrett, under the pursuit of two lieutenant generals and five major generals, will definitely break through to the nearest city gate. This swordsman lieutenant general obviously wants to attack Barrett on both sides.

Barrett continued to break through to the city gate, but midway, Barrett suddenly turned and ran straight to the nearest city wall.

A major general immediately passed Barrett's latest route to the headquarters through a phone worm.

"No, don't he think..." Navarro had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Order Tanai Kate immediately to go to that wall." Tanai Kate is the strongest lieutenant general of the swordsman.

But it was too late, Barrett had already seen the city wall.

As early as yesterday, Barrett had collected explosives everywhere, except for the used ones, all were buried at the foot of the city wall.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise.

A scene that shocked the rebels happened.

A big hole was blown out of the city wall, and Barrett used directional blasting, and the equivalent was huge.

In a cloud of smoke, the two lieutenants passed through the city wall and came outside, but at this time, there was no sign of Barrett. Soon Kate also came to the gap.

"What to do?" The other two lieutenants asked Kate for advice.

Three lieutenant generals and five major generals chased a person and let him run away. A punishment must be inevitable, and Kate became the backbone of the two at this time.

"What else can I do? Report it to the headquarters, and we will go after it separately."

Kate also had a headache at this time.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!" Navarro shouted angrily.

"Immediately order the surrounding garrison to arrest the attacker. No matter if you chase him to the end of the world, you will definitely catch him. I will kill him."

On Barrett's side, he was running away without looking back.

At this time, the garrison around Buxton received the order and assumed an encirclement posture to surround Buxton south.

Barrett was soon discovered by the garrison.

"The report found a suspected enemy with yellow hair and a burly figure. It's not good that he is here..."

It is a pity that Barrett is a step late, and the soldiers have already exposed Barrett's position.

"Trouble." Before that, Barrett had already cleaned up two teams, but it was a pity that he missed this time.

Barrett's location was quickly notified to all the searching troops, and everyone rushed to Barrett's location.

Barrett crossed one block after another.

At this time, the sky darkened, it was six o'clock, Barrett must reach the dock within an hour, and now Amy may have reached the dock.

However, Barrett looked at the person in front of him with a look of helplessness.

This man is the rebel lieutenant general, Kate.

"I have been looking for you for a long time, and finally let me catch you. This time I see how you escape." Kate looked at Barrett in front of him, panting.

The bastard ran 15 kilometers and broke through 5 blockades all the way.

"You too underestimate me." Barrett said so, but in fact, Barrett had no bottom in his heart, and his physical exertion was too great.

Barrett can say that he is not afraid of Kate if he changes his usual times, but now he has experienced many battles and there are countless chasers behind him.

'There is only 5 kilometers left, I can't fall here.'Barrett sighed.

Although Barrett's route pointed directly to the port where Barrett came, the rebels only thought that this was the route Barrett was expelled from, and did not think about that.

Kate saw that Barrett was ready to fight, and the knife at his waist was out of the sheath.

"It seems that you have already made your consciousness." Without saying anything, Kate drew his sword and slashed.

Barrett escaped Kate's slash, and purple crystals flowed out of his body.

"This is your ability." Kate looked at the crystals flowing out of Barrett's body.

"It's a pity that I walked in a hurry and didn't bring the sea floor stone" Kate thought to himself.

Obviously, there is no information about the combined fruit on the side of the rebels. This may be the reason why the combined fruit is dusty. After all, the weaker people are reluctant to give it, and the stronger ones dare not eat it.

"Yes, this is still thanks to you." As he said, the flow crystal in Barrett's body was wrapped, and Barrett's land was 3 meters in radius.

Assimilated, the 3 meters of land around Barrett turned into a flow crystal.

Barrett retracted the flow crystal, quickly wrapped the body, and spread.

A 5 meter tall stone man appeared.

The battle is on the verge of...

I want to go,

Still try not to make modern weapons for battle without combining fruits,

I feel that with modern weapons, the fight is not so happy.

At other times, it is very convenient to make some things with the mate fruit.

Anyway, how comfortable it is.