
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 158 Riot! Bloody suppression

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

It now seems that these second generations of the navy branch are dead and will not leave.

They can be said to be newborn calves that are not afraid of tigers, but their elders cannot sit still.


Malin Vandor, Naval Headquarters Conference Room.

"Marshal Kong, can you let me say a few words to my nephew, I must teach him well and never let him cause trouble to Major General Barrett." A lieutenant admiral said.

In fact, his intention was very obvious, which was to give his nephew a warning to stop messing around and be careful to lose his life.

"Yes, yes, Marshal Kong, let us teach them, and we must not cause them trouble."

"Yeah, when I take the kid back from my family, I will definitely teach him well and let him strengthen training."

"Marshal, let us solve it. I'll take that kid from my family to the front."


In the conference room, the second-generation asylum umbrellas of the various military forces said babbledly.

They have only one purpose, to rescue the younger generation of their own family, even if they are sent to the front line, they will not hesitate to do so, in short, they cannot fall into the hands of Barrett.

Others didn't know, but they knew that during the previous meeting, Marshal Kong gave Barrett three chapters of the contract, all of which did not allow Barrett to move the Celestial Dragon.

What does this show?

This shows that, no matter what, Barrett is even touched by the Tianlong people, let alone his junior.

Therefore, these juniors fall into the hands of Barrett, and they will definitely die.


Marshal Kong looked very ugly when seeing this scene in front of him.

What do these guys mean, come collectively to put pressure on yourself as a grand admiral?

When did he lose his dignity, but Sora couldn't get angry, he had demoted these people, and at this time, if he turned against these people.

The Navy is likely to lose these people.

Demotion can be promoted again. With these people's team, it is very easy. Sora originally planned that way. When the limelight passed, he would slowly resume their positions.

However, these guys are a little bit on their noses now.


"Marshal Kong, call Barrett a bug, let him decide." Warring States proposed.

The Warring States also saw the current situation clearly and understood the difficulties of Marshal Kong. After all, the generals in front of him accounted for almost one-third of the navy headquarters.

That's right, that's one-third, and this one-third of the admirals are all rotten.

However, they are also the headquarters of the navy, and their true combat power accounts for one-third of the lieutenant generals and major generals, and the navy cannot lose them.

Therefore, the Warring States period threw the pot to Barrett, let Barrett decide.

"Okay, call Barrett right away, Warring States, you come to tell Barrett what's going on here and let him make his own decision." Kong said with a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Warring States period relieved himself, otherwise, Sora really didn't know what he should do.


Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

Barrett is confronting the second generation of the army in the branch.

"Major General Barrett, I think it's better to forget it, and leave these second generations of the army, not bad for these few people." Murdoch said in Barrett's ear.

Murdoch understands the current situation better than Barrett. The backstage of these second generations of the army is actually not connected, and the navy headquarters can safely put them here.

But now they have a common enemy, so they are gathered together.

And when they gather, it means that their backstage, one-third of the generals of the navy headquarters, are forced to unite.

In Murdoch's view, this energy is far from what Barrett can resist.

In fact, if he could, Barrett would have slaughtered the one-third of the admirals, no problem, of course, as long as Marshal Kong was unified.

"Hey, Major General Barrett, you see, Murdoch has said, why bother, our elders unite, even Marshal Kong has to save face." The second generation of the army said.

Obviously, for some reason, he heard Murdoch's words.

These words made Marshal Marshal Marin Vando's face darker, and he was now expecting Barrett to kill these bastards immediately.

Those naval generals were also very speechless. Marshal Kong could give them face, but Barrett didn't take this set.


Blue blue.

Finally, Barrett's phone worm rang.

Barrett took out the phone worm, his face was a bit ugly, this time it must be the phone worm from the navy headquarters, and the purpose should be that way.

It is nothing more than making Barrett's men be merciful, but that is not Barrett's character at all.

"Haha, Major General Barrett, this is the phone worm of the navy headquarters."

"Let me just say, Marshal Kong will definitely give us face."

"Haha, how about it? Slap in the face, it won't touch us at all."

"That's it, I want to move us, I can't help it, hahahahaha."

"Haha, just rely on you, a minor general, but it's a bit of strength, you still have to be obedient."


Jun II looked at Barrett's phone bug and laughed.

At this time, everyone in the conference room of Malin Vandor shed cold sweat.

It's over.

A thought appeared in everyone's minds.

Barrett took the phone bug and handed it to Murdoch.

"Ask who it is, what you want to do, and tell him that I'm a little busy, and I won't be able to pick it up later." Barrett ordered.

Immediately, Barrett took off his navy cloak, leaked the blue suit inside, clenched his fists, and made a fighting posture.

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do, that's an order from the navy headquarters!"

"Yes, are you going to disobey?"

The second generation of the army shouted in horror.

"Sorry, I can't hear you now. In addition, you have resisted orders. I only know that someone has invaded. My navy branch. I want to kill all the invaders." Barrett squinted.

"Don't worry, I will kill you one by one." Barrett smiled evilly.

If Barrett wants to be a bully, these people have to lie down, but Barrett doesn't want to. He wants to kill them one by one.

Suddenly, in the sight of everyone, Barrett disappeared.

"No, Barrett did it." Malin Vando, one-third of the admiral, saw Barrett's actions.

But even they did not see Barrett, they just knew that Barrett was about to do it.

"Report Marshal, it was the phone worm that Colonel Murdoch picked up. He said that Barrett was defending against foreign enemies and had no time to answer the phone worm. He has to wait, soon." The Warring States said at this time.

Those admirals almost vomited blood and talked nonsense. Don't they know what happened to Malinfan?Still need to say that the Warring States period.

This sentence of the Warring States period is simply an assist and a make-up.

Seeing this, Sora finally let out a sigh of foulness.


At this time, the naval branch of Malin Vandor was already bloody.

Barrett suddenly appeared in front of a navy soldier and used a finger gun to create a vacuum, piercing his heart, like a six-veined sword.

Immediately, Barrett's figure disappeared immediately, and the whole process took less than half a second.

Immediately, Barrett appeared in front of another person, and Barrett cut the person in half with a vacuum slash kicked by Lan's foot.

The people behind him were all affected. With this kick, more than fifty navy soldiers were cut in half, and the entire playground was blood flowing into a river.

However, the massacre is not over...