
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 159 Killing! Fearless Barrett

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

At this time, a brutal massacre was taking place on the playground of the Navy branch.

Five or six hundred navy soldiers, in front of Barrett, had no threat. Barrett killed them as simple as a chicken.

"You are optimistic, this is the Navy Type VI!" Barrett gave a demonstration to another hundred navy soldiers while fighting.

In the hands of Barrett, the Navy Type VI burst out with extraordinary power.

It's not that the Navy Sixth Type is not strong, but it depends on who uses it. The Navy Sixth Type is completely reborn in Barrett's hands.


"Haha, do you have this strength? With this strength, you dare to be arrogant in front of me." Barrett laughed.

"Don't underestimate people!" Behind Barrett, a navy soldier, holding a personal rocket, said to Barrett.

"Haha, come on!" Barrett stretched out his hands and said.

"Ah..." The navy moved the trigger.

The shell hit Barrett and exploded, and a thick smoke blocked everyone's sight.

The navy looked expectantly at the thick smoke. They wished the devil would be free from the bomb.

But in the meeting room of Marin Vando.

Everyone had already given up. These navies were in Barrett's eyes as chicken dogs. They knew that Barrett just stood and let them fight, no problem.

Even if Barrett doesn't need to be domineering, relying on this iron nugget and gold, none of these chicken dogs can break Barrett's defense.

The gap between them is like a heaven, insurmountable.


Chambord Islands.

Suddenly, the heavy smoke was pulled apart by both hands, and Barrett was unharmed inside, not even the blue suit.

Barrett wouldn't even bother to use his arms and domineering unless he was afraid of wasting a suit.

"Hey hey hey, your attack is too disappointing, isn't it, a bunch of waste, not as good as my clothes, what are you doing alive? A waste of air." Barrett mocked.

"Ahhhhh! Let's go together, I don't believe it anymore. With so many people, he will be dead. Can he fight against a naval branch alone?" A second-generation army encouraged.

It is simply a frog at the bottom of the well. I am used to living in the Chambord Islands. I don't know how big this world is.

"Haha, other naval branches, I will still be afraid, but your trash is not a threat to me at all." Barrett continued to mock.

"Damn, we are not waste!" The second generation of the army just now turned into a body.

A "monster" half human and half cat appeared in front of everyone.

"Animal type demon fruit ability person, cat form, just now you heard Murdoch's words?" Barrett asked.

"Haha, that's right, cat's hearing is very good, it is not what you can understand at all, and I have superhuman speed."

"My uncle specifically found this for me, how about it? I haven't seen it before." The second generation of the army said proudly.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, this fruit is really a waste in your hands. The fruit is good, but it's a bit useless." Barrett said.

"Damn it, I want to tear you up!" Jun 2nd said in anger from anger.

Immediately, the two figures disappeared at the same time.

However, after a while, everyone heard a loud noise, and a half-human and half-cat guy flew out in the eyes of everyone.

"Puff, why? You turned out to be faster than me." The second generation of the army spat out blood, puzzled.

Before, he could keep up with Barrett's speed through the animal devil fruit, sight and smell.

But, just now, he deeply felt a sense of powerlessness, Barrett's speed was too fast, even if he caught it, he couldn't keep up.

However, just now Barrett punched himself, he clearly defended with all his strength, but he couldn't help it. Barrett's punch broke the bones of his body.

He is struggling to speak now.

"So, you are trash." Barrett mocked.


The second generation of the army spat another mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground and died.

Next, no one dared to fight Barrett anymore. They had already understood that the person in front of him was useless no matter how many people were on.

It's better to run away, maybe you can still escape.

However, ideals are full and reality is very skinny.

They still underestimated Barrett's strength.

Barrett stood there, watching these people run away. Seeing this, the navy fleeed harder, wishing to have a few more legs.

However, when they were about to run out of the range of the navy branch, the high-ranking navy at Marin Vando was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

The vision suddenly emerged.

On the edge of the navy branch, the ground began to bulge, getting higher and higher, and higher, until it became a wall of ten.

At this time, the high-ranking navy of Marin Vando remembered that Barrett was still a demon fruit capable person.

They all thought that Barrett was going to bypass these people because of the pressure from the navy headquarters, but now they found that they were wrong and outrageous.

Only those who know Barrett, such as Zefa, Karp, etc., know Barrett's plan.

Barrett was torturing them and giving them a hope, but then he extinguished this hope and destroyed their hope.

Let them fall into despair, this is the most tormenting.

Moreover, they all know that Barrett is not the kind of kind-hearted person, this guy will never stay alive, killing decisively, it is the comment they gave to Barrett.

It was only used on the pirate before, and now Barrett aimed the butcher knife at his former colleague.

At this time, they also deeply realized that this fellow Barrett only had justice in his own eyes, which violated his justice, and Barrett would not show mercy.

Moreover, this guy is not afraid of anyone, not afraid of any pressure, even if the entire navy is putting pressure on Barrett, he probably won't care.

This is Barrett, a righteous and bloody guy.


Chambord Islands.

The navy knelt on the ground in despair. They were desperate. They knew that they might not be able to escape.

Anyone who has great youth will be full of fear of death.

When they realized that they were going to die, they discovered how beautiful it is to live.

After all, they are not full of despair about life. They lived a happy life yesterday, eating and waiting for death in the navy branch, free and easy.

However, they are about to say goodbye to that kind of life, and they can no longer see their parents, wives, and children.

Parents will be very sad for his death. Wife and children will not only be sad for their own death, but also face the life of orphans and widows. They will be bullied, but they will soon die.

They knelt on the ground, stared blankly at the wall in front of them, and then wept loudly, hoping that Barrett could bypass him.

Even Murdoch, the one hundred navy, and Marine Vando's high-level navy can't stand it.

They all wanted to intercede for these people, but they couldn't speak.

"You remember, you can make mistakes, but as long as you make a mistake, you have to pay for your mistakes. Justice may be late, but you will never be absent." Barrett taught a hundred navy.

As your own soldier, you must understand this truth...