
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 157 Rebellion! Navy moth

Chambord Islands, Naval Branch.

On the playground, including the hundred navy, everyone was shocked.

They did not expect that Barrett would have dared to expel almost 90% of the navy in the entire base.

"From today, you are no longer the navy. Let's go to this month's military payment. Leave the navy." Barrett said to more than a thousand navy around the playground.

No one except Murdoch thought that Barrett would dare to do this.

They all thought that Barrett would praise, or even reward the hundred navy, at most as his cronies.

But they did not expect that Barrett would directly turn these hundred people into all of the base.

"From today, this base will be yours. I will try my best to train you. Your military salary will be directly increased by ten times, and I will give you six types."

"As long as you are willing to work hard, I will train you all into generals. This is my promise to you." Barrett said to the hundred navy.

"As for you, the mud can't support the wall. My naval base doesn't need waste. Leave quickly. You don't need you here." Barrett said to the surrounding navy again.

Two different attitudes to intercepting people, two different treatments for receiving people.

"Why? Why are you expelling me? My uncle is a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters. You are not a major general to expel me!" said the colonel who mocked Barreiros before.

"Yes, you are now a major general, not much older than us, you are not qualified to fire us."

"That is, my uncle is also a major admiral of the navy headquarters."

"We won't leave, see what you can do to us?"


Suddenly, the surrounding navy group became excited and opposed Barrett's decision.

Because of such a few people taking the lead, other navy soldiers also began to booze and were unwilling to leave here. Barrett's approach can be said to have aroused public outrage.

And in Marine Vatican, the Navy Headquarters Building.

A group of high-ranking officers of the Navy are looking at the Chambordian Islands and the naval base through the video phone worm.

Barrett had set up the videophone worm in advance.

"Who brought these leaders in?" Marshal Kong asked angrily.

It's almost in style. What kind of combat effectiveness such an army can have? It comes in through the back door, and it chooses the Chambord Islands.

The intention is obvious, that is, to eat and wait to die, relying on his backstage in the navy, doing nonsense.

Several generals stood up in the conference room. No one with a low rank was a major general. There was no shortage of lieutenants.

"Why, do you arrange your juniors to the Chambord Islands for retirement?" Kong asked angrily.

Several people bowed their heads and dared not answer.

The situation in the Chambord Islands is obvious to everyone, and even Marshal Sora's heart is like a mirror.

Therefore, for a long time, it can be said that there is a waste collection station. Almost no one is willing to go there for the motivated navy.

And these people, who arranged their juniors to the Chambord Islands, have such a high military rank, it is obviously a black box operation.

In the Chambord Islands, where can there be military merit, where did this group of school officers come from?

"We will pack up a few of you later, Marshal, let's watch." The Warring States stepped up and said.

Now is not the time to clean up them, besides, this kind of situation in the navy becomes more and more, there is no way to control it at all.

The Warring States period gave Marshal Kong a step, otherwise Kong would not come to Taiwan.


Chambord Islands, naval branch playground.

Murdoch handed a piece of paper to Barrett.

"This is the command of the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Sky, and I will take care of everything about the Chambord Islands and the Navy branch."

"Furthermore, I have already asked Marshal Kong to expel you, and Marshal has agreed."

"If you have any objections, you can go to Marin Vandor, but for now, go to settle the military pay and leave the navy branch." Barrett shouted, holding the command of Marshal Kong.

Seeing the marshal's order, everyone was dumbfounded. They did not expect that Marshal Kong had already acquiesced to Barrett's approach.

Around the playground, some navies saw the order and gave up. They had nothing to do with them, and they were too lazy to struggle, and then left the playground.

However, there are still five to six hundred navy soldiers on the entire playground.

"We won't leave yet. It's useless for you to drive me away when my uncle intercedes with Marshal Kong."

"That is, my uncle also went to intercede, Marshal Kong will definitely give them face, I will not leave."

"The entire navy is the most comfortable here. Whoever leaves is a fool."


Ma Lin Fanduo, Marshal Kong's face darkened.

In the eyes of these people, their orders were no longer useful, and they didn't even listen to their orders. This admiral's face was completely ashamed.

"Do you guys have such a big face? You don't have to listen to my orders, so this admiral will do it for you?" Marshal Kong said angrily.

These people have done too much, or the tutor is too bad.

To put it nicely, this is arrogance, and to be bigger, it means to rebel.

"Warring States, take their epaulettes off and go directly to the third rank!" Kong said angrily.

I thought it was just a simple disarmament, but I didn't expect to pull out this side of the navy. Sora was really angry.


"Oh, what do you mean, is to disobey Marshal Kong's order?" Barrett asked.

Barrett narrowed his eyes. Are these assholes already so lawless?Barrett became a little angry, but he didn't expect Marshal Sora's command to work.

"You don't use this set to scare us, we won't eat yours."

Perhaps in the Chambord Islands, the time spent doing evil is too long, or perhaps he has experienced similar things before, but was settled by his own backstage.

Therefore, a few people have the courage to talk to Barrett.

"Very well, Murdoch, what is the charge for trespassing on the naval base?" Barrett asked.

"Arrest and detention." Murdoch replied.

"Then if it's a team, what about forcing it?" Barrett asked again.

"This, Major General Barrett, according to the navy's decree, the naval base was besieged and intruded by the enemy, and we have unlimited self-defense rights." Murdoch replied.


At this time, everyone has a bad premonition.

The unlimited right of self-defense means that Barrett can attack at will, regardless of life or death.

"No, Barrett is afraid to kill them." Zefa said worriedly.

"According to the character of this kid, he is likely to do this, but he is very troublesome." Karp also said with a serious face.

Barrett spent a lot of time on Karp's boat. Karp also knew Barrett's character very well.

At sea, Barrett can be said to be decisive, but he also has a sense of measure and will not kill innocent people. It's just that Karp is really uncertain about what Barrett will do now.

"Although they are going to be fired, these people are also navy after all. Under the same roof, will Barrett really do it?" Crane said unsure.

These are all former colleagues, and even the future Akadog will hesitate. After all, there are five or six hundred navy members.

At this time, the backstage of those school officials was equally tense, they knew Barrett's deeds.

My junior, but his life is hanging by a thread...