
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 112 Two months! Sweep the Capone family

West China Sea, a remote desert island.

Here, Barrett conducted a two-month training camp for Hu Ben and some members of the Anbu.

These two months, but Barrett was exhausted.

In the face of 100 Huben troops and 50 Anbu troops, Barrett finally understood what is meant by lack of avatar.

At the same time, 150 team members were instructed to complete the six-style training. The workload added up to the naval school, the sum of all the instructors.

But, fortunately, Barrett's understanding of the Six Forms has surpassed that of the naval academy's instructors, and even compared with Zefa, it is even worse.

In addition to Bell and Gaka, they have good talents in physical skills because they are animal demon fruit abilities.

Learned a few strokes and six styles in advance, can be used as a little instructor, to relieve Barrett's pressure.

Only in two months, everyone has learned, at least two moves and six types.

And Bell and Gaka even learned four tricks, this speed even surpassed most of the future lieutenants of the navy headquarters.

From this point of view, the future of the two is very impressive.

In addition to these two people, there are 15 people who have learned three strokes and six styles. Even in the naval school, they are considered good.

I have to say that even Barrett did not expect that in just one year, Mitchell would gather so many geniuses.

In this way, compared with the Navy, except for the top talents are relatively scarce, but in terms of middle and lower-level talents, Barrett has surpassed the Navy.

Recruitment of the navy is not easy. For so long, the navy has continuously disappointed the people.

Many more countries suffer from unequal treatment by the world government.

In addition, there are so many countries in the entire sea, and the people of their own country are more of the country's army, just like 600,000 Alabastan defenders.

Furthermore, even though the naval forces are spread across the four seas, the bases in the four seas do not mean that they are established in a populous kingdom.

Almost all kingdoms will not allow this situation to exist, which means that their own sovereignty will be affected, and the recruitment of soldiers will also be affected.

Therefore, it is difficult for the navy to recruit new recruits every year, unless an emergency occurs, the world government allows the navy to conduct world conscription.

At that time, all kingdoms could not hinder the naval recruitment.

Barrett and the others directly controlled Gaya Island. In addition, they found so many talents in Alabastan, a country with a huge population.

In general, Barrett has a great advantage in the way and scope of conscription.

And this is not even the two major forces of Jarzburg and Sky Island.

If you add them, the number of Huben and Anbu will be doubled.

It can be seen from this that if the four seas are turned into their own sphere of influence, just like the revolutionary army, how many human resources will there be.

However, the revolutionary army does not seem to have such a powerful force. Barrett's guess based on his own situation is probably a funding issue.

You know, the most indispensable thing Barrett currently lacks is money. The gold in the Golden Country allows Barrett to expand his power as much as he wants.

This is one of the reasons why Mitchell can find so many talents.

However, if it comes to the later stage, even if the gold of the entire gold town is used, it may not be able to support the consumption of the entire force.

At that time, a business wizard was needed, Tezolo, Barrett's goal.

Although Tezolo does not know Stella now, Tezolo's destiny, vision and preferences should not change.

With Tezolo's tragic fate, after seeing Stella, the probability of the two falling in love at first sight should be very high.

If the result is beyond Barrett's expectation, it doesn't matter, Barrett also knows the whereabouts of the golden fruit, but the owner of the fruit will be replaced by that time.

In short, the golden fruits must be in their own hands, which is related to the lifeblood of forces.


"Bell, Gaka, let everyone assemble." Barrett ordered.

It has been two and a half months since Barrett left Karp's warship. There is not much time left for Barrett, and he must act as soon as possible to open up the situation in the West Sea.

"Yes, boss."


Immediately, 100 Huben troops and 50 Anbu troops were assembled.

"Everyone, the two months of training is over. Everyone here has learned at least two moves and six styles."

"Next, it is time to test the results of the practice. I hope that in the next actions, everyone will not suffer casualties."

"The opponents this time are not strong for you, and you are all elites. Then you will have to master all six forms and become true elites."

Barrett said to the 150 elite.

After Barrett's previous investigation, the Capone family is really no master, and Capone Becky may be the ceiling of the Capone family.

The only bright spot of the Capone family is weapons and manpower.

As the largest gang in the West China Sea, the Capone family still has the background. With sufficient weapons, manpower, and funds, the Capone family has its own army.

And these things, in the eyes of real masters, are not worth mentioning, just like now, guns have hardly hurt Barrett.

Although these 150 people are not at Barrett's level yet, don't forget that 50 of these 150 people are good at assassination.

Barrett is not prepared to fight the enemy hard steel. These people are all treasures. Barrett can't bear to die here. Slashing has always been the most effective means.


Five days later, in the middle of the night, several groups sneaked into the Capone family's chassis. These people were members of Anbe.

Earlier, Barrett appointed a few players who learned three moves and six styles to become team captains and lead the team to be responsible for the action. Therefore, Anbe was also divided into several teams.

Respectively execute the corresponding beheading targets and destroy the fortress.


At 1:00 in the morning, when people were most sleepy, the action officially began.

The people of Anbu quickly entered the leader's residence by shaving and moon steps to perform the assassination mission.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, bursts of explosions awakened all members of the Capone family. The general attack officially began. The explosion sound was a signal, which meant that the Capone family fortress had been destroyed.

The Huben troops began to disperse and attack, while Anbu made a surprise attack from behind, opening the gap for the Huben troops.

At this time, the meeting room of the Capone family has long been messed up, and only some bosses are here waiting for orders from the top.

But none of the immediate senior members of the Capone family were present.

"The report says that all the immediate leaders of the Capone family were assassinated and killed. There was no survival."

At this time, someone broke in from outside and reported in panic.



One leader was taken aback and shot the soldier who had come to send information.

"What to do? Now the Capone Gang only has a few of us left." Another leader asked.

"What else can we do, surrender, it seems that the enemy has planned for a long time, and all the high-level officials are dead, what is the use of our stubborn resistance?" Another leader suggested.

Suddenly, there was a mess in the conference room, you said and I said.

Finally, in a loud explosion, the conference room exploded into the sky.

Everything is quiet...