
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 111 The Eight Characters Doctrine! Tiger Ben Anbu

Xihai, an unknown desert island.

This deserted island has a remote location with few boats coming and going, which is why Barrett chose this island.

Barrett is going to be here to conduct training on Hu Ben and Anbu.

In the phone bug, Barrett has told Mitchell the location of the island.

Taking advantage of Bell, Gaka and the others, there is still a period of time to arrive, Barrett himself sneaked into the Capone family alone to find out the strength of the other party.


After half a month, Bell and Gaka arrived at the deserted island in the West Sea.

And Barrett has been waiting for a long time.

"Boss, it's gone!"

"Boss, we brought Hu Ben and Anbu here."

Gaka and Bell said excitedly.

The three of them have not seen each other for a year. I have to say that both of them have changed a lot, no matter their size or body shape, they have changed a lot.

He is truly an animal demon fruit ability person, and his blessing in physical skills is indeed enviable, but fortunately, Barrett is not bad.

"Yes, it seems that the progress of the two of you over the past year is not small." Barrett patted the two on the shoulders and said.

"That's, boss, Bell and I have followed the boss's orders for the past year, and didn't dare to neglect at all." Gaka said.

At the time of the separation, Barrett did say that he was short of manpower and hoped that Bell and Gaka could take their own role and help Barrett.

Unexpectedly, the two of them did not disappoint Barrett.

"Boss, according to your instructions, we selected a group of guys with good talents from Gaya Island and Alabastan to form Huben and Anbu."

Bell reported to Barrett that the two forces were formed by Bell and Gaka, which can be described as the work of the two.

"Very well, Bell, Gaka, you two did not disappoint me." Barrett praised happily.

There are various signs that Barrett's step in Alabastan was not wrong, and the two men really surprised Barrett.

It is not in vain that Barrett has worked hard to find two devil fruits for the two of them.

"Well, let's stop here for renewing the old. We are short of time this time. In a few months, I will return to Malin Vandor."

"And this time the purpose, you should all know, is to teach you the six forms."

"But in such a short time, I am afraid it is difficult for you to master all six types, so I want you to be divided into three groups."

"I teach these three groups, two six forms, and then you complement each other and learn from each other." Barrett ordered.

Although Barrett took a long vacation, he must not be outside for a long time, so there is not much time left for them.

And even the genius of the naval academy, the lieutenant admiral of the future navy, it takes half a month to master a six-form, let alone these people.

In Barrett's expectation, it is enough for these people to master two Six Forms in two months. As for Bell and Gaka, there will be special requirements.

"We understand, then we will go into groups." Bell agreed.

"When you are grouping, explain the characteristics of the six styles to everyone, and choose the six styles according to your own needs. Two months later, there will be actual combat." Barrett added.

"Understood, Boss, Sister Mitchell told us, we will do it." Gaka replied.

Afterwards, the two gathered Huben and Anbu together, and while Barrett reviewed them, they began to divide them into three groups for six-form learning.

And the people from Huben and Anbu saw Barrett with a look of admiration, especially the people from Anbu.

Before joining Huben and Anbu, Mitchell, Bell, and Gaka continued to instill faith in them, which is true faith.

The best way to let a group of people have strong cohesion is the same belief.

This belief can be anything, nation, blood, survival, etc.

The belief of Huben and Anbu is Barrett, which is similar to the Christian belief in Jesus and the Buddhist belief in Sakyamuni.

Mitchell and the three of them constantly instilled Barrett's strength and the purpose of the entire force, freedom, equality, justice, and the rule of law.

These were copied by Barrett and handed over to Mitchell for her to operate, because women are always more delicate in their minds. Mitchell is like that anyway.

When Mitchell got these eight characters, he was deeply attracted by them.

Because in this world, the most lacking is these eight characters, and everyone feels deeply about this.

Therefore, these eight characters are so sacred in people's hearts. I don't know how many people's beliefs are contained in these eight characters.

Upon seeing this, Mitchell did not hesitate to define these eight characters as the doctrine of the organization, so that every member of the organization would remember.

And to spread these eight characters to the outside world, let everyone believe in, and support this eight-character doctrine.

At the same time as propaganda, the people inside the organization have even more faith in those who put forward this eight-character doctrine.

So there appeared, this scene on the desert island.

As for the people in the Anbu, because they usually collect information, they know that the person who proposed the Bazi doctrine is a rare genius in the navy headquarters.

Therefore, they believe that Barrett has the strength and ability to realize this eight-character doctrine, and for this they will also contribute their own strength.

Even life.

Looking at everyone's gaze, Barrett certainly had to speak up.

"Everyone, since you have joined the organization, you have a better understanding of our organization than you."

"So far, our organization does not even have a formal name."

"Because our power is still too small, our strength is still too weak, we have no ability to name our organization."

"You all understand our doctrines, and you are very eager to achieve our goals than you."

"However, you must also be aware that we have too many powerful enemies on the road ahead."

"So, we must improve our strength, expand our power, and find more like-minded friends."

"Today, everyone gathered on this deserted island to take this first step. I will teach you the six styles. I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."

Barrett gave a "lively" speech, which Barrett could have already grasped at his fingertips, and it was appropriate to use it here.

But despite this, Barrett did not lie to them, overthrow the world government and unify the whole world.

It is to establish a harmonious society, ruled by Barrett, in which everyone can not be oppressed.

This is the purpose of Barrett, he is for hegemony, but not for tyranny.

Of course, on this road, there may be dead bodies and blood flowing in rivers. Those Barrett didn't care.

Those who dare to obstruct Barrett, Barrett will never show mercy.

Under the barrel of the gun, power comes out, and there is no undead in the coup d'état. The corpses are now everywhere, for a better life in the future.

This is the worldview of a traverser...