
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 113 Shocked Xihai

Xihai, the Capone family.

The next day, early in the morning, a group of people were cleaning the battlefield on the chassis of the original Capone family.

"Bell!" Barrett called out suddenly.

"Boss what's the matter?" Bell heard Barrett's cry and hurried over.

"Your speed is fast, this is the Capone family, a few more important strongholds outside, take a few brothers, and pull it out." Barrett said.

Just now, while cleaning the battlefield, a brother found the map of the power distribution of the Capone family, and Barrett gave this map to Bell.

They are all insignificant strongholds, but no matter how small the flies are, they are still meat. They are strongholds. Can there be no money in there, and it can be regarded as killing the people.

"Understood, I will do it now." Bell agreed.

They have to hurry up, if they know that the Capone family has disappeared, they may run away with the treasure.

"Boss, come and see, we have opened the Capone family warehouse!" At this time, Gaka's voice came from a distance.

"Got it!"

"Okay, Bell, you go quickly and come back early." Barrett exhorted.

Subsequently, Barrett came to the warehouse location.

Looking around, it was full of guns and ammunition, and the entire warehouse was piled up, but this was not all of the Capone family, nor was it what Barrett wanted.

"Boss, I found a child." News came from another place.

Barrett hurriedly went to check. Before the action, Barrett had instructed to pay special attention to children around 10.

Barrett arrived and saw that, sure enough, this kid was Capone Becky.

Capone Becky is a few years younger than Barrett, so it's time to be born at this time.

"Little guy, where is the treasure house of the Capone family?" Barrett asked directly.

"Why should I tell you?" Becky asked rhetorically.

"Very good, very spine, I hope you will still have that spine." Barrett smiled evilly.

Next, Barrett held Becky's fingers and smashed them directly.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, this time, he cried the child who was less than 10 years old.

The huge pain made Becky want to faint.

For Becky, Barrett has no good feelings. When he first appeared, he shot his subordinates because of a disagreement.

In the new world, arrogant and arrogant, even wanting to assassinate Charlotte Lingling, is simply overwhelmed, completely holding everyone's lives, joking.

If it weren't for Wang Lufei's kick in, plus Ka Er Fang Hai, all Becky's subordinates, wives, and newborn children would all die from the Big.Mom Pirates.

In addition to being nice to his family, Barrett can no longer find his good points. This guy is still the same age as his own. For so many years, he has been useless.

In addition, Becky is a pure pirate, an existence that Barrett hates. No matter how good you are to your family, you are a pure pirate.


"I said, you give me a good time." Becky begged.

Becky, who was young, was used to seeing too much life and death. He knew that he couldn't escape death, so he wanted to be happy.

In this regard, Barrett took a high look at Becky, who was able to face death calmly, this Becky was still very spine.

It's a pity that Barrett doesn't leave any future troubles. He has read too many novels and TV series before, and Barrett knows the truth about cutting the grass.

"Yes, tell me the location of the treasure house, I'll give you a pleasure." Barrett agreed.

For Becky's last request, Barrett is even a recognition of Becky's backbone.

Knowing the location of the treasure house, Barrett finally found what he wanted, the fruit of the strong city, and countless treasures.

This Jiancheng fruit should be ready to be eaten by Becky, but it is a pity that Barrett stepped on it, and Becky and Jiancheng fruit missed their hands.

But Barrett's purpose for obtaining the fruit of Jiancheng is simple, combining with objects.

If you let a ring in Begapunk's hand eat the fruit of Jiancheng, it would be a spatial ring, and you can still put living things.

And if you put countless amounts of steel in it, wouldn't Barrett go wherever he went, and worry that there is nothing to fit together.

It is a must-have artifact for home travel.

However, it still needs to wait until Barrett's status is high enough to meet Vegapunk.

Needless to say, the treasures all over the land, Tezolo only got the golden fruit when he was 29 years old, and there are still more than 20 years left.

In the past 20 years, Barrett has saved some money, and he may have to look for business wizards in advance, otherwise the past 20 years will be really difficult.


"Boss, the entire Capone family has been cleaned up, and the treasures found are countless, and there are countless guns and ammunition. It is a very good harvest." Jiakahui reported.

After all, it is the biggest gang in the West Sea, and there is still some background.

"Well, can we move the warship we have brought?" Barrett asked.

"No problem, but we moved out the family, these two warships are enough." Gaka replied.

Barrett had anticipated this scene a long time ago, so this time Bell and Gaka brought two warships, both of which were manufactured by the Tom Shipyard in the Capital of Seven Waters, with quality levers.

Under the operation of Hahn, it was changed to look like a warship, but unlike ordinary warships of the Navy, these two warships can rival the steel monsters of the Demon Slayer Order.

This is the main achievement of Tom Shipyard this year.

At this time, with the help of Mitchell, the strength of Tom Shipyard has undergone earth-shaking changes, becoming the largest shipyard in the City of Seven Waters.

Returning to Marin Vando this time, Barrett planned to make Tom Shipyard the only shipyard in the City of Seven Waters when passing by the City of Seven Waters.


On the same day, all of the Capone family's strongholds in the West Sea were looted, and the Capone family did not respond to this.

It was not until the next day that someone came to visit the Capone family and discovered the tragic situation of the Capone family.

It's not suitable to describe it as corpses running across the wild and flowing blood.

Gradually, the news spread, and people kept coming to the Capone family's territory. At this time, only ruined walls and a corpse were left here.

The culprit has already left.

Barrett left everyone behind and let them take root in the West Sea. Now the biggest gang in the West Sea has disappeared.

So Barrett's opportunity came, they must take advantage of this opportunity to completely take root in the West Sea, and then continue to expand, in order to secretly control the entire West Sea.


At this time, Xi Hai was already in shock.

The newspaper spread to every corner of Xihai.

The largest gang in the West Sea, the Capone family that dominated the West Sea, was uprooted overnight.

Some people cheered, some doubted, and some worried. In short, the underground world of Xihai is about to change.


And Barrett has already set foot on his way home at this time, more than two months, the old guy Karp, estimated to be crazy.

Regardless of him, after finally coming out, Barrett didn't want to go back so early.

The next stop, the City of Seven Waters...