
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 106 Go! West Sea

Marin Vando.

After bidding farewell to Stella and Gion, Barrett followed Karp to the warship.

In fact, Barrett has often been with Stella and Gion in the past six months, so this trip to sea has become a short-term separation.

Karp's warship is not different from other warships in general, except that it has an extra dog head at the bow.

It's the same as the dog head decoration Capp wears on his head. I don't know if Capp has any habit.

Well, what kind of dog's head should I wear.

"Lieutenant General Karp, where is the destination of our trip?" Barrett asked on the warship.

Barrett was looking forward to it at this time, hoping that Karp would go to Roger's trouble, so that he could see the legendary One Piece.

"Oh, go to the Flower Country of the West Sea. There is a very troublesome guy there. I'm going to teach him a lesson." Karp replied.

The West Sea Flower Country, you don't need to guess Barrett. It must be the Eight Treasure Marine Army, the 12th generation pillar, and green pepper.

In other words, this guy is also quite powerful, with his cone head and armed color, he can actually break through the ice continent that has been frozen for many years.

There are indeed two things.

"Lieutenant General Karp, are the Eight Treasures of the Flower Nation, right? They don't seem to be within the scope of the Navy's duties." Barrett reminded.

The Eight Treasure Water Army belongs to the army of the Flower Kingdom, similar to the Amazon. Lily Kingdom, which is also the daughter country, the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

In other words, they are officially recognized by the army.

Just carrying out the pirate's activities in the name of the national army, the navy also opened one eye and closed one eye.

After all, it is a member country of the world government, and they don't give less money on weekdays, which can be regarded as bribery.

Hey, this is the status quo of this world. Except for the New World, in other places, the world government covers the sky.

The world government says that whoever is evil is evil, and whoever is good can be washed away. Everything is in the interests of the world government.

In this way, the new world can be considered a pure land, provided that you are strong enough.

"Ah, you are right, but I don't arrest them, I am going to clean them up. Hahahaha!" Carp laughed.

Barrett was speechless for a while. You didn't arrest them, but you punched them and punched the pillars of the family, directly hitting autism.

But this is something to say. Going this time may be just an ordinary contest.

By the way, the gangster, the Capone family, is in the West Sea. I wonder if Mitchell sent someone to the West Sea.

"Lieutenant General Karp, arrived in the West Sea. Apart from the trouble of finding the Eight Treasure Marines, do we have any other tasks?" Barrett asked.

"Huh? No task, just wander around and maintain order in the West Sea. What's wrong, what do you want to do?" Karp asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I heard that there is a gangster family in Xihai who should have collected a lot of good things. I want to see and see." Barrett replied.

Just allow you to trouble with the Eight Treasure Marines, but won't you allow me to trouble the Capone family?

As the biggest gang in the West Sea, there should be a lot of good things in the treasure house, even if you don't need it, you can give it to Mitchell and the others.

It just so happens that you can also take the opportunity to enter the West Sea, why not do it?

"Oh, is there any gang in Xihai?" Karp turned his head and asked the adjutant.

"Lieutenant General Karp, there is a gang in Xihai. Although it is the largest gang in Xihai, its strength is just like that, so..." the adjutant stopped.

It seems that the Capone family did not take bribes less, so that no one came to destroy the gang.

"Ah, Barrett, you should understand, this matter is not easy to handle!" Karp raised his head and said.

Karp doesn't care about this. Karp sees more of this kind of thing. As long as he doesn't provoke Karp, Karp doesn't bother to take care of it.

If you provoke Karp, what's the big deal?

"Well then, Lieutenant General Karp, you will give me a vacation when that time comes. How about, I will go around Xihai." Barrett asked.

"This..., Zefa has handed you over to me, let me guarantee your safety."

"Well, you transform my warship and turn me into a huge steel behemoth. I'll let you leave." Karp said solemnly.

"Hey hey hey, you old man, you are knocking on a bamboo pole!" Barrett aired.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Cap cried.

Barrett felt bad for a moment, and this scene was a bit familiar.

Iron Fist of Love.

Barrett hid in hiding, even using paper painting, and then he dropped a punch and caught it all with his head.

"Damn, this paper painting is fake!" Barrett yelled, holding his head.

"Hahahaha, you kid, it's too early." Karp laughed.

The navy on the ship looked at Barrett's head pitifully, next to each other, it was pitiful.

The current Barrett, where Karp's opponent was there, did not dodge a punch.

"But you kid, your head is quite hard, you are not used to it." Karp looked at his fist and said.

"Haha, of course, this is an iron nugget. Jin, you old man have never seen it." Barrett proudly said.

Then the facts proved, what is meant by happiness and sorrow.

Bang bang bang.

Karp hits Barrett's head with another three punches.

Even iron and gold can't hold it.

"Hey, you old man, why hit someone again? It hurts. You have the ability to hit your own son!" Barrett shouted.

This moment reminds Barrett of something, Monkey D. Dragon, where is it?

It stands to reason that Long should be about the same age as his own, is it also in Windmill Town?

"By the way, old man, do you have a son?" Barrett asked.

The teacher said, "If you don't understand, just ask. Anyway, don't ask, maybe you can meet with the future leader of the revolutionary army."

"Ah, yes, in the East China Sea, haha, he also got a lot of iron fists of love from the old man." Karp smiled.

Think about it too, no wonder Karp's younger generation, not one of them is by his side, I am afraid they are all afraid of being beaten by the iron fist of love.

"Oh, by the way, kid, old man's condition, you agree or not," Cap asked.

This old guy has been thinking about his boat, and it seems that he has been reprimanded by Kong before.

"No problem, I agreed, but what should I do just now? I don't have that much money in my hands. I want to buy steel." Barrett asked.

A true steel behemoth does not need a small amount of steel.

"Oh, this, aren't you going to clean up the gangster family, the money issue is left to you." Karp said with a conscience.

"Old man, you are too dark, you can take advantage of anything." Barrett aired.

To put it nicely, Barrett is going to kill the people. To put it a bit ugly, Barrett is going to the dark.

The things that were robbed in the Capone family were stolen goods, and Cap even had the loot, which really opened Barrett's eyes.

"Smelly boy, the old man will teach you today what it means to respect the teacher and respect the way." Karp said in anger.

Then came several iron fists of love, which were all resisted by Barrett.

"Okay, this matter is so settled. When the old man cleans up the Eight Treasure Marines, I'll put you on vacation." Karp finished speaking, turned and left.

Only Barrett remained on the deck, crying without tears...