
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 105 Creating Success! Iron nugget. Gold

Malin Vandor, Naval Academy.

After two months, Barrett finally learned to return the life he dreamed of.

I have to say that magical skills are magical skills. Although they are auxiliary, they are not easy to use.

In the following time, Barrett's appetite skyrocketed. Originally, such appetite would load his body.

But after learning to return life, Barrett's digestive system, under conscious control, digested food frantically.

Then, Barrett transported nutrition to all parts of the body.

This led to Barrett's physical development stage, and no lack of nutrition would lead to underdevelopment.

In other words, Barrett will complete the most perfect development, get the most perfect body, and the power that matches it.

This is equivalent to practicing every realm to completion in fantasy novels.

Although Barrett didn't know it would work, but it didn't hurt anyway.

For Luffy's growth like that, Barrett is really hard to accept, you said that there are no side effects, and you don't believe Barrett's death.

Of course, adequate nutrition will also speed up Barrett's development, but it is only limited. Barrett will not do stupid things to promote growth.

As for the remaining nutrients, according to Barrett's previous ideas, all are stored in the hair.

This also caused Barrett's hair to be longer and denser, directly covering the entire back.

And Barrett's five big and three thick looks, and he didn't bother to keep the ancient hairstyle, with fairy spirit, long hair and waist, not suitable for Barrett.

This kind of image of a brawny man with a beaten head is very good, and at least it is very deterrent.

In this way, energy storage is complete.

After that, Barrett also tried it, using it for a long time, and shaved.

Then the battery life from the air, the effect is very good, the moon step. Shaved, officially announced that the development was successful.

Since then, Yuebu Shaved has become Barrett's magical skill for air combat and remote support.

And then, it was Barrett's highlight. Even Crane didn't think that there was a magical skill that could be successfully developed, iron nugget gold.

The principle of the iron nugget and gold has been figured out, and Barrett is similar, strengthening his muscles to the hardness of an iron nugget.

Although it's a bit worse, it doesn't matter, sooner or later.

The most urgent task now is to be able to spread the muscles under the skin of the whole body.

This is a big project in terms of the return of life, and it is still a meticulous job. The control of muscles must reach a precise point.

It stands to reason that there are some parts of the muscles that cannot be moved, and other people's bodies and some parts have no muscles around them.

But since the iron block has done this, it's not a matter of pretentiousness.

Barrett arranges the muscles when using the iron block and stretches the muscles to the corresponding parts.

In this way, Barrett took four months to finally complete the arrangement of the muscles.

Iron nugget. Gold, the most important step, successful development!

The next step is to continuously strengthen the muscles to reach the hardness of the iron nugget. At that time, the iron nugget and gold can be completely developed.

Hearing this news, the high-level navy was shocked for a long time, and the most shocked was the Warring States Period.

The form of the Great Buddha in the Warring States period is the golden body, which has the same function as the iron nugget. Gold studied by Barrett.

But the Warring States' ability was the Devil Fruit. In other words, Barrett reached the state of the Devil Fruit by relying on physical skills. Although Barrett's hardness was definitely not as good as the Warring States.

But it can't stand it, this move can be strengthened, who knows how much Barrett will strengthen.

If Barrett is strengthened to the same strength as the Warring States period, doesn't it mean that Barrett has reached the state of partial devil fruit with his own efforts.

It's simply appalling.

Charlotte Lingling is one person who can reach this level, and then Kaido.

For this reason, the four of Warring States, Karp, Crane, and Zefa personally found Barrett and asked Barrett to demonstrate in person.

In fact, there is no need to prepare specially, Barrett directly picked up a knife and cut it at himself.

There is nothing but a white seal.

Barrett took out another gun and fired a shot at himself. The bullet penetrated his skin, but it was blocked by the muscles under the skin.

Then Barrett used Life Return, squeezed out the bullet, and then glued the skin together. A minor operation was over.

Now, the iron nugget. Gold has reached the hardness of the low iron nugget.

I believe that it will not take long before the hardness of an iron block can be truly achieved.

"Hahaha, Barrett, what a good one, you can go with me now." Karp laughed.

A week ago, all the students went to sea.

Sakarski and Polusalino, each with a team, accompanied by some experienced sailing veterans, first go to the four seas, and the first half of the great route, experience it.

Then look at the situation to decide whether to enter the new world.

And Barrett, because he felt that the iron nugget was about to be born, he postponed it for a week and did not start.

And Karp kept waiting for him, and he was a little impatient.

But seeing Barrett really developed the Iron Nugget Gold, Karp felt that this week's waiting was worthwhile.

"No problem, Lieutenant General Karp, I'm ready to go anytime," Barrett replied.

Next, he will fight with Karp. Karp's opponents are all powerful enemies, and Barrett has long been waiting for it.

"Well, Karp, Barrett will leave it to you, I will prepare for the next batch of recruits." Zefa entrusted.

Recruits once a year, but Barrett only temporarily followed Karp, and his hasn't graduated yet.

According to the high-level navy's agreement, Barrett will stay at the Naval Academy for three terms.

However, just staying in the naval school will not have a very good effect, so in addition to learning domineering and physical skills, Barrett still follows Karp most of the time.

So even half of it is the Navy.

In addition, the cadets who graduated from the naval academy are the navy headquarters at the lowest level, starting with a captain.

As for Barrett, Sakarski, and Polusalino, they are already colonels, and as long as they are promoted two more steps, they will become major generals.

This kind of promotion speed is simply a rocket.

The news that the three of them went to sea was also spread out through the newspapers. See who could not help it first. Let's jump out and die.

"Hey, one year has passed, and another batch of recruits has grown up. I hope that the next batch of recruits will be just as good." Zhan Guo said with emotion.

But everyone knows that it is almost impossible. The three of them like Barrett are already the top talents in this world.

How can there be so many geniuses, this is not the cabbage of bad street.

But Barrett has some expectations in his heart, although there will not be any decent talents next year.

But next time, there will be a few good guys, and they can even reproduce the glory of this year.

Kuzan, Smogg, Tina...