
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 107 Xihai! Ice continent


After a long voyage, Carp and Barrett finally came to the West Sea.

Barrett stood on the deck, looking at the sea.

This is the first time Barrett has come to the four seas, and the weather in the four seas is indeed far from the great sea route.

Not to mention the New World, the weather in the first half of the great route is very different from the four seas.

It's been almost a week since I arrived in the West China Sea. For most of the time, the weather in the West China Sea was clear and sunny.

Even if it rains, it will not be like the great route, and it will go down as soon as it is said, and it will not be like the new world with big raindrops on the basin.

"The weather here is really good! Lieutenant General Karp." Barrett sighed.

"Snoring, snoring..."

Karp didn't know where he moved a deck chair and slept on the deck.

"Hey, I really can't stand it." Barrett said helplessly.

During the first few days of getting along, Karp had some rascals, but fortunately he was more reliable. He would command warships on deck.

But since he came to the West Sea, Karp is particularly unreliable. He sleeps at every turn. You can't guess when he fell asleep.

Fortunately, Karp's adjutant is not so unreliable.

"Colonel Barrett, he is about to enter the territorial waters of the Land of Flowers, look?" the adjutant asked.

In the West Sea, when encountering some little pirates, Barrett usually solves them directly, so if anything happens, the adjutant will find Barrett directly.

After all, Barrett's military rank and strength are all there.

Barrett looked at Karp, this guy must be unable to wake up, there is no way, only a trick.

Barrett raised one foot and kept accumulating energy, and then, the foot stabbed, a straight vacuum slash, and went straight to Karp.

Karp, who was sleeping, suddenly felt something bad. This was a dangerous perception of seeing and hearing.

Karp woke up suddenly, slashed towards the vacuum with a punch, and smashed it.

In the smoke of the explosion, a figure broke through the smoke and went straight to Barrett.

"Ahhhh, kid, are you going to kill me?" Carp cried.

Bang bang bang.

After a while, Barrett held his head and squatted on the ground.

"This old bastard, it's so ruthless." Barrett gritted his teeth.

As for whether, although Lanjiao has a strong penetrating power, it will not kill Karp. Your muscles are not white.

Although it is still not up to the point of iron and gold, but the basic defense is still there, and Barrett has not aimed at the key.

Anyway, this fight was in vain, which is really unlucky.

"Lieutenant General Karp has arrived in the territorial waters of the Land of Flowers." Upon seeing this, the adjutant hurriedly reported to Karphui.

"Oh, is it so fast?" Karp was still confused.

"Nonsense, smelly old man, do you know how long you slept?" Barrett roared.

After using Life Return, the bag on Barrett's head has been swollen.

"Oh, that's it, by the way, your kid is much stronger than the one in my house." Karp didn't know where this sentence came from.

"Hey hey, smelly old man, what do you want to do, let me tell you, don't give me any idea." Barrett said.

Looking at Karp's eyes, Barrett broke out in a cold sweat. This old guy really didn't care.

"Hey, brat, what are your eyes, forget it, I don't bother to care about you."

"Go straight to the country of flowers, we will land in the country of flowers." Karp ordered

"Huh? Old man, do you dare to land on someone's turf when you go to find someone else's business?" Barrett asked.

Say he is unreliable, don't he really unreliable.

"You kid, what are you afraid of? The old man went to learn martial arts, why did he go to find things?" Karp said nonsense seriously.

In this regard, Barrett is also speechless. Leave it to him. The sky is falling and Karp is blocking him. Barrett does not believe that the country of flowers dares to fight.

"By the way, Lieutenant General Karp, does Marshal Sora know about this action?" Barrett didn't know what to do, so he asked in a daze.

"Oh, this..." Karp hesitated.

"No, you did it without authorization? What should I do if something happens?" Barrett was speechless.

Unexpectedly, he said a word in a vague way, and also caused such a trouble. If there is no report for this operation, it is an unauthorized action.

Still go to trouble with the franchise country, this old man is really wayward.

Look, the country of flowers is designated to give a small report, and then Barrett will have to accompany Karp and be trained together.

"Don't worry, I will carry it if something goes wrong," Karp promised.

"Oh, you mean Marshal Empty, won't trouble me?" Barrett asked with a distrustful expression.

"Uh, this..." Karp was speechless.

"Sure enough." Barrett said silently.

This ship, to put it bluntly, took Barrett to experience, and Barrett was still the officer on board, and he was one of the people in charge.

When something goes wrong, how can Barrett pass more.

'Hey, forget it, isn't it just a training meal? What's the big deal.'Barrett thought of his fate.

A reprimand is really nothing. Barrett is mainly afraid, so Sora will assign Barrett some troublesome tasks as punishment.

Now, it's here anyway, whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided.

Seeing the flag of the navy and the warships of the country of flowers on the sea, there was no obstruction.

The warship that had been with Karp landed at a pier.


"Lieutenant General Karp, why do you always hold on to us?" A man came off the boat of the Eight Treasure Navy and said.

"Oh, it's the game, where's the green pepper, your pillars?" Karp asked directly when he came up.

"Lieutenant General Karp, the flower country is a member of the world government, but we can sue you against the world government!" Sai angrily said.

As the Big Three of the Eight Treasures Marines, the game is not temperless.

Unfortunately, after being punched a few times by Cap, it wilted.

"Um, Lieutenant General Karp, the green pepper pillars and the cloth, have gone to the Ice Continent." Sai Bi was swollen and replied flatly.

"Oh, say it earlier, then I'll go find him." Karp turned his head and returned to the warship.

Barrett watched this scene, shook his head, and followed Karp back to the warship.

The Ice Continent is not here. Green pepper and cloth, going to the Ice Continent, seems to be burying treasures again.

All the money robbed by the Eight Treasures Marine Army was buried underground in the Ice Continent, and only by opening the Ice Continent could the treasure be obtained.

It can be said that this is the safest and most insecure treasure place in the world.

Said it is safe, because the ice continent is very hard and the treasures are deeply buried, so it is difficult to break the ice continent.

It is said that it is not safe because the treasure can be seen directly through the ice layer, and there are always people who have the strength to break through the ice continent without even breaking the ice continent.

To the fruits of surgery, you don't need to break through the ice continent, can it be that the Eight Treasure Marine Army has accumulated countless treasures.


After sailing for a while, everyone saw the ice continent.

The ice continent is located at the South Pole of this planet.

Without borders, the bitter wind is the best description of the ice continent...