
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Someone is Annoyed

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the boy on the bed sleeping, was late for breakfast, yeah it was a good morning. Wait...The boy on the bed...is Me! ,

I woke up rather violently, I looked around in the unfamiliar room, oh yes I was at Hogwarts, I glanced at the alarm clock near my bed, 7:45, still tired I continue to lay down, wait a damn minute...7:45?!. I quickly rushed out of bed, and headed to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, I got my uniform and underwear from the still opened trunk from last night, Thank goodness, I packed my book in my bag earlier, I head out of my room, making sure to lock the doors.

I made it to the common room, it was almost empty, with the occasional seniors there, I saw that no one my age was around, they had left without me, feeling betrayed, I decided at I will punish them later, how? Eh.... you'll see. With a small smile, the thought of their punishment was appealing to me, especially the punishment I will give to Anthony and Padma.

I thankfully made it to the great hall, on time, I sat down away from Anthony and Padma, I will not go to them, instead they will come to me, I started eating, my thoughts were on the classes I would have today, ugh I don't even want to go, talk less of classes.

The food was delicious, it was rice with fried eggs on the side,and a piece of meat, I drank water instead of pumpkin juice, seriously pumpkin juice is disgusting, I prefer orange juice then that monstrousity, the other wizard drink I hated was butter beer, it was too sweet and over hyped, I rather lick ordinary butter than drink that.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Anthony and Padma were sitted at my sides, "Where were you, Amaris?, Breakfast started ages ago!, it was a surprise you made it on time" said a concerned Padma.

"He probably overslept," replied Anthony.

"Hm." I responded to them,

"Is that all you have to say?" Anthony said Annoyed by my lack of proper response.

"What else do you expect me to say?, thank you for not assisting me, when you didn't see me?, thanks I guess..."I scoffed, I want to go to class, I was done eating anyway, Padma who was with my timetable, I just grabbed it from her, I stood up and walked out of the hall, looking at the timetable, i saw potions first with Hufflepuffs. Thank God, I have parents, that told me the general location of most classes, I just have to find the exact location, Mother said Potions was in the dungeons, using the map attached at the back of the timetable, I ended up being the first to enter the class, how ironic, I rolled my eyes sarcastically, I hope Anthony and Padma get Lost, I sat at the back of the class.

After some minutes, the class was filling up with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, I saw Padma and Anthony enter, purposely ignoring them, I stayed silent and read the potions book in front of me, I noticed someone sat beside me, I didn't pay them any mind, but the small glance of blonde hair told me who it was. The door of the class swung opened, a man with dark black robes, with slight greasy hair and a hooked nose, dramatically entered, he introduced himself as Professor Severus snape, the school's potions' Master and head of slytherin house, I know him, kinda he was a colleague of my mother, I also saw him at some high class potion masters events, apparently he was good, being the youngest to get a potions degree, and for some reason now, I want to beat his record, it would be amusing to see the shocked look on his face, amused i smiled.

It seems Professor Snape noticed my smile, believing I wasn't paying attention, I was not but it was still mean to call me out, I hope you live a meaningless and unmarried life you fucking greasy haired bat.

He sneered at me, asking me questions.

"Well, it seems you aren't paying attention to my speech, Mr Underwood, give me the answer to these questions, Where can I find Bezoar?"

I didn't not answer immediately, I stared at the man for a bit, he took it that I can't answer the question, before he could say anything, I said.

"Bezoar is a stone, that can be found in the stomach of a goat...sir" I said in a flat tone, my mood was not great with Anthony by my side.

"Hm.That is Correct, 3 points to Ravenclaw." The Bat like man, Batman,gave me points for answering the question, the first year Ravenclaws were happy to be the first house to get points in the class, Professor Snape, continued his lesson, telling us to read up and gave an assignment, what were you expecting us to immediately start to brew potions?, first years with barely any experience, I don't speak for myself, cause i have a genius mother has a potion mistress. Anthony and Padma were still at my sides, annoyed I said,


"I was surprised, you could answer that question, I thought you were a dumb idiot who oversleeps." Anthony said. I gave him a cold glare. Padma trying to calm us down , moved herself in between us, "Hey, hey, now we are all friends here, and friends shouldn't fight,"

"And if we were friends, friends should help each other, not leave them behind, especially on the first day of class, and don't lie you don't know where my dorm was, Anyways, Padma what is you impression on Professor Snape, dear?" I gave a fake smile, but that caused Padma to blushed and talked about her thought on the man and about the homework he gave.

Anthony was frowning, could it have been his fault?, yes he knew he could have helped Amaris by atleast knocking on his dorm door, Sighing he looked at the dark skinned boy who seemed dead set on ignoring his existence. How could he apologize to the boy, if was has ignoring him,

'Am sure I will figure it out, for some reason I find it unbearable that Amaris is ignoring me,' Anthony Thought has the trio made there way to their next class.

Damn, where the hell did this ideas come from, y'all I don't plan these. ಡvಡ

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