
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Problem Solved!

It has been three weeks, since I started ignoring Anthony, petty right? But it was necessary for my plans, I needed Anthony by my side, Anthony is the kind of boy, who is smart and cold, basically unfriendly, still he was a child like me, he also was friendless until he met the twins and I on the train, Anthony being a Pure blood, I saw him at some events, he never really talked to anyone.

Anyways, back to my plan of getting Anthony to be a good friend to me, during these three weeks, I play,laugh and talk to Anthony, then the next minute or day, i go back to ignoring, like a switch, this annoyed Anthony greatly, that he decided to confront me today.

That is why I'm pushed against a wall in an empty classroom, with my shirt getting pulled, Anthony being slightly taller than me was the one holding my shirt.

"Anthony,buddy, we can settle this calming, no need to hold my shirt, why are you doing this, huh?" I pretended to be confused about his Actions.

"Seriously?, it had been three weeks!, Three weeks ago, since I didn't wake you up, it wasn't even my fault! And you have been ignoring me!" Anthony had a deep frown on his face.

I decided to drag the drama for a bit longer, I know it wasn't Anthony's fault, I had an habit of oversleeping too much, still it was fun to see the usually Cold and Emotionless Boy lose his marbles.

I chuckled slightly " ohhhh!, that? I've forgotten about that, I have forgiven you, and what do you mean I'm ignoring you, Anthony, I am talking to you right now?,"

"That isn't what I meant!, and you know that too, look, Amaris, I have figured you out, you're just playing with me," Anthony said with firmness.

"Fine~, you got me!, I have been pretending," I decided to play along.

"Why" Anthony said coldly.

"Well,...I thought you didn't want to be my friend, so I did it to get you attention, you were the first that didn't seem you want to be my friend, you seem to prefer Padma over me and you sometimes insult me, so I felt kinda? Hurt I guess," I shrugged sadly with my head hung down, my lips was tumbling, has I tried to hold back a smile.

Anthony noticed Amaris' tumbling lips and hugged head, took it has him being sad and hurt.

Anthony thought back to those moments, was he the one ignoring Amaris?, yes he did sometimes insult Amaris, maybe he was the one at fault?, he also wanted to be friends with him. Anthony was planning to apologize to Amaris before, but he suddenly felt angry which lead to this situation, he glanced at Amaris was still had his head down and without the tumbling lips, as if Amaris senses his stare, looked up and met his eyes, that was when Anthony decided to take the initiative and apologize, he let go of Amaris' shirt.

"Uhm,... Amaris, I didn't know it was my fault, I know I have said some horrible things to you." Anthony heard a sniff, " A lot of horrible things, and for that am sorry, I hope we could start over and remain friends.." Anthony said Sincerely.

Amaris smile brightly at Anthony, 'yes!, it worked, finally!, Damnit, Anthony, it took you three weeks to warm up to me' Has Amaris internally cursed Anthony, Amaris said" It's okay, im just reall happy, that we could put the matter behind us, plus we get to surprise Padma, merlin's beard, she had to deal with us for three bloody weeks!".

I put my arm around Anthony's shoulder playfully with a grin on my face, Anthony smiled amused,

"That and we still haven't finished our charm's homework"

I groaned at the reminder, I still haven't started the essay on it, looking at Anthony has we made our way out of the empty classroom to the library, where Padma was, "But, you will help me right?" I basically plead to him, I could do it by myself, but I wanted to test him.

Anthony sent a glare to his friend who still had his arm around his shoulder, before sighing and nodded. When the boy cheered and thanked him, he was happy to finally have a friend, Anthony looked down and smiled slightly.