
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Hogwarts, A jackpot! 2

Soon, the train arrived at Hogmeade, we were all in our bland uniforms, getting out of the train, we saw a giant man, which I recognized has the guide for Harry,

"First' years, First's year!" Said the Giant,

"Four on a boat!"

I allowed them to sit on the boat, making sure it wouldn't seek, I sat beside Anthony,

"Everyone here? Forward!"

The boat starts to move on the own, moving towards Hogwarts?. We were all silent on the boat, enjoying the moment.

Soon, the grand castle of Hogwarts appeared, smile at the golden glow it emitted, "it's beautiful" Parvati said wishfully.

We all nodded in agreement. Hogwarts. You will definitely make me rich.

We then got of the boat, when we reached the coast, the giant, Hagrid, lead us to a set of giant doors, he knocked, opening it was an aged woman with dark robes and grey hair, she thanked Hagrid and started to lead us, She explained the different houses to us and went always to the Hall.

After some drama, involving Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, which for some reason I wasn't that surprised, I was kind of expecting it, either way I was planning to be friends with both of them, which i hope with cause Chaos, Im really a bad person who want mayhem and violence, but atleast i acknowledge it, that makes make better than those who try to hide themselves and their true personalities, (like kushida-bitch).

We were lead into the hall, hundreds of eyes were on us, the sorting hat started to Sing(yeah, I'm not writing that shit).

Professor McGonagall called out "Hannah Abbott!" The pink faced, pigtails blonde girl, "Hufflepuff!"

"Anthony Goldstein"



"Padma Patil"


"Parvati Patil"


"Harry Potter"

Black black black *squeaky voices* The boy who lived! , Harry Potter? (no potty harl0t, dumbass)



"Amaris Underwood"

I walked over to the stool, I sat down, so the hat was placed on my head, covering my eyes, it was a bit stinky, I was lying, it has an horrible smell and was dusty, I was trying not to embarrass myself and sneeze.

The hat didn't seem to appreciate being insulted.

"Hey!, it isn't my fault, no one cleaned me for decades!" Stated the dirty sorting hat. "And who the hell is that my business?, you are a bloody talking hat, you can be annoying and screaming to have them clean you up," I replied logically to the hat's stupidity.

" Oh, that is a good idea, why didn't I think of that?," it mumble to itself

"Because, you are a hat"I replied with deadpan voice in my head .

"Anyways, let's see where you belong, oh, I see great ambition from you, a need of greatness and wealth, Slytherin is the great house for you"

"Yeah, no, Im not going there "

"May I ask why?,"

"Too much, drama, too much politics, Slytherin even though I agree it would be the best house for me, I refuse, I prefer to stay out of the whole Light and Dark thing, I prefer to be a dark grey cloud instead. "

"Every well, I know the house for you."


There was applause from the Ravenclaw table, happy to be with both our of the three, I sat beside Padma, the headmaster gave a weird speech, something about dying, stupid h edmaster why would you tell children about them dying when they're not with their parents who will be prevent them from dying.

I discussed with Anthony and padma, we should probably not get curious and die.

After the feast, we were following the prefect to The Ravenclaw tower, after the welcoming speech from them, we were told the left side was the male dorm and the right side was the female one, i always feel sad that the right side was mostly female, like i also pike the right side, female toilets? Right side, Female Rooms? Right side, ugh. Anyways as the first year boys were entering their respective dorms, I was lucky to not have to have a roommate, I was about to practice shady this there, I don't want a snitch in my room plus I was far comfortable alone.

Opening the door to my room, I makes no sense, even though I was in the tower, my window, or rather the location of my room was at the top of the Ravenclaw tower, with a perfect view of the black lake and the forbidden forest.

Opening the window, I looked up, the roof was visible, deciding I want to risk my life, I climbed around the edges of the rough roof, pulling myself up, I sat on the roof, staring at the starry sky, I was beautiful, I almost felt underserving to gaze upon something beautiful like this. Sighing, I carefully make my way back down to the window, getting safely into the room, I rushed to the bathroom, to take a ...shit. After that, *cough* *cough*, I took a bath in the bathtub for about 40 minutes, I was slightly dozing off, i wrapped a large towel around myself, i picked up my trunk, opening it to pull out a set of nightwear, after dressing I layed on the bed,with a large blanket over my body, i slept the child i was, hopefully i don't wake up late, knowing myself, i would probably do that. Smiling slightly.
