
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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The Raven Trio!

Both Anthony and I soon arrived at the Library, walking in and politely greeting the Librarian Mrs pine, to get her off our backs, we made way to our usual table at near the back of the library closest to the forbidden section. There we saw Padma who seem to be working on her assignments.

We sat down on opposite her, my arm still around Anthony's shoulder, I grin when she displayed surprised, she probably wasn't expecting us to make up.

"I-what?, seriously?, you guys are back to being friends?!" Padma who has to deal with the two boys who previously ignored each other was surprised and happy to see them together.

Anthony and I shared an amused glance, we both nodded, Padma seeing this smile brightly,

"Thank Krishna, I thought you guys would never make up," Padma remembered how stressed they made her feel, grabbing her potions textbook that was beside her, she slammed it on the boys head.

I let go of my arm from Anthony's shoulder, to touch the aching part of my head"Ouch!", "Hey!", Anthony quickly said with "what was that for?!, you slammed my skull!", Padma replied sarcastically, "that was for stress me out for three weeks!, hmph!"

We gave her deadpan looks, then looked at each other, was she being serious?

I said slightly annoyed "Didn't we ask you to be stressed?" Padma sent a withering Glare at us, I chuckling nervously, " I meant to say that, we appreciate you for being there for us, right, Anthony?" Seeing the boy not paying attention to us, I elbowed him in the ribs, this caused him to glare at me, I glared back and nodded slightly to Padma who didn't look convinced, he sighed before agreeing.

"Yes, yes, we appreciate you for that bla bla".

Padma tensed form finally relaxed,"Sure, what are friends for?"

"It is good we are on the same page, I consider you both my friends to" I said Cheerfully, and give them a closed eye smile, Anthony just stoically nodded, "what a loser," I muttered to myself, Anthony seem to hear me, because he gave me a soft shove, and said "you really shouldn't insult the person who ypu begged to help with ypur homework, i might chamge myself mind" i replied sarcastically "might", "Amaris" Both Anthony and unexpectedly Padma, "okay, okay, fine, i will shut up, what a bunch of mean friends," i mumbled to myself quiet.

The table was in a comfortable silence, with us doing our homework and helping each other when needed.


Seeing that everyone one was done with their homework, Amaris suggested that they should explore the forbidden forest, crazy idea right?, seems like Anthony and Padma believed it to, because they looked at Amaris like he was insane, which he probably was,Amaris saw their hesitation,and try persuade them by reminding them about it was still mid day and they wouldn't venture too far, in them had a secret weapon, himself, which sprouted unimpressed looks from the boy's friends, and the power of Friendship!, again unimpressed looks, 'seriously?, I thought i had them with the power of Friendship one's Amaris thought which a banging pain in his Heart, and preceded to pretend to faint in a dramatic manner, which he definitely got that side from his mother.

In the end Amaris was able to convince them to explore the forest, of course why won't 11 years olds be curious about a forbidden forest?, yes they were smart and mature for their age but they were still children. They had decided together that any sign of danger they should react and retreat.

Thankfully it was not a school day, it was Saturday, so they were all in comfortable clothes, making their way to Hogwarts grounds, they stopped by at the black lake, playing with some rocks and trying to push each other in the lake, okay it was more like Amaris was trying to push Padma and Anthony into the lake but same thing!, However, They didn't take it lightly and they both started to chase Amaris to give him a beating, playfully of course, Amaris who didn't want to get hit in any form, started to run in the direction of the forest, hoping to outrun them, But Anthony the must persistent of the two, what catching up to him, Amaris knowing he was doomed, starting to laugh uncontrollably due to the adrenaline rush, this caused Anthony and Padma to slightly slow down and lean against the trees surrounding them, laughing , Amaris thankfully noticed them slow down or else he would have been running away still but this time with no one chasing and would forever be looked at as a fool by his friends, probably, but for his 11 years old mind, it was possible.

Slowly walking back to where his friends were sitting on the bare dirty ground, but they didn't care, They all looked at each other laughing, then leaned on each other, their backs against a big tall tree,soon they began teasing each other about the moments that occurred during their chase, like How Anthony almost tripped and fell on his face, or how slow and unathletic Padma was, which got the two boys arms to be pinched hard, or how Amaris was about to continue running like a mad man, Anthony's words, which the comment got a glare with no real heat behind it.

In the end, they all had fun, their bodies were sticky and sweaty, smiling at each other, the atmosphere between them was comfortable and friendly, they were happy to be each others friends and would not like it anyother way, then Padma looked around the unfamiliar surrounding area with an exhausted look, She said,

"Soooo,how are we supposed to get back to the Castle?" Asking her friends, Amaris and Anthony looked at each other, then looked back at Padma and shrugged. Padma gave them a defeated look, is this what she would have to deal with for 7 years?, She would probably get grey hairs before she graduated, smiling a bit, she kinda preferred it this way, like a mother with her kids, she dragged the boys up and they all started to search the way back to familiar grounds, with the arms we wrapped each others waist or shoulder, with big smiles on their chubby faces, despite of their situation,in their hearts they knew that, they had just found their friends for life.

{*The Raven Trio*}