
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Hogwarts, A jackpot! 1

It was the day of departure, my parents were about to let me go, my dramatic mother was making a scene, like almost any other mother, dropping off her child to a school, without seeing them for months. She tried to put up a fight, by trapping me in a tight hug, almost suffocating, my father intervene.

Soon, I got onboard the train and found an empty compartment, placing my trunk on the selve above, I sat near the window, with a book in and a lunch bag, filled with snacks, sandwiches, drinks, and candy!, my mother said the train ride was long, and she didn't want her child to starve or eat unknown food from the trolley. Overprotective but appreciated.

Soon, the compartment door opened, I found myself face to face with Harry Potter.

"Oh. It's you, Amaris, right?" The boy, Harry, gave an awkward smile.

Smirking slightly "who else if not me?, come on don't stand there, you will block the way, come in and sit, Harry Potter." I said reviling I knew of his identity.

Shocked, Harry blunt out"what? How? I didn't tell you," After he questioned me, he sat down, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Seriously?, do you think I'm that dumb, not to notice, a boy with green eyes, lightning bolt scar, and named Harry?" I looked at him with a deadpan look.

Harry Panicked, he didn't mean to offend the boy.

I noticed the nervous look on him, chuckling. Harry turned to me, surprised I was laughing. "I'm joking, mate, don't worry over small things, besides that nervous and panicked look on your face was adorable." I teased him.

Harry sighed, happy that he didn't offend Amaris, but when he fully processed the words of the boy, he blushed, Amaris called him adorable, well indirectly, Before he could open his mouth, the compartment door opened.

There stood a boy with red-ginger hair, second hand clothes and looked excited.

"Sorry, could I stay here?, all the compartments are full" he said.

I raised an eyebrow, really? All the compartments are full?, my father said the train will automatically expand to fit everyone, plus I didn't want anyone here, I was fully planning to keep Harry to myself, I wanted to know about him, before I could coldly reject the red hair, Harry spoke allowing the boy to enter my compartment, the one I found. While I was busy with my thoughts, Harry and the boy now identified as Ronald Weasley. From the way I see it, he was a clueless little git, asking someone if they remember the death of their parents, Harry too, the naive little boy, instead of telling him off, showed him, his scar.

I stayed silent throughout the whole interaction, Harry from the way I have observed him, he was eager to please people, wanting to befriend others with such desperation, I did not like that he was ignoring me, I found him first and planned to be friends with him, before the git showed up. It didn't take a genius to figure out, he was abused, with his second hand clothes and extremely skinny and malnutritioned body. Plus the fact he lives with muggles.

I want to leave this compartment, even though I was the first here, I will let them have it for now, but before I go, I have to do something that will keep myself in Harry's mind. I got an idea.

Standing up, the two boys turned their attention to me, I pay them no mind and grabbed my trunk, turning towards Harry, I gave him a warm smile, " Sorry, but I forgot the was someone I am supposed to meet, I have to go they are probably waiting for me," I lied straight through my teeth. It seemed to work. I saw the disappointed look on his face, side glancing at Ronald, he seem happy to be alone with Harry, Fuck you stupid dirty git, you might have won this little battle but I will be victorious.

Walking over to Harry, I have him a hug, Harry surprised, he flinched slightly, before calming down and returning the hug. I was not done yet, I whispered in his ear, "See you later,...Harry" I sent him a smirk, when I noticed his flushed cheeks.

I also gave him a sandwich as a goodbye, then left the compartment, searching for another empty one, or a less crowded one. One for long, I found one which was occupied boy with blonde hair and two girls who seem like twin and looked Indian, I was pleased to see, Asian, I was always interested in their culture, my mother and I would watch Bollywood movies and dance to their iconic songs, we don't understand, to say the least, i could speak some hindu but those were just words I hear from watching, I don't actually understand. If am lucky enough, I hope that they are related to a famous actor, with a grin, I knocked on the door, alerting them of my presence.

One of the girls, came up and opened the door "Yes?," She had long black hair in a braid, she had a tan skin tone, with slight pink lips, her eyes held confusion and curiosity at the handsome boy, thst seem her age.

"Sorry, I was hoping if you could allow me to stay in your compartment?, my previous one was too loud" I offered a polite smile, hoping she would let me in. Padma looked at her sister and the blonde boy, who were listening to the conversation, seeing both of them nod, she stepped aside, letting the boy in.

I was grateful," Thank you, sorry if I am being a bother, my name is Amaris Underwood, pleased to meet you." I smiled cheerfully at them, sticking my hand out to handshake them. They all shaked my hand introducting themselves as ,The opened the door for me, introduced herself has "Padma Patil, and this is my twin sister, Parvati Patil," The identical girl, waved at me with a smile, I grinned back. The Boy seemed hesitant but later introduced himself, ,"My name is Anthony Goldstein, nice to meet you " I chuckled.

"Well, it nice to meet you all, I noticed that we are all first years. So what House are you hoping to go to?"

Parvati eager, "Gryffindor!, I want to go to the house of the brave, it suits me quite well." Parvati stated, I decided to humor her, " yes, I true, I could see you there, you seem like a brave lioness, you're Indian right?, how fitting.," I successfully charmed her, she blushed lightly, happy to see the handsome boy, compliment her.

"Anyways, and you Padma?, what house are you going?,"

The attention was turned to Padma, who replied "Ravenclaw, seems more for me," I nodded understanding. Anthony questioned her, "I thought, you would want to go wait you twin?" He was confused.

"Even though, we are twin, we are different persons with different personalities, I don't want to get separated from my twin, but I also don't want to go where I don't belong " Padma calming started, Parvati nodded in agreement, Anthony nodded in understanding. I smiled " wise words, befitting of Ravenclaw" Padma sent me, a flustered smile.

Anthony those not seem to be amused, too bad I will have him, and the girls in my possession, they seem useful. Suppressing a smirk, I ask Anthony if his opinion, he said" I don't really care, where I get sorted". When I was questioned about my opinion, I said I felt the same way, Anthony did.

Soon, we shared lunches amongst ourselves, chatting or played games, sometimes there would be silence, when we were reading our books.

The train ride was peaceful and enjoyable. While Amaris was enjoying himself, Harry was left with a red haired dundder head, and a wild messy hair bossy girl. Poor Harry was to naive to realize, he was suffering, will Amaris help him or leave him, naive? Will the three friends Amaris made, will they be useful to him, what house would Amaris get sorted?