
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

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Meeting The-Boy-who-will-make-me-Rich!

It has been weeks now the business has been doing great, Jacob has be a lot helpful and reliable, I am proud to say my little minion would be able to take care of things while am gone, of course my parents will definitely pay constant visits.

Well, this was not about that, I had finally dug gold, I met the Boy-who-lived! Harry Potter!. The key to my magazines success, although I wouldn't make it solely about him, just add pieces of him, can't myself make an enemy of him.


It was the last day of July, I wanted to go browsing through shops to get inspiration and experience. I have decided to visit madam malkin's shop, solely to study her patterns, I have been thinking of a tailor to a clothing shop, I am planning to create, right beside Yusha's store. There were a lot of old and unbought shop surrounding Yusha.

Anyways, walking into the shop, I was browsing through the clothing materials on display, I saw to boys about my age? Both were getting fitted, one has platinum blonde hair and wearing a suitable pure blood heir classic suit. I recognized him as Draco Malfoy, a boy I have seen during some events, The other one was unknown, he was wearing, second hand oversized clothes, he had black mop messy hair, green eyes and round black glasses wrapped with tape and slight scratches on it.

Curious, I decided to come up to them, I would use Malfoy has an excuse.

"Hello.., sorry to bother you both, but I seem to recognize you from somewhere, you are?" I said politely, looking at both of them, before focusing on Malfoy.

" Hm. You seem familiar as well,..My name is Draco Malfoy" Draco said his name rather Proudly.

"Oh-, now I remember, you are a Malfoy, please forgive me for not, noticing sooner, My name is Amaris Underwood. And you are?" Turning to the other boy.

The boy looked shy and nervous, clearly wary, Malfoy must have said something uncomfortable to him, " Harry,just Harry." He finally said.

"Alright, Just Harry?, is that your last name? I think I have heard Just has a last name before," I teased him lightly, enjoying how he sprimed, it would take an idiot to have less than a brain cell to not put two and two together, I mean come you said you name was Harry, Harry what? Harry Potter, but the was a possibility it was not Harry Potter, but Then why hide his last name.

" I-uhm_uhhh" The boy, now Harry Potter couldn't think of anything to help himself, decided not to stress the boy, and gain his favor. " Don't worry about it, I don't really care if you tell me you last name or not," I smiled and shrugged lightly.

Harry Potter sighed in relief for not having to save himself, before he could continue talking to the boy dark boy who was talking to him, Hagrid, his guide walked in to the shop, telling him they needed to go. Harry quickly looked back at the boy, Amaris Underwood, he was smiling at him with an understanding stare, lightly using his hand to gesture him to go. Seeing this Harry gave an awkward smile. The walked away with Hagrid, the boy, no Amaris was on his mind, he made a good impression on him, he seem to know that other boy, Malfoy, yet doesn't act like a spoilt brat.


As I watched the Potter boy go with his giant guide, I turned to look at Malfoy, he seem to be upset that both of the boys he was seeking to befriend, ignored him, knowing this could get out of hand later in the future, I decided to spend time with him for the rest of the day, talking about quidditch and his father.

'Such as Daddy's Boy.' I thought.

After Draco got his uniform suited, we went for ice cream waiting for his parents to come back.

'Sigh~ what a productive day, I meet the boy who lived, he would be a good ally. ,so would Draco Malfoy, I could officially say both are my new acquaintances.'

' I Hope Hogwarts, will entertain and serve me well, hehehe.'