
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
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15 Chs

Like the wind

Looking around seeing fire and brimstone I realized I am in Hell, not Chicago. At least here I only have to worry about Demons and animals. Grabbing my compass I watched as its needle spun in a circle before pointing behind me. Hanging the black beaten-up compass back around my neck I started my trek toward the distant mountain range.

Drinking deeply from my jug I finished off the basic water before whispering "Holy Water". Chuckling a little I wondered if I kept on drinking this will my body fluids become like poison to the inhabitants here? Going over the Items I prepped for this realm I had Holy Hand grenades, Spheres of Morality, a Ring of Protection from Evil, and an Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location. With those Items most if not all Evil aligned creatures will be held off long enough from me to make a portal to escape.

Looking around I decided to stay here for a while with all my protection and with me drinking Holy Water I don't need to worry about corrupting influences. As I walked I think about taming myself an animal to ride. Would taming be like Ark where I beat them until they pass out drug the animal then shove meat down its throat? Or would it be like Dungeons and Dragons where you bribe the animals?

Walking over the blackened earth I started running into bleached twisted trees. White and twisted with man-sized holes in the trunks. Grabbing my compass I looked down making sure I am going in the right direction. Shrugging I headed deeper into the forest. Distant Howls and screams of smaller animals. Keeping a small portal open in front of my left eye as I watched in front of me while having the portal above me watching my sides and back.

Holding my staff I had thought of riding it but with it being my focus it would be bad for me to get caught without being able to use it. I could use my grimoire but the difference between the two was night and day. The Grimoire required almost four times the amount of mana than the Staff does with any spells, not space element related. I could use another Ruby of the War Mage but I have no clue how that would react with my staff. I wouldn't want it to cancel out my other focus.

Hearing the Howling getting closer I had my portal above me go higher until I could see my rough outline in the blackened ground. Seeing past the empty branches of the trees I see where I was coming from had a pack of black wolves comparing their size to the trees around I would guess they were around ten feet tall. Watched them bounding down the line of tracks I left behind. I guess to survive here you had to be tough.

The biggest and most scared wolf is behind the other four as they tracked me I watched the oldest looking around sniffing. His eye looked up right at my portal showing his fangs... well that was unexpected. Could they detect magic? If so then I am a beacon in the lands surrounding. I kept my pace as they closed in. Entering a small clearing I waited in the middle.

Watching the younger wolves are about to jump out and charge at me before the old one let out a small yelp halting the pack in its track. He watched me as I turned my head and looked deep into his molten gold eyes. He tilted his head looking at me then back up to my eye in the sky. Deliberating he entered the clearing. I watched him closely as he circled me the younger and more eager wolves were only holding back because of him.

Looking into his eyes showing no fear I bared my teeth at him. He tilted his head at me judging me. Keeping an eye on the rest of the pack as they slunk back deeper into the woods. He sat down watching me as I planted my staff into the ground while my grimoire floated list around me ready at a moment's notice. He was cautious I don't think he ran into another human before as I can see caution and curiosity behind those golden eyes. His black fur bristled filling with a dark red glow, and his black teeth started glowing with red veins dripping magma onto the ground where it sizzled and hardened.

He took a deep breath before howling into the air as embers flew into the sky watching the heat distort the air around his maw I waited a few seconds before I heard distant howling from what I assumed to be the rest of his pack. I could see in his eyes I may not be the best with animals but I can see those intelligent eyes concluding on a path to take. With my other eye, I saw five more wolves coming to the clearing two of the carrying pups. As we waited both me and the Old scared wolf didn't move at all both of us watching and waiting on the other to do anything. I have yet to blink since we locked eyes and my eyes started to dry up.

Soon the nine wolves and two pups came back with the bigger ones having started distracting the pups. Not letting this distract our staring contest I watched him noticing that the rest of the wolves only came up to his shoulder and the rest of their eyes are blue instead of gold. Looking at the posture of the other wolves I saw they were tense while looking at where they came from now and then I saw they would tense up at distant noises. What could make a pack of big-ass wolves runs? Then again I am in a Hell dimension. They seemed tired panting while resting. Half of them lay down with a single eye open.

"So what do you want?" He tilted his head not understanding fuck I am not wasting mana on making something I can use to talk with a big ass wolf. He blinked I almost pointed and laughed at him but I forced the reaction down. He looked from where they came from and then back to me his eyes kept on going back and forth. Taking a step forward he stepped back as if burned. I tilted my head for a few seconds. I reached into my bag pulling out a Holy Hand Grenade. He jumped back as if burned while growing at it then looked back at me.

Looking between the two I realized the only reason I wasn't attacked is the number of Holy energy being put off by this item is keeping them at bay from attacking me. This wasn't a moment where the wolves came and bowed for me it was them wondering what the hell felt so off about these energies. Shaking my head I turned and started walking back on my track keeping an eye on the wolves from above. They all watched me go before following me. I guess it either irritated them enough that they wanted to keep an eye on me or it kept some of their bigger competition away from them.

Snorting as I walked away from the pack exiting the clearing and heading toward the mountain in the distance where the compass was pointing. The wolves didn't follow me so I guess they were just curious and after seeing that I wasn't going to attack decided that I either wasn't enough to eat or not worth the hassle.

While walking I noticed that it didn't get dark nor did the light change it was like the entire place was stuck in one moment no change in shadows that were beneath my feet. Looking up I saw nothing but black clouds that rolled and rumbled and threatened to rain but nothing happened just teasing a chance of rain. The only animals I spotted besides those wolves were a few titanic rhinos that towered over the trees that seemed to be their food. Now and then one would look over at me before turning and leaving.

Some smaller animals were black crows and vultures that seemed to be circling off in the distance. As for plants besides some knee-high shrubs and the trees, there was nothing else that I spotted. Of course, Hell is boring with nothing here besides the few animals I have spotted so far. Pausing I decided that if I had to walk anymore I would go crazy. Twisting at my waist I cracked my back while stretching my limbs.

Thinking over what I could make that was not very mana intensive I concluded just a simple flying carpet would be good. Creating it was easy just some imagination, willing it into existence, and mana. Then I created the next best thing a nice soft leather lazy-boy that I can relax on. Moving the chair onto the carpet I sat down and relaxed. Placing my staff onto the carpet "Up" and Watching the ground get farther away I waited until it was above the trees commanding it forward. Leaning back I closed and opened another portal in front of my other eye letting the one I have used rest.

Now that I could relax I spent the rest of my time creating Holy Hand Grenades while stuffing my bag full of them just in case.

I also noticed that the more I made the brighter my bag glowed. It was as if the grenade's ambient Holy energy was feeding into my other items around it making them into low-tier holy artifacts. Which is pretty cool and should give me enough protection from the denizens of hell.

Relaxing back into my chair while sipping my Holy Water I swept my gaze around the trees mentally kicking myself for not doing this sooner. Now and again once my mana filled I created another grenade. Once I was well rested I would do push-ups and burpees to keep myself fit physically.

Between that and drinking Holy Water I felt myself getting stronger at an accelerated rate. It turned out that the Holy Water had a minor regeneration factor.

Thinking it over it made sense that it would after all the jug would only summon a quarter of what it would with non-magic beverages. I also remembered that the jug can also summon healing potions, but not an ungodly amount just a single potion of healing or regeneration. But with the holy water, it was blessed water with a tiny amount of potion so that is why it would summon half a jug.

Thinking back I am glad I decided to fuck off to Hell away from all that political bullshit. Make me king of the Elves no thank you. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but at least don't try to make me a leash while you are holding the end. Then that angel bitch may also have been lying about the other Monster Girls being loyal to me.

Even if they were I would also have to deal with all the other Wizards. Judging from what I learned from all of the others about Earth and what I saw I would guess I was in the eighties judging from all of the Polaroid cameras, Walkman's, and fax machines.

It would take me forty years to get back to the technological equal from where I was if the times line up. So maybe I can fuck over the social media platforms before they are even created. This world doesn't need the cesspool that is Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Hell for all the advantages the internet brought it has twice the number of disadvantages. Then again I didn't use half of what the internet had to offer. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I focused back on reality and the hellish landscape.

Thinking it over I could make a decent home here. Hell is not looking that bad so far. No people to bother me as of yet. Just what I needed silence. Hopefully, the Monster Girls will leave me alone with just me and my thoughts.

Maybe I can start a farm out here away from everyone. Thanks to the compass it is showing me what my heart desires. Gripping said compass I watched as it still pointed right toward where I was heading.

Now that I am nearing my objective I need to make some defenses. Maybe Holy Land mines? or Holy claymore? With my magic growing day by day, I can eventually make ward stones for a more efficient defense. So explosive traps, wards, and I need some air defense also. Now I need to make a forge, and alchemy labs I could will items into existence but I need hobbies to pass the time.

Maybe I can even crossbreed a few variations making a nice farmstead. For the first project though I made a teleportation point where my amulet can focus so I won't have to trek like this again. Even though now it would be easy. Looking around the bleak environment I let a smile spread across my face. Yeah, hell is not so bad.

----(POV Change)----

After we collected some hair from the room the boy was in I tried to make a summoning ritual but it backfired destroying most of the hair we had... I had gotten cocky and forgot in my haste a few parts of the contract we had between us.

I forgot to put an expiration date on it. So now neither I nor Illias can use his DNA without his explicit instructions. That put a damper on our plans of getting Tyler back. Thankfully Shake while she could summon him refused to do so because if he felt threatened enough to leave he wouldn't take being summoned right after he left. What she has been working on is a tracking spell to find him even between the veil of the worlds.

Another she did was a ritual to track his health that was easier than the tracking ritual. He was at least healthy and not stressed about his situation if anything Shake compared his health to a man who was on vacation with very little fluctuation in his heart rate. His intake of food was zero but his metabolism was still going strong it was as if he was getting very recommended vitamins and minerals that his body would ever need.

Once we were under a half moon Shake started the ritual with me and Illias both feeding the circle mana pressing our desire for him to be found. Illias has not been doing good since he left, and the elves after she was forced to apologize to them have become reclusive at best and downright hostile at worst. Going back to their isolationist state.

Even calling their other members back to the home world. When forced to choose between there and here they decided to come home. As much as they enjoyed the other world the nature magic there was dead.

The years of keeping it propped up had done little with the humans there not slowing down the death of the world. The years of keeping the effect to a minimum had done little to slow the amount added. If this continues we will have to take drastic measures. The wizards have agreed with us on this.

Now without the Elves, their forests have started to die. When questioned by the United Nations we straightened up and told them the Elves have given up on fixing what cannot be fixed and if they didn't change it would only get worse. The only ones that took it seriously were Canada and some of the States, and most of Western Europe had agreed with us. The biggest contributor to the death of Nature was the disappearing Rainforests and the large strip mining operations.

Now that the Elves have gone silent with everyone but the Goblins as their middleman for buying semen in bulk to store away. Without the elves, we had to find another way to stabilize the portals to Earth. Looking back now we should have left well enough alone I am mature enough to admit it, but Illias was not she was mad at the Elves.

It was one of the main reasons they are fortifying their borders. That was before they made a move none of us expected. They modified the Fidelius charm with a few dozen magically dense Elves powering the modified charm it was strong enough to hide away from most of the world. The stronger Monster Girls have a vague idea of where it was.

If that wasn't bad enough the Dragons are kicking up a fuss about meeting our now wayward boy. The Valkyries we had chosen to be his mate were devastated about their new master leaving without them. More along the lines that someone made him feel like he had to leave. Dam it Illias why didn't you just keep your mouth shut?

Feeling the ritual coming to a close we all watched with bated breath as the circle shone brightly... before sputtering out with a wide-eyed Shake staring at the now burned-out circle. Muttering she waved her hand over the circle checking all the components that were destroyed in the process.

She leaned back rubbing her face before looking over at us and her lover "Well he is not in this world... he is in Hell..." But how could he survive there this long without any negative effects? That should be impossible. "He also has a way to cover his tracks so I couldn't gain his exact location just the dimension he is in. There are a few old spells I could try, but don't get your hopes up."

Closing my eyes. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. I looked over at Illias whose face was red in anger. "Illias, whatever is going through that head of yours... don't. Please just go home and relax. Don't do whatever your mind is coming up with it would just backfire..." like everything else you came up with when it came to this boy, was left unsaid.

She looked over at me her eyes had a little madness in them. Why is she acting like this? Narrowing my eyes I watched her turn and leave. Looking over at Shake who was also looking over at Illias. Taking a deep breath hoping my friend will not do something stupid. Shake turned to me narrowing her eyes at me... I turned back to Illias and followed her making sure she didn't do anything stupid while we had Shake watching us.

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter so welcome to hell.