
Harry Potter/MonsterGirl as a Fat Bastard

You know you are ugly when the first thing you remember is being screamed at and punched by a full-grown man as a toddler. I may not be handsome but I am sure my mother loved me. At least I think she did. Dam it whoever placed me here. At least it is just me and my forest. What the shit is that? A monster, not a monster girl. Here on earth what the fuck is going on. I own nothing but plot and OC. He is reincarnated. No NTR at all for those messaging me. He is OP right from the start.

resistingsea · Movies
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15 Chs


Looking down at the compass and the arrow that is not moving. I looked into the pitch-black cave and back down to the compass. Letting out a sigh "into the dark creepy cave we go" Shrugging "fuck it and let there be light" waving my staff making a mage light that hovered over my shoulder as I stepped into the freshly lit cave.

With my staff on my right and my hand hovering over my grimoire as the pages waved back and forth. Following along the surprisingly smooth cave I noticed a lack of any signs of anything living or that had lived here. After checking every corner of the cave and finding nothing out of place from what I would have expected from a normal cave.

Finally, after finding light at the end of the tunnel I exited the cave and looked around at the open valley before me. I am now inside a Rift Valley separated from the outside hellish landscape. Inside the valley, I can see a pond with small creeks running off of it toward the sheer cliff walls.

The pond was bubbling up from the center, and from what I can assume is an underground hot spring judging from the steam that it is letting off. Looking around the pond and everywhere else I see white wheat-like grass growing as far as my eye can see. In some spots in the wheat grass, there were some smaller shrub bushes.

Turning back to the cave I came from I knew I didn't need it anymore and I could just portal out of here so I pulled a few Holy Hand Grenades out pulling their pins and tossing them down the shaft of the cave.

After causing the cave to collapse and tainting it with an extreme amount of Holy energy I started to look around exploring this out-of-place environment. Coming up with a game plan I started planting Holy Hand Grenades everything in my mana pool filled up. Placing one almost every hundred feet around the perimeter of the valley. The valley is not huge by any means but it was big enough for my needs in the future.

While I was planting the grenades I would also use the Holy water from the jug to sprinkle it as I walked. When the water hit the plants it would cause them to wither and turn to ash leaving normal-looking fertile soil on the ground. Grabbing a hand full of the now Holy water-covered soil I smelled it catching hints of earth, the fading scent of brimstone, and sulfur. Looking down at the jug and back over the valley I would need a while. But this will keep me busy at least for a while.

Pausing I chuckled as I was pretty much blessing hell. Shaking my head at the humorous thought I went back to sprinkling the ground after I planted more Holy Hand Grenades. The Holy energy radiating from the grenades would be good at holding off any kind of demonic beast and Monster Girls. If there are any of the Monster Girls like that here in this hell. For all I know I could be in a different dimension altogether.

Who knows maybe I will run into Lucifer if I am here long enough. After watering the outer rim of the valley, I decided to head to the pond to fill it with more grenades. After emptying the jug a few dozen times I watched as the water went from its reddish hue to a light white hue with a slight glow. The red and the with mixed almost like there was a fight for dominance after I chucked a few grenades into the pool of water did the white seem to be coming out on top.

Taking a knee at the edge of the water I held my hand over it while closing my eyes and sending a prayer to Big G. 'Yo God it is your favorite mortal down here in hell wondering if you can throw a blessing so I can have a hot spring?' watching a white pulse form around my hand cleansing the water to a pristine clear with a faint glow to it. Closing my eyes again 'Also if you can get those crazy Monster Girls to leave me alone?' Feeling my amulet vibrate I felt a connection attempt to reach out to me only to get slapped away. Dam one for two isn't bad. 'Thank Big G have fun with those big tittied angels.'

Brushing off my pants I watched as the white wheat-like grass in the area around the pond and creeks started to wither and die as the water soaked into the land. Hopefully, the people who lived here didn't come searching for me... who am I kidding I am prime beef to the denizens here. The demons who lived here probably haven't seen a human down here in who knows how long. Well, that is a future problem.

Rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet mulling over what kind of home I wanted to make me pause for a moment when the realization struck me I have not a dam clue how to build a house... or a cabin. I mean those primitive living channels I listened to in the background when I was working are not a good building guide...

Once I think it over I decided hell was not that bad it was neither hot nor cold it was a mild temperature. In that case, I decided to make a simple shed like the one's home dept. has for a few thousand dollars. A simple twenty-by-ten shed made out of wood instead of corrugated metal. Just imagining it, willing it to be, and some power. It was almost instantly replenished by my natural regeneration.

Being in hell I realized my regeneration was almost doubled that in the Monster Girl world. Pausing as a stray thought came to my head... if I was going to farm I would need plants... and plants in hell can't grow here... fuck I need to steal from Heaven... possibly.

I wonder if I grow cannabis would it become Holy cannabis that I could turn into Holy blunts? Chuckling at the mental image of me smoking Holy blunts while fighting demons with the smoke... not a bad plan though. First, though I need to get my hands on supplies to make hydroponic labs and some UV lights plus a generator.

Could I not just make the items? Maybe but then again why not just take the slow path until it either works or I break down in anger just to make it anyway. First, though I need to go to earth and get someone to teach me to grow weed.

Going onto the tallest point in the valley I decided that there is a good place for a waypoint for my coming and goings. Now how to make a waypoint... fuck. Letting out a sigh I pulled out my grimoire looking over the spells again. Shifting through the pages there was only two that may help me. A 'return' spell that allowed me to go back to the point I was teleported from.

It says teleported so I am hoping that this doesn't mean that it had to be under my powers. If so I would have to do it with my open spell hoping that it would allow me to go back to the well on the human side. Well, I would rather end back up in the Monster Girl territory than use the Amulet and end up in Heaven which I assumed to be Illias domain, and that crazy bitch no telling what she would do.

"Fuck it here I go... Return!" Feeling my magic shift around me I watched as white flashed across my vision. Blinking the blindness out of my eyes I looked around only to freeze... I am back in the room I was held captive... Looking around I see the room has been cleaned, and the door has been fixed. Hearing the heavy sound of feet pounding on wood I gulped raising my grimoire again as the door was slammed open revealing Elven guards in their leather bikinis...

"Return! Return, motherfucker!" As the light show was beginning I watched as more elves came inside the room gawking at me. One of them moved in only to be caught by the more scared Elf. "Go bitch! Go!" Yelling at my grimoire didn't speed up the spell but it did make me feel better for a few seconds as the Elves started yelling orders at the others.

The older scared one with black hair stepped up pointing at me and waving me to stop. Holding up my middle finger in response she growled at me and started chanting her spells. Some drawings started to appear around her and started spinning. The images looked like words in a language I did not know of. Fuck fuck fuck fuck hurry up you stupid fucking grimoire! Grabbing the grimoire I punched it a few times as it finally broke through whatever was figuratively holding it down.

The spell the woman was making broke apart much to her shock as she flinched back with a trickle of blood running down her nose as she looked at me in fear and awe. "Wait! We mean you no harm!" She called out to me. I stared at her for a moment before throwing my head back.

"Bye bitch!" I waved at her as dove at me while the space around me shuddered to suck me in back to my Valley. Lying on the ground panting. "I should have thought that through. Fuck me." Sitting on the dirt I looked up at the dark clouds as they lit up briefly with strikes of lightning crackling around. Hearing groaning I paused my thoughts and I looked over to see the Black-haired Elf.

Her 'clothes' were in tatters. She lay there moaning while clutching her head blinking dazed and confused. A trickle of blood ran down her nose every time she opened her eyes she would close them in pain.

Fuck this feeling my reserves were dangerously low I struggled to stand up. Creating some simple rope I gripped the end. Grabbing her feet I looped the rope around as she struggled briefly while moaning... I looked down at her as she flopped like a fish. With little effort I hog-tied her. Her hands and feet tied together above her back while she was dazed putting up a toke of a fight.

Pausing I thought about why it took so much more effort to leave than it did before. My only guess is the Elves made some kind of defense against spatial magic they didn't have before. Using the Amulet was an option but I didn't feel that threatened even with the Elves there. Plus with the Amulet, I could have ended up in any number of different locations if I used it in my panic.

Looking over the grimoire as I floated around me I glared at it. Well, it was my fault for using the return spell and not thinking it would take me to my last used location... mainly the Elf's domain. Looking over my prisoner I need to get my reserves up then I can deal with her until then "Sif" my loyal companion slithered around me with her bulk nudging me with her cold nose.

Patting her along her still-growing body. Her head was the size of my whole body. Looking into the glowing eyes as she closed them while I patted her. "Guard her, please. Make sure she doesn't leave." Sif nodded her massive head as arm-sized teeth showed as she yawned lazily and slithered behind the downed Elf watching every twitch of my prisoner.

Looking back at the Elf as I headed to my shed. I will get some answers tomorrow, but before that, I need some fucking sleep. Crashing into my sleeping bag inside of my shed I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the down fabric. One last thought made its way to the front of my mind. I wanted to get a puppy for here maybe two so I can make super dogs. The peaceful darkness with no dreams.

----(POV Change)-----

Looking over the security team that responded to the incursions it had come as a surprise the boy came back even if it seemed to be by accident. Not only that we had managed to find out she was in hell. Where our people would have gone in the coming months. Pledged be dammed when we were seen as nothing but a piece on the board to out two ex-rulers. Now that all of the spies have been killed while they tried to find a way to feed the outside in formation on us we can relax somewhat.

But the boy coming back here is a sign that it may happen again even if River passes over rocks as taken by mistake. It could only be a mistake with all of the witnesses there all of their accounts aligned with what we found out. The boy came back by accident, then panicked as River tried to set up a special barrier around him. But he broke through and some of her magic mixed with his spell dragging her through the breach.

Judging from the residue that was left behind she underestimated him by a lot. By her only using a simple locking spell he breached through the lock with much less difficulty than what we would have guessed. He has gotten more powerful than when he left. His very being has changed as well instead of the demonic taint that one would assume short-term exposure to hell would cause he seemed almost... Holy one would say.

He has been in hell for weeks and yet came back Holy... oh the irony that Fates have played. His very presence in hell much be causing some terror in the Demons there. The last time a Holy presence was in hell was before the 'goddess' Illias it was the fallen ones when they cut a path through hell it scared the very reality in that place. Time has no meaning souls of the dammed are lost for eons only to come back in masses of twisted abominations seeking to devour souls and flesh in a never-ending hunger.

Leaning back hoping to see Rivers alive again hell has a way of twisting even the most docile of Monster Girls into monsters in the truest sense of the word. But if the boy... Tyler had found a way to make a foothold in hell he has painted a bigger target on his back and made his value become the greatest. We Elves have found an untold number of dimensions that have been corrupted past the saving point.

For every dead world, we found there were ten that were lost to demons, outer gods, and false gods. More than one had tried to use the temporary connections between us as a foothold only to die at the end of our spells. Even with the last High-Grade Bloodline, it would have been impossible to make a foothold for long enough to make a difference.

Now hopefully with River there, she can ally ourselves with him. If we can this will give the Elves access to hell with little risk of it coming back and biting us in the ass so to speak. Leaning back on my throne hoping he will listen to her. Well, I did give explicit instructions to all of the Elves to be peaceful as possible with Tyler.

With little pushback from some of the Older Elves until they realized that we needed him. He didn't need us which was proven when he left with no word no sign just gone. It would be impressive if it wasn't so annoying to have everyone panic. The two Shadow Elves tried to kill themselves and would have if we didn't prove he left on his record and wasn't taken. They were still upset with themselves.

Now we wait and see if River can talk sense into him about coming to talk with us. If not for knowledge then for comfort. I would imagine hell wasn't a comfortable place to call home. But who knows with Tyler, half the time I feel as if he was flailing around. We could have stopped him from leaving, but that would have sent the wrong message to him. Now that he has a river we can follow him if needed, but we don't know what is on the other side.

A/N: How did you like the chapter? Updates will be less often if I can't help it. I have been taking care of my sick family. They are alright just making a cold seem life-threatening and my Grandmother is so nice to speak up so I have to play watchdog making sure they don't take advantage of her. Mainly my crackhead cousin who tried to steal from her... so yea can't pick family. But I sure as hell can kick their ass sometimes. Have a bless Holiday.