
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Liam cautiously walked closer to Roland while looking around him with wonder. Then he heard Lian, who was floating around, say:

(you don't have to be so cautious. No one can see us anyway. As I said, this is just a memory)

(That's why I keep asking you to explain what do mean memory? If it was something I forgot, then where am I? It's not like I don't know that I lost some of my memories... I remembered some things before. But mom said not to think much about it, so I forgot...)

When Lian heard that, he was annoyed and cut Liam's sentence retorting:

(That's why I said...)


(Tsk! What?!! I didn't say anything about them yet!)

The two glared at each other for a few minutes. Then a soldier's voice cut into their conversation:

(That's why commander! leader Maximilian is calling you back!)

Hearing this, Liam gave up on the glaring contest and asked Lian:

(who is Maximilian?)

Lian felt as if he had won. He smirked at Liam and said teasingly:

(Eeh~?! I can feel his aura, so you had met him, yet they didn't even tell you his name? )

When Liam glared at him, he shrugged and answered:

(It's your grandfather's name. But what's up with your family? can't they introduce themselves properly?)

Liam remembered what happened when he met his grandfather. He was embarrassed that he got all worked up and almost hurt him, so he said nothing in response to Lian. And looked at Roland, trying to understand what was happening around him.

The soldier talking to Roland was the one who came with an urgent report and woke him up.

So Roland, who couldn't have any sleep for days, looked at the soldier and replied emotionlessly with annoyance filling his eyes:

(Just what is it? It was my father who told me to come to the front lines. And I'm following that order)

The soldier coward away in the face of the annoyed commander and said:

(Co...Commander, I am here to report that your younger sister and her family went missing. And no one can locate their energy, so they need your power. The situation was dangerous. And until I reached the war zone, three months passed since the accident.)

As if falling in shock Roland went quiet. at that moment Lian said to Liam:

( That's how our uncle used to be before meeting you, scary, right?)

Liam was surprised when he saw Roland talking without emotions, it was even worse than himself, but he said to Lian:

(... Anyway I know that when I remember something I wouldn't be able to move or think clearly, and It would be like I'm inside my body but can't move it as I like. so what's happening now?)

(Ah~ that's because this is not precisely your memory it's your memory of reading Uncle's memory!)

(W...What do you mean?!)

(Exactly what I said. Oh, and you can move, think and talk freely because I'm here!)

(Realy?! then... thank you.)

Lian's face flushed red from embarrassment as if he didn't expect a thank you and said:

(...E...eh?! where did that come from suddenly...?)

At that moment, Roland ran to the tent in a hurry all of a sudden. And the soldiers followed along. So, Liam followed after them too.

(commander! what are your orders?)

(I'm going to do it alone)


Roland ignored the confused responses he got and said:

(Leo! gather all soldiers at standby, I'm going to personally end this annoying game. the moment I returned all troops are to be prepared for returning!)

a solder tried said in surprise hearing the order

(please reconsider sir! we could all fight alongside you and end this meaningless battle!)

Roland side-eyed him but said nothing.

on the contrary, Lio said : ( I'll immediately do as ordered sir!)

Leo was Roland's aide. Leo had known him since they were young. So, he was used to Roland's ways. He did not doubt the only man who always wore a clean white battle uniform.

Leo did not see in his Life that uniform getting dirty. Not even once. that wasn't because Roland hadn't participated in battles. On the contrary, thousands of souls would be lost once he stepped onto the battlefield.

Yet, his uniform stayed spikeless white. He was a terrific enemy to have.

Roland nodded without looking back and walked away, took what seemed to be a golden token, then closed his eyes. when he opened them again his sky blue eyes shone. Then his eyes color turned white and his black hair flattered around.

The man looked more stunning than ever.

Liam looked at Roland's appearance in surprise. then he heard Lian saying:

(looks cool, right?)

(...why does he look like this?)

Lian shrugged and said:

(donno. but he is using a lot of power right now, maybe because of that)

(Eh? what is he doing?)

(Not telling~ I hate spoilers the most! I won't say! oh but you can look forward to it this is my favorite part! It's so funny!!)

(what nonsense are you spouting since earlier?)

(hmm~ you don't seem to understand, huh? well, you won't have fun if you don't understand. Okay! I'm gonna explain!)

(...yes that's why I was telling you from the start to please explain.)

(okay then, I'm gonna tell you so that you can understand well and have fun!)

(...go ahead, I'm listening.)

(What a not cute response... Okay, listen carefully. I will make it short.

You were clever before you lost your memories. You were even wiser and more knowledgeable than the adults around you.

That's because your power was growing so quickly, and it needed a consciousness to control it.)

(wa...wait!! you say I was smarter than adults 'before' but, when I lost my memories, I was merely 3 years old!!)

(yeah, what about it? I always had a lot of fun when you talked to older people, they always stuttered and seemed stupid~ hahaha!)

Liam looked at Lian in disbelief. Lian was not lying. Liam could feel it.

But Liam knows that even if a person was not lying, it didn't mean that what they said was the truth... It could be their misunderstanding, so he said in shock and disbelief:

(b...but a normal 3-year-old could barely talk probably. Or if smart they could do a little more than that. If...if what you said was true... then, aren't I a monster?)

Lian said nothing for a moment and looked at Liam with eyes full of complicated emotions. It was full of annoyance, disapproval, and extreme sorrow. Then said slowly in a low voice:

(Since you have yet to remember, I will remind you... You promised me that no matter what other people say about us, you won't think badly about yourself, me, or our power...)