
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Lian looked at Liam and said with a serious look while a tear slid down his cheek: (Remember this, you promised me that you won't say or do anything that could break your own heart. I will tell you whatever you want to know, I will do whatever you want me to do I even slept all these years because you told me to, even though I hated it. Only that promise you have to keep, Liam.)

Liam did not fully understand why Lian suddenly got so emotional, but still, he had a feeling that he shouldn't refute him on this, no matter what. so, he obediently said:

(.....I understand)

Lian looked at Liam in doubt for a while then let out a sigh and said:

(Anyway, you wanted to know therefore I will tell you. so that you could understand what's going on now. keep questions for when you see this memory's end.

since uncle will start moving soon. I will tell you in short: you developed a consciousness before you were even born.)


Liam was shocked silly, but Lian paid him no mind and continued:

(Once you were born you started developing that consciousness alongside your power at an extremely high rate. you developed and used skills as if it was natural. But your power kept growing and as expected, you couldn't control it as a one-year-old child. so I awoke inside you when you were screaming for help!)

Liam said as if finding it hard to understand: (woke inside me...)

(yep~ anyway, as you grow up, you needed the experience to survive in the harsh environment you were in. The skill that easily helps you gain that experience was the 'memory experiencing' skill)

(Like reading other people's memories?)

(No. Not only reading them, but you would also literally experience what they went through. And you used this skill on your uncle, so a lot of the members you will regain will be about your uncle's life, and this is one of them.)

(Then why am I only seeing what happened now? I don't feel like I'm experiencing anything?)

(Pffft~ hahaha! what a dumb question!!)

Liam turned red from embarrassment, he was used to being insulted, but for some reason when Lian said dumb it strangely felt more offensive than any other insult. he didn't know why he felt like that and said:

(Hay! you said we promised not to talk bad about me!)

(yeah, you can't do it but I can~)

Liam didn't know how to refute, so he just glared at Lian with puffed cheeks. yet Lian only burst into laughter in response and said:

(Sorry, sorry I will answer, stop doing that face it's so funny you are killing me.)


(Fu~ Anyway, I keep telling you that this is a memory. when you used the skill in the past you indeed experienced it, but right now you are remembering that...

but anyway your power was growing to the point that I couldn't control so you sealed your power alongside me, and your consciousness. I woke up, but your consciousness which is a big part of you didn't yet. And your power is also still sleeping.)

(wait! what do you mean by that?!)

At that moment Roland stopped using his power. and his look returned to normal.

(Oh, he is going to start. look closely, Liam)

Liam looked at Roland, his beautiful crystal sky blue eyes returned to how they looked before. But had a slight hint of sarcasm. Liam looked at Roland in wonder as he noticed it.

Lian said (hahaha! It starting!)

Roland raised his left his hand, and as if imitating a kids-show excitedly, Lian raised his hand at the same moment. As they did so, the surroundings blurred upward and their location changed completely.

they appeared floating in the sky, in the middle of the fights. the place around them was full of colors as if they were in the middle of fireworks the attacks came right at them yet, Roland was unharmed and looked ahead as if they weren't of concern to him.

Then a man in a red uniform holding a spear jumped in the air and thrust his spear at Roland's back as he shouted " who do you think you are standing there arrogantly?!"

Liam got shocked and shouted (Uncle Roland behind you!!)

Lian looked at Liam, laughed, and said nothing.

Roland didn't even look at the man and lazily rotated his body avoiding the spear by a hair's distance.

At that moment, a shout full of horror came from below them: (Idiot! Samuel! stop it and come down this instant!)

Roland glanced at the old man who shouted and calmly said: (That's one.)

The old man who wore a red battle uniform similar to the man with the spear looked back at Roland as if looking at the source of his nightmares.

Then the man with the spear, Samuel said in a voice full of confidence: ( don't worry, father! he barely avoided my hit earlier and it wasn't even my full power!)

Samuel raised his spear to the sky and charged it with his superpower till it shined red and smirked at Roland.

Roland looked back at Samuel and said in a relaxed tone (Hmm... you have some potential)

Samuel swung his spear down and said with sarcasm (Huh! well, thanks!)

A strong red spark was released from the tip of the spear toward Roland. yet Roland only looked at it without moving till it hit him.

Liam who was watching silently jumped in surprise while Lian calmly patted his shoulder and said (just calm down, Uncle is the strongest!)

Liam looked back at Roland who calmly brush a slight wrinkle on his clothes while saying (not bad...)

Samuel got irritated and changed at Roland with all his strength while shouting (aaaaaah!) at the same time his father frantically screamed: (Samuel!!! stop!!)

Roland calmly grabbed the spear coming at his face with a speed almost invisible to the naked eye and said: (That was the third.)