
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Lian (1)

When Liam opened his eyes, he found the surrounding area strange and unfamiliar.

It was dark and he stood on top of an unsteady carpet which seemed to be on top of the sand.

He looked left and right but saw no one, then he heard someone's hissed voice coming closer:

(Stop! He ordered that no one is to disturb his sleep!)

An angry voice sounded in response:

(But they said it's urgent, if we don't inform him directly we will be scolded)

(please stop there! don't get any closer to the commander's tent! if the commander woke up because of the commission you are causing we're dead! he wasn't able to sleep for the past few days)

(I'm saying it's urgent!!!)

(No matter how urgent you are, it must have taken you months to reach here, so a few more hours won't....)

when they were coming closer Liam got scared and was searching for a place to hide but was startled by an annoyed voice that suddenly sounded from behind him:

(TSK! I already woke up, stop being noisy!)

When Liam looked back cautiously, he saw a man who seemed to be in an extremely bad mood, he was a familiar man.

(Uncle Roland!!!)

He saw Roland, who in front of him always had a kind smile, now with an irritated look on his face.

Liam mastered the courage to call him out. yet he got no response, no Roland did not even look at him.

for some reason, he was shocked that he got no response and was disappointed that the smile didn't form on Roland's face as he expected.

Then Liam heard another voice coming from beside him:

(What are you so surprised about?)

It was a voice of a child.

It was a familiar voice yet he had no memory of hearing it before.

before Liam had the time to respond, a child that looked similar to him but unlike Liam's curly short black hair, the child had silky white long hair.

And instead of the crystal sky blue eyes, the child had bright red eyes, and... he unlike Liam did not look skinny and sick.

so when Liam looked at the child's rosy cute, chubby cheeks he grabbed his cheeks as if embarrassed

(hahaha! what are you embarrassed about?!)

The boy laughed delightedly and float around Liam. Liam was surprised when he saw him flying.

at first, he thought the boy was a soul, but when he looked at him he wasn't transparent like the souls he saw so far.

again when Liam was about to say something the boy talked first:

(hmm... it seems like you haven't woken up yet... maybe that's why I'm still sleepy. But seeing that I was able to wake up, you got outside the barrier, huh?)

Then the boy laughed playfully and said solemnly:

(Ahem! don't worry about your cheeks dear child~ if you eat well, in a few weeks you are going to become healthy!)

Liam looked at the boy in suspicion then looked at Roland and called (Uncle...)

(... I didn't expect this... are you ignoring me?

well, since I'm the more mature one now, I won't take it to heart! Uh, and I will tell you something good, Uncle won't respond to you since this is only a memory!)

(who... who are you? what do you mean memory?)

(Wah... that hurts more than I thought... who I am you say... Let's see you never gave me a name so I don't have one... Hay Liam give me a name!)


(Come on If you give me one I will tell you what's going on!!)

(Th...then... since we look the same Li...Lian?)

(Oh? you only changed the last letter of your name huh? Well, that makes us seem like twins, I Like it.

I bet uncle will get confused~ haha! Anyway Liam you know that there are things you don't remember right?)

(...what are you talking about?)

(It seems like they glossed over it huh? As I thought, I hate your parents)

Liam puffed his cheeks and said angrily:

(I don't know what you are talking about, but don't bad mouth my mom and dad!)

Lian was shocked by Liam's childish response, then he changed his tone to a more mature one and said half serious half laughing:

(I understand, I understand, so calm down, dear child~)

Liam said: (humph!) in response.

Which made Lian think it was even funnier, then Lian looked around and said:

(Look, your uncle left long ago... is it fine not to chase after him?)

(Oh no! uncle! where did he go?!)

(You see that place where the light is entering? go and open it, that's the tent door, Uncle went out from there)


(Fufu~ that's a good boy listening to your big brother!)

Liam felt strange when he heard Lian calling himself 'big brother' but he said nothing as he tried to walk cautiously so as not to dumb into anything as the surrounding was dark and he could barely see anything.

Then Lian reminded him:

(Like I said this is a memory you are remembering, so you can't touch anything here)

when Liam heard that he tried to touch a nearby table, but his hand went right through it!

Liam was surprised and asked as he left the tent:

(just what do you mean by memory....?!)

Liam then got shocked by what he saw... It was chaotic all around.

Superpower attacking and defining the sky was full of colors as if there were fireworks on a festival day.

the place was surrounded by a thin white barrier and inside the barrier people wearing black military uniforms stood, as if supporting the barriers.

some of them stood by it, and others wearing the same uniform were fighting on the outside of the barrier against other soldiers with five different military uniforms.

The only one wearing a completely white uniform was Roland standing with confidence in the face of hundreds of attacks not lifting a finger. Yet not even one attack reached him, what the barrier couldn't stop a subordinate would jump effortlessly and take down with ease.

All the soldiers wearing black seemed to take the fight around them as adults playing with children It seemed way too easy yet strangely the fight continued.

And the strangest thing was that even though all that chaos was going around, it was so quiet.