
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

How Does It Work?

Everyone was busy with their own affairs. There was a lot of work, and people worked without rest. It was necessary to rework the jetpack for space flights, to deal with the gold, to purchase metal so that Torterra could improve his weapons, to study the effects of metal charged by Torterra on people and plants. This list did not include the normal duties of the people on the island that also needed to be done.

Therefore, the island was bustling with activity. Torterra himself was sitting on the edge of the island, chewing on the Kaiju he defeated a few days ago. He had almost finished eating.

He noticed that a man was walking on the island with a crutch. 'It must have been Alejandro who flew in to help with the gold...' he thought. Eating Kaiju on the island was very comfortable. You can wash yourself of the toxic blood and not worry about the pollution of the ocean, because the entire area around the island is fenced off.

He just sat there for several days and watched people work from time to time. Airplanes and helicopters constantly flew to the island. There has never been such a flurry of activity. He could hear the planes flying in the distance before anyone could see them. He also heard everything the people said on the island.

'People have so many things to do that I am ashamed to just sit and eat with them,' he thought. No one knew what he was thinking. They didn't think about such things. Many of them were happy that Torterra intercepted the Kaiju right at the portal, so they worked even more enthusiastically. Before that, no one dared to do this, because it is difficult for Jaegers to fight underwater.

Another plane landed on the island. Many people came out of it, including Raleigh and another person with glasses. Torterra recognized him. It was Dr. Biologist who came up with Kaiju Drift. In short, he was a crazy Kaiju lover, but a good biologist.

Yun ran up to them and greeted them. After that, the three of them went to my place.

'What do they want from me?' For some reason I didn't want to talk to this guy. He was under suspicion because he betrayed humanity in the movie.

It is worth mentioning that he was not the only one who drifted. A scientist-mathematician was also with him, but for some reason only this biologist became a traitor. I can only suggest that his fanaticism was of a more negative nature than simply admiring large monsters.

"Hello. I want to introduce you to Dr. Newton Geiszler." Raleigh introduced the man standing next to him.

"Just Newton. I am a doctor only for my mother. HA-HA," the biologist joked. Raleigh and Yun just smiled back.

"Newton volunteered to study the effects of your metal on humans and plants," Raleigh continued.

"Not quite!" Newton interrupted him and continued to speak himself. "I've been studying you since you first appeared, and I'm a fan of yours! You are simply wonderful in everything! You and the Kaiju are so wonderful. No! You are perfect beings!"

Torterra frowned when he called Kaiju perfect beings. This guy is exactly the same as in the movie.

"So you love Kaiju?" When Torterra asked this question, the atmosphere around him changed to a heavy and depressing one. The doctor took a few steps back and swallowed nervously.

"It's not that I love them... It's just that I'm a biologist, and this hobby is related to my profession." He did not dare to defend his point of view in front of Torterra. He felt like an ant in front of the huge beast staring at him. Torterra's eyes seemed to glow and his teeth were on display, covered in blue blood from the Kaiju he had eaten.

"So what do you say about the influence of metal?" Torterra wondered if his idea would work, so he got down to business. Somehow threatening this boy or warning him about the consequences of loving a Kaiju was useless. This guy enjoyed this kind of fear.

"So! It is very exciting. Your metal emits the same invisible energy as you. We still do not know what it is, and we cannot measure it. It looks like radiation, but it is not radiation. We can only talk about the effects of this energy." Dr. Newton spoke with joy in his voice.

"Have you finished your research yet? It's only been a week since I entrusted it to Yun." Torterra was surprised. Usually these things take years of research.

"Well we didn't research your metal."

Torterra was surprised. 'Then why did he fly here? Just to get to know each other?' He thought, but said nothing, giving the doctor a chance to explain what he meant.

"All we had to do was make sure that the energy your metal was emitting was the same as yours. I have been studying you for many years. I've been to almost every city you've been in, at least for a few weeks. All these years I have been studying your effects on organisms!" Dr. Newton was smiling broadly, as if he was finally getting the recognition he deserved.

"So how does it work?" Yoon couldn't stand the dramatic pause the doctor made and asked the question the doctor had been waiting for.

"This is the funnest part. You see, when radiation affects DNA, it destroys it. But your energy doesn't work like that. More precisely, yes, but not like that! For organisms, it is not enough just to have DNA in which everything is written, you need to have a mechanism for working with this code! So! To put it simply, cells have such "robots" that read DNA and correct it. This mechanism is affected by your energy!"

"And how does it affect?" Yun was impatient.

"Very easy! These "robots" are getting faster and better at their jobs. Any DNA damage is repaired faster and better, and the DNA is not just better cared for, but renewed. In other words, the body is able to adapt to any conditions under the influence of your energy. The plants become stronger and their seeds have more nutrients!"

It was fascinating information, and the doctor took another dramatic pause to enjoy the expressions on his listeners' faces.

"So it's not harmful?" This time, Raleigh decided to clarify whether he had understood correctly.

"Harmful? You're joking? On the contrary! It makes bodies much stronger and healthier. It doesn't have much of an effect on humans because humans grow slowly, but plants grow tens times faster. People will feel the effect only after a few generations, but plants show the result immediately!"

Hearing the doctor's words, Torterra immediately remembered Harry. He lived with him for 3 years and only at the end found out that he was sick and dying. Would Harry have had a chance of being completely cured of his illness if he had been with him longer? But maybe he continued his life anyway. Maybe without him, Harry would have died in two years...

"Then our children will become mutants?" Yun was immediately startled upon hearing this information.

"NO! You have not understood anything! The influence of this energy is aimed at development, not change! Our children will simply become healthier and from the diseases that we are dying from now, they will only get a cold."

'Perfectly! This means that people will fight for this metal!' Dollar signs appear in Torterra eyes and an evil smile appeared on his face. This is phenomenal! He will no longer have to dig for months in the swamp at the bottom of the ocean to find gold! People themselves will give him their gold to get at least a piece of his metal. And most importantly, no one can fake his product. If the plants didn't start to grow better after a couple of days from a piece of metal, then it's just a fake!

"Don't smile like that! You're scaring me." Yun remarked to him when she saw the evil smile on Torterra's face. It's worth noting that his teeth were covered in blue blood, so it was a pretty creepy smile.

"When will the metal I ordered arrive?" Turning his face back to normal, Torterra changed the subject.

"In two weeks!" Yun answered.

"Marshall already knows about this, so he's already arranging the sale of your metal along with finding sponsors for our space program," Raleigh said. It was actually looking for sponsors for the Jaeger program, but it was presented as a new space program.

Everyone knew about it, but the world council could not do anything. In fact, with the help of Yun, the whole world knew about these projects and people really wanted to see the implementation of the space program. People have long dreamed of having some kind of base on the moon, so the response was impressive.

The World Council could only bite their elbows with envy, but they couldn't stop it. They could not abandon the ban on the distribution of blue fuel under the pressure of many countries and companies, and start their own space program. They also couldn't ban the "space program" because Marshall advertised it as an Torterra`s initiative, which also impresses people.

The World Council had no influence on Torterra, and the fact that he killed a Kaiju right at the portal made him very popular in the world. Their censorship could no longer cope with the daily news from the island. The hope they wanted to give people by building the wall was destroyed by the interest in space. Torterra was just announce another new era, and this time it was one that people had long wanted.

'Looks like I'm going to be very busy for the next few months,' Torterra was aware that he would have a lot of work to do. But there was a problem. If it were to work with metal underwater, then it could raise the temperature of the ocean in that region. Although compared to the ocean, it was like a bacterium compared to a human, but even a bacterium could cause disease in a human.

Constantly boiling water while working is not very pleasant. Torterra needed to expand the island. Fortunately, he had already made the brick blanks for this.


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