
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Movies
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127 Chs

At the Portal

This time, the search for gold took quite a long time. Having flown over America, I immediately dived into the ocean and began to look for gold in the right region. I didn't leave the jet pack on the shore because I might not find it later. And not because someone could steal it, but because I really could not find it. With my knapsack on my back, I combed the ocean.

The shape of the ship seemed familiar to me, and while I was looking for it, I remembered that this ship was similar to the one in the movie "Sahara". This ship in the movie sailed all the way to Africa, so after two months of searching I already thought that I should have sailed to Africa. But, fortunately, this ship was a legend, but this legend came true.

In my hands I held an armored ship, exactly like the one in Mr. Smith's picture. In fact, I met dozens of ships during those months. They all distracted me with their rusty smell, but none of these ships had anything of value inside.

After going to US shore, I turned on the jet pack and flew back. I held the ship with both hands pressed to my chest. It was difficult to fly, but if I didn't make any sudden movements, I could fly straight without falling.

"Gold!" When I climbed onto the island with the ship in my hands, the people around me started to have fun. Every person on the island wanted to help clean it and ship it. Even Yoon volunteered in men's clothing.

This reaction was normal, but what surprised me was the Gardener Jaeger. I found him dragging my axe. He was able to pick it up, but could barely reposition legs to walk. He tried to rearrange the ax to clean the place where it lay. And the place where it was turned into a jungle.

Despite the fact that the floor was made of solid stone, it was still somehow overgrown with various plants. And the greatest concentration of plants was in the place where the ax stood.

I approached the Jaeger and took my ax from him with one hand. Looking closely at the ax, I felt that it was emitting the same energy as my body. Energy that affects plants. I guess it was logical, since this ax was literally born in my fire.

"Hmm… If metal objects made by me can affect plants like this, then I don't need to travel the world to restore the desert areas of the planet. It will be enough to leave some metal object made by me there. I wonder how much people will be willing to pay for such items?" Despite the fact that it was a good idea, it is unlikely that you can make much money from it.

"Yun!" I looked at Yun and called her. She was silent and pretended that she did not see anything.

"He's calling you! Stop pretending, everyone knows you are Yun!" People next to her started joking and took the helmet off her head.

"Damn… What is it?" Yun lowered her head and answered Torterri with a sad expression. She wanted to pretend to be a worker and take a couple of coins.

I broke off a piece of metal from the ax and placed it in front of her. "First take it to the scientists and find out the effect of this metal on people and plants. If it is safe for people and has a positive effect on plants, then find out if there are people who would like to buy such items and how much they will cost. It would be ideal if such items were bought by countries to green up deserts or by agricultural companies to increase yields." In recent months, Yun had gotten much better at sign language, so she didn't need an interpreter.

"Will be made!" She saluted in imitation of a soldier and ran to the scientists to negotiate with them, leaving a piece of metal on the ground. It was too heavy, so she planned to return with the transport after it.

"When is the next attack?" I asked the base manager (what the hell is his name?) who was constantly watching me.

"About a week later."

This answer surprised me. I must have miscounted the days while I was looking for the ship. It's actually hard to keep track of time underwater.

This time I wanted to meet the Kaiju at the portal. There was no fear of me, and even if they were faster underwater, it didn't matter to me anymore.

I walked over to the wall where there was space for the jet pack. With my back to the wall, I took a few steps back until I heard the jet being locked. The heavy chains clattered loudly as they were dragged to the ground by gravity after I began to unlock the locks on my body. Taking off my knapsack, I took my ax and dove into the ocean.

A hunt was waiting for me.

This is the first time I was going to visit the portal. Due to the humans trying to close the portal with nuclear weapons, the ground around the portal was highly radioactive. The portal itself was deep underwater in the gap between the continental plates.

It is not known if the aliens chose this place because it was difficult for humans to access, or if it was a technical necessity for the portal to work.

I descended deeper and deeper, playing off the underwater rocks.


There was a muffled sound of feet hitting the ocean floor. I was standing almost at the portal. There were many rocks around, some of them glowing red from the hot lava. I bent down to the ground and took the radioactive sand from the ground in my hand.

"I can absorb all that radiation while I wait." Coming here was a good idea. Clenching my hand into a fist, I slowly poured the sand out of my hand. Straightening up, I went to the portal. In front of me was another crack in the ground, from which a lot of light came out, which illuminated everything around.

Standing on the edge of the crack, I looked down. It was like a well, at the bottom of which was red-hot lava and a strange orange crack in space. The light from the crack was stronger than the lava, and it looked like you were looking at the sun through the leaves of the trees.

Admiring this miracle, I moved away from the edge and found a rock on which I sat down. My ax lay at my side, far enough away to reach it with my hand.

I have to wait here for a whole week. I was going to do what every Pacific Rim fan wanted to do - stand on the edge of the portal and cut the Kaiju's head off before he knew what was happening.

Sitting and waiting for the Kaiju was pretty boring. But the longer I sat, the more paranoid I got. If I cut off a Kaiju's head and it falls back into the portal, what will the aliens think? Now there is one drawback in the portal, and it is that the Kaiju can both leave it and enter it. But there hasn't been a single case of Kaiju coming back yet, so why did they leave that feature in?

The technology of this portal is so advanced that it can read your DNA and decide whether or not to let you through. But people don't know that! People think that the portal is one-sided. But what will happen when Torterra sees the Kaiju corpse fall back into the portal? That's right, he learns that Kaiju can enter the portal.

Or rather, the aliens learn that Torterra has discovered the secret of the portal. Then they will really make the portal one-sided! And after that, only death awaits everyone, including Torterra.

"Even now, with just one mistake, I can ruin everything." I felt a little scared after all these thoughts. No mistake could be made.

I didn't give up the fight at the portal, I just decided not to kill him right away, but to meet him when he came out. I believed that even under such conditions, I would be able to kill the Kaiju quickly.

It was dark at the bottom of the ocean. Only the volcanic light illuminated the space, giving the surroundings an ominous orange hue. From the side of the portal came a noise similar to the sound of a crack spreading in the stone. The light that emanated from the portal increased, illuminating the ocean floor, and after a few seconds, faded again, returning to its calm state.

I was in my seat. As soon as I sensed the appearance of the Kaiju, my mood immediately worsened. In the darkness of the ocean, I could see my eyes focused on the crack in the ground where the portal was. A faint orange light illuminated one half of my body. The other half of my body was obscured by shadow. I hid an ax in this shadow.


The monster's thin and bony hand climbed out of a crack in the ground and lifted a lot of silt from the bottom. A moment later, another hand slowly climbed out of the portal and hit the bottom of the ocean in the same way, kicking up silt.

I watched as long and thin spikes began to rise upwards. This Kaiju had many fine spikes on its back and head. The more he showed himself to me, the more my mood worsened.

My face was no longer calm. It was angry and frowning. Even though the Kaiju had already exited the portal, I took my time getting up and attacking him. I wanted him to come closer.

The Kaiju's long arms came off the ground as legs were already standing in their place. The same thin and ugly legs. The monster looked at me with his eyes... And he had a lot of eyes. Its round head was completely covered in eyes that glowed with bioluminescent light. These eyes were not only on the head, but also on the body, giving this beast all-round vision.

The Kaiju straightened up, showing his full height. Although it was difficult to judge, it was definitely a category 4.


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